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Revision as of 00:56, 8 June 2023

Top of the Totem Pole
Part of Festering Infestation
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Mojo Joe
Casualties and losses


Oh those spirits and their wacky shenanigans.


Amidst the district of Redmond spirits as of late have been acting strange and far more hostile than usual. Ezekyle worried about the oncoming threat has sent out a request to the Haven to find runners willing to do this in exchange for magical drugs and perhaps simply the kindness of their heart since this could spell disaster for many others.

The Meet

Arriving at an abandoned small motel building, the group of runners ran into Ezekyle communicating via a monitor stationed in the main room of the building. Informing the group of runners of the approaching threat and that small bits of information they were able to gather. Stating their were two leads, an ominous ritual circle and the speaker. Thankful for the information, the group of runners set off to find the Speaker to gain more context as to what has happened.

Having heard enough intel and wanting the friendly ghoul to catch a nap. The group of runners headed towards the Speaker to find out what she may know about the current crisis. After a brief chat with the Speaker she revealed that there was a potential lead via either a Boggart spirit or a potential lost spirit once belonging to the wild hunt. Proceeding this and some strange information revealed via some assensing the runners got a strange new craving for HORIZON BRAND ENERGY DRINK FRUIT PUNCH FLAVOR ONLY 3 NUYEN! All except Orchid being immensely confused. With this in mind the runners thanked her for her time and decided that investigating the site Ezekyle indicated would be the best way to proceed with the spirits kept in mind should something go awry.

The Plan

Heading towards the ritual site, the runners were met with a powerful ward emanating from a seemingly abandoned building. Force 14 to be more specific. Some brief investigation revealing it to be of one of the Native American traditions. The exact one uncertain. However, through deliberations the runners came to the likely conclusion it was not responsible for the events that have caused the spirits to be as upset as they are. Keeping the location in mind the group continued onwards towards the Wild Hunt spirit, eager to see what it was doing here and what information it could offer.

Arriving at a strange and flourishing park the group managed to track down and find an ominous and cryptic cat/dog like spirit seemingly annoyed at their presence. After managing to appeal to its ego or something similar, the spirit stated it desired either the summoning of the Wild Hunt itself or bringing them to the "ever burning river of fire" being an analogy for Yellowstone. However, continued conversation showed itself to be a rather malicious and hostile spirit. And after a quick quip from Mojo and Elaine, the spirit bounded for the Boggart which the runners now needed to save.

The Run

The runners with haste arrived at what seemed to be an old run-down parking lot, the Wild Hunt spirit currently in active combat with the Boggart. With haste the runners prepared, Mojo Joe summoning a spirit of water to trip it up while Elaine charged forward to engage it in battle. Through their combined efforts, and comical use of powers, the spirit failed to even move properly without face planting. Elaine then not too long after swooping in for the kill on the malicious entity. Almost... humiliating. Like... super hamulating.

Much to the amusement of the Boggart, the hostile Wild Hunt spirit went down alarmingly easy. After realizing however the Boggart was speaking... gibberish. Thanks to a brief call to Coldspot, the runners were able to figure it was using a Native American dialect ran through a 1940's translator. Later learned to be an Enigma cypher used during World War 2. Still rolling with this though and talking to the spirit, the runners quickly learned of the spirit's playful nature and agreed to solve some riddles in exchange for information. With a bit of Learning that the potential cause for the strife was likely related to a tragic incident that took place in a high school in Redmond. Strange disappearances happening at night in that area as well. Though while a factor in it, said incident did not seem to be the focal point for the spiritual crisis going on. A couple more riddles later and the runners were able to figure out that there may be objects forming a sort of triangle shape, all spirits within said triangle being under the strange affects.

Some brief matrix work via Orchid later and Elaine perceiving led to the exact location where the points may be and that it may be a possible conductor for a powerful ritual. After giving their new spiritual friend a hug and some light damage to their gear, the group of runners set off the find what had been causing whatever has been going on.


Upon investigating the point in meat space, the runners found a totem pole. Yet no background count. Suspicious of this those that were astrally active briefly assensed the pole only to be met with massive degrees of psychic damage. Deciding this was likely a threat worthy of stronger runners. The runners contacted Ezykyle, informed him the job was done. And went along their way.


  • 8 Karma (8 RVP)
  • 10 CDP (4 RVP)


  • 200 Nuyen and 2 doses of little smoke per RVP
  • Ezykyle Burten (C2/L1) 2 RVP or 4 CDP
  • Enigma the Boggart (C4/L2) 5 RVP or 10 CDP

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)