Maryann Clay

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Maryann Clay
Maryann Clay.jpg
Maryann Clay's profession is Seer, her passion is Bluegrass music.
Maryann prefers divination using cards or crystal balls. On request, most other methods are acceptable.
Reading entrails is disgusting.
Contact OwnerRichard_Villiers
Owner's Discord NameVilliers
Public Contact?Yes
LocationSnohomish, Maltby
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen (Cross my palm with silver)
Personal LifeMarried
FactionRedmond Amateur Theatrical Society
AspectsFavors the Awakened
Tarot Affinity
Good Reputations are Good
Banjo Player Extraordinaire
I've Seen Them in My Dreams
Favors Hooders
Gaze Into The Crystal Ball


Maryann is a graduate of Menifee County High School. UK school of fine arts. Bachelor of Music/Master of Music. UCAS citizen and licensed Mage. Maryann and her husband Bobby Coomer recently moved to Snohomish from Menifee County Kentucky. Maryann Clay and her band Spirits of the Bluegrass have been enchanting audiences in Redmond recently.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Favors the Awakened +2 to tests for an awakened character.
Tarot Affinity +2 to Divining tests using Tarot cards.
Gaze Into The Crystal Ball +2 to Divining tests using a crystal ball.
Good Reputations are Good +2 to tests for characters with positive street cred and no notoriety.
Banjo Player Extraordinaire She is very very good with her banjo. +2 to performance tests playing her banjo.
I've Seen Them in My Dreams +2 to knowledge tests regarding magical threats.
Favors Hooders Maryann likes those who Work For The People. +2 to tests for characters on a hooding run. GM fiat.


Knowledge Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 14 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact

No active characters with this contact have been found.

NPC who know this contact

Naomi Fisk

Katherine Davis

Maria di Gangi

Carleton Moreau

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Disassembling the FoodchainVilliers7 May 2085
OUTS - It Takes Two to TangoVilliersAll The World's a Stage30 March 2085
Blue Grass and Red NecksVilliers4 February 2085