Weird Science

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Weird Science
Status Threat Level: Low
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Forked Fangs
Rosalia 32
Thomas Warloff
John Baptise


The team is asked by Thomas Warloff to get back his paperwork on a thesis of a new proposal for plascreet he was thinking of. Money and power hungry, the Forked Fangs who preyed upon Thomas get defanged.


Thomas Warloff is always bad off when it comes to dating, and this time was no different. Asked to a runner bar under the guise of a date, he was robbed almost immediately as he got there. In his bag was a paper he was working on, along with his personal belongings. He hired runners Omen and Rosalia to get it back!

The Meet

Through fixers, Thomas asks the teem to meet in a department store with a call and response; "What's better, subs or dubs? > Both are equally good". However, when asked, Thomas goes on a diatribe and is unable to at the start realize he was speaking with the runners in question. After being gently nudged, he invited them to DNI and the trio split ways to keep things mundane seeming, while also being able to try and yap them all up about the model kits he oh so loved.

The general understanding of the situation was Thomas felt that he was targeted and robbed given a recent discovery and publishing on P2.0 about his upcoming thesis. The thesis in question he streamlined when speaking with the runners, but mentioned that he felt he was going to revolutionize the way the modern world used plascreet.

Given how important his satchel with the paper and in progress copy of his thesis, he asked the team to get it back for him for 4000 nuyen.

The Plan

The duo of Rosalia and Omen start to pry into what happened with Thomas. He had posted online and then very soon after found a match on his commlink's Liebesekretar. Not being able to realize the potential trap, he headed down to the local dive and was promptly liberated of his dreams of a date, and his belongings. Thinking about the subject and the story Thomas had gone over, the duo realize that it might be due to the work of the 'Forked Fangs', a small time go-gang that uses snakes as a motif in their tattoos.

Deciding to check out the bar, Omen and Rosalia do find that there is a Forked Fang member, and steak out the bar. Lying in wait, the duo plant a tracker on the unwitting member, who then heads foolishly back to their hideout.

The Run

After approaching the building where the Forked Fang member went to, the team find hiding at the front door an invisible Forked Fang member, as well as a spirit floating around the astral. Deciding on what to do, Rosalia and Omen decide to try a peaceful method. Approaching the member, their constant asks and bribes were rebuffed, so Omen, getting annoyed, decides to lash out, knocking out the ganger.

With little time to spare before being spotted by the patrolling spirit, the duo try to sneak into the underground garage, finding them suddenly caught in a pincer; the spirit had found the body and was making moves to apprehend them. Wanting to turn the situation around, they hop above ground to tackle the spirit. They fight, destroying it before its able to hurt either of them too badly.

Moving to take out those underground, Rosalia rushes in to give the beatdown to the troll with a shotgun and sword. While she does connect, his tough body makes it hard to damage, and her attacks are rebuffed. Omen heads down as well, and engages the troll.

The duo now caught in combat, are weighed down by gunshots and sword slashes, are hurt and bruised from the combat, but are ultiamtely victorious when downing the troll. With only one weaker member left after the troll, mage, two spirits, and the other two street sams taken out, the last man up surrenders, and shows Omen and Rosalia to the 'loot room'.


Resisting the urge to sort through his stuff, Omen and Rosalia return the lost sachel to Thomas, who in turn offers them both a model kit he picked out for them. He gets Rosalia an [XYZ-016 Arby], and for Omen the [New Zealand 747 Kat-Chattya]. As well, based on their prior agreements, he offers more contacts and more money for their eforts.


Run Rewards for "Weird Science" (Low, 8 RVP)
4 K nuyen 2 RVP
+1 K nuyen Negotiation bonus
3 Karma 3 RVP
2 CDP base
+1 Forked Fangs Rep
+2 S3I Rep
Optional rewards
Thomas Warloff at C1 L1 for 1 RVP
L0W-K3Y C2 L1 for 2 RVP
Sylphiette C2 L1 for 2 RVP

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)