Not Just a Touristville Shootout

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Fennec's Stream

Date: 07 September 2084 By: Fennec

“Hi hi, KuroFennec Deeeeeeeeeeeeesu! I'm back from trying to figure out who was blowing up Touristville so loud I could hear it in VR!” Chat scrolls by over her glasses, the fox humming and swaying in place as she absorbs the backscroll - and the funds. "Wowie! Thanks for the hundo, ZedzedzedTripleZero! No, I won't show you the shoes I walked in to get there! Gross! But thanks!" Ignoring the burst of additional cash chats that comes in, Fennec moves on by kicking a foot up into frame, a shaky clip of a small piece of the firefight carried onto screen with it.

"Quite the gunfight, right? They're using guns and armor that's like, way too expensive for this to be just a shootout between gangers! And from the sound of it? They moved like real pros, too." A little hum, and the fox-currently-girl shakes her head. "Imagine, something shady happening in Touristville! Weird. Well, your favorite Vtuber checked in on things personally! That's right, I went outside for you, my little tailtips!" A wave of AR protest across her glasses. "What? C'mon chat, you didn't protest nearly this much when I was collapsing buildings to draw a fox in the Barrens." Wink.

"But here's the deal, chat - these guys were pros, and they were speaking French. Now, I don't have to tell all of my smart little tailtips what that means. But so that P2.1 chat can catch up to what's obvious to everyone else - France has a little AI problem! And an anonymous source I met at the scene of the shootout tells me that these were French operatives."

Fennec leans in for emphasis. "That's right, my little tailtips - DGSE spies, right here in Seattle! Shooting the poor, innocent civilians of Touristville. Won't someone think of the children?!" A hand rising to her forehead, the matrix foxgirl fake-swoons.

Rising with virtual stars spinning around her head, Fennec lets out a sigh, then puts on an almost-serious face. Almost. "Now, these guys aren't shy about silencing journalists. Y'know what that means, chat?" A moment is given - and just as she hoped, an answer rolls in. "Thanks for the five, MudslingerKissinger! That's right - they have something to hide! So here's what I want you to do, my little tailtips - if you hear someone chatting French, and if they look like a fed, keep an ear out. I'd -love- to hear about what they have to say, so send it my way! The first ten legit tips get rigged into my next Stellar-I-Us-VII tourney!"

And as chat excitedly prattles at the prospect, the stream moves on to other topics.