Wizgangs Menace the Sprawl!

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Wizgangs Menace the Sprawl!

Date: 7/22/2084 By: Suzi Stefon

"In early evening hours today, we could witness another example of violence in our beautiful sprawl," the curly-haired NewsNET reporter eagerly belts out. "Redmond is once again the stage of extreme violence committed by the criminal element, but this time, we're experiencing black magic at work."

The feed presents a typical Redmond no-man's land with a squat in the background, with ten figures with longarms, automatics and heavy weapons duking it out in the distance. They're clad in black, shooting, with really large missiles used by the one who must be a dwarf, six having obvious magic around their bodies in the form of swirling grey masses like thunderclouds. Spirits, clear fire spirits, join the fray as well. Manaballs are being slung from the squat.

"A dangerous wizgang Lone Star, the holder of private business contracts in the nearby Snohomish, reports as the Ruiners, clashed with unknown vigilantes before the second police force in Seattle could seize them. The identities of their supporters remain unknown, but like the corporation, the peoples of Redmond, Snohomish and the general Seattle public are thankful for their contribution to security of the metroplex!"

She turns to the camera with the expression of glee of any news-vulture smelling blood in the water of a hot topic. "Following the questions raised by the public," she continues as she's replaced with images of what must be a ritual chamber, "concerned citizens want to know what our lawmakers will do with the growing problem of foul magic like that utilized by the Ruiners. We cannot count on law enforcement agencies and helpful vigilantes all the time. We approached Democratic and New Century Party spokespeople for comment while the investigation underway progresses. We will keep you updated as other government powers can weigh in. This was Suzi Stefon on NewsNET Evening, an official subsidiary of Horizon Group guaranteeing the highest quality of information provided. Horizon - We Know What You Think™!"