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|Name=Casey "Shrimp" Mitchell

Revision as of 02:40, 13 October 2023

Ghoul B&E Dodgemuscle
Lethargic and Dangerous.
MetatypeHuman Infected (Ghoul)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - B
Resources - A
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


Former merc, and just followin' orders. Runner by night.


- Survival and basic sustinence for herself. - Follow orders and complete tasks. - Have a purpose.


Refugee after routine Israeli evacuation as a poor member of society, along with her single mother --> got displaced as a result of associating with the wrong people in that tumultuous time period, along with a journey to Germany, ultimately stopping in Greece --> with little place in society and now infected after a chance encounter with a ghoul that left her mother dead, decided to end her journey in the Czech Republic instead along with some orphans --> After numerous encounters with the terrorist group Fear the Dark, and encounters with vampires, she was able to work up the courage to ask her rabbi at a chance to rid the world of the "cursed" --> ultimately ended up being referred to a vampire hunting school in Romania, where she was radicalized to remove the taint of vampires, often committing violent acts against both innocent and culpable --> This changed after a chance encounter with a vampire sorceror, who decimated the teammates after their encounter with the beast --> graduated the school with honors, and received a grant with admittance to an exclusive merc company called "Special Infected Solutions" --> After using the grant on augs and basic gear, she underwent some mental and physical training to become a full fledged member at 19 years old --> Stuck with the company through thick and thin, hunting wendigos in the Athabaskan Council, fighting feral ghoul hotspots in Sarajevo, and other such endeavours 'round the globe --> After a particularly nasty encounter with the ghouls in Asamando, most of their company's fighting force was lost, and the company was shortly disbanded uncerimoniously --> Without a means to make ends meet as an Infected, she turned to shadowrunning in the rumored city of seattle for profit's sake. --> Moved to the city via recommends and onboarding from a rabbi that ran a stibl out in Redmond along with a convent of Infected --> 6 months, and a few milk runs later, she got a call from her fixer that she got connected with a reputable contractor...

Narrative Significant Qualities

Moulded Killer (Poor Self Control (Combat Monster), Designated Omega, Biocompatibility) - She began her merc career a chump and ended it significantly changed. Not one to be left behind in a ditch, rotting, she chromed up like all mercs do, and her body adapted to the augs over time. Enhanced strength, durability, cognition, it all depersonalized and ate at her soul, turned into a tool, something to be complacent about being used. Her job made it easier to feed into that mindset, metastasizing into an obsession with her line of work. With her abrupt disruption, these behaviours, and her skills, were applied to a different, yet similar, profession.

Zombie Traitor (Prejudiced (Vampires and Wendigos, Outspoken); Big Regret (Affiliation with Vampire hunters in Romania) ) - Being radicalized at a young age to hate certain infect, affiliating with those who hunted infected, and making it a full time career path ultimately can cause some friction to arise with various people, and some very deeply held beliefs to be put into place. She will associate with vampire runners only due to professional courtesy, and if given a reason to do so apart from her team members will kill them with brief deliberation.

Bullet Time (Agile Defender, Perfect Time) - Complexities dissappear when the shit goes down. Going through the motions a thousand times makes them automatic, and faster than for the untrained. Coupled with a honed survival instinct, and hussling in and out of fights is like child's play.



Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Killing WaveFangblade_22 October 2084



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Casey "Shrimp" Mitchell 4 1 Fixer (N,K,G,A) Fixer, Restaurant Proprietor Shrimp's Fried Rice, Street Savant, Hungry People Talk, Counsel Counsel, My competition......., Neutral Ground, Runner Discount Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Relative low presence, managing to pull off several successful runs
3 Associated with mercenaries, specifically merc companies.
6 Confirmed by official vets and bystanders to be affiliated with a PMC called "Special Infected Solutions", which went defunct after a botched job in Asamando.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 Managing to pull of successful runs, muscle in most of them.
3 Particularly skilled in B&E and Combat work, respectively. Advertises this fact often in conversation with employers.
5 One of the above-average runners available on the retinue of Casey "Shrimp" Michael.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Thin essence
2 Minimal internal augs present.
3 Below info
4 blank
5 blank


Theresa Montgomery - A Fake SIN, among the database of the UCAS. Has all associated licenses to make herself seem legit upon a first glance.


An average sized chromed human, with sharp teeth and numerous minor scars darting her face. Has cropped short hair, black obvious cybereyes with blue irises and smooth skin.


Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments