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|Name= Ex-Neohaven Decker
|Name= 863 (Contact)
|Loyalty= 1
|Loyalty= 1

Revision as of 09:14, 24 July 2024

Plague Author
Plague Author PFP.png
Decker Street Samurai
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - E
Resources - C
#Max IGs/Ascension0
# Optional Infected powers allowed0
# Optional Drake powers availableMajor Powers:0 or Minor Powers:0

Character Information


A Decker that can handle themselves in a fight thanks to their experience in Jiujitsu and their pop up shotguns on their cyberarms. Mixing Gun play and Martial Arts


Get Revenge for the person that Killed their lover

[They got no clue what happens after]


Born in the year 2065 Michael Smith Gonzales lived in the philippines with his loving mother and father, living his life as a normal person until the Surge in which gave him rat ears and a tail, while they were more outcasted now due to their new form they were able to get by fine by simply continuing their studies, graduating with a degree in Matrix Sciences, from there he would work in a corporation being within their electronics and security firm finding himself a boyfriend in the process. They dated and had continued this, meeting each others parents and all in all becoming happier together.

They lived happily for a while until one night when Michael arrived home late they saw their lover dead on the ground, their appartment all messy and as if there was a fight that happened here. He would inform the families and bury him in the Manila cementary where Michael could visit, the families talked their sorrows away but for Michael he bottled them up hiding it and keeping the facade of a stoic but a lover who had just lost someone. From there a couple days after he awakened something, as if he could see the code of devices themselves and reprogram them and change their inner coding, here a technomancer was born.

He would be honest to his parents about this and together would help Michael find a group to help him with his new magical abilities meeting up w/ C1ph3r and joining the group called X-ACT from there he travelled to seattle and honed his abilities there making sure to stay in contact with his parents while on the other side of the world. From there he was a full fledged Technomancer trained to keep his ability a secret and use it to misuse the very matrix itself. After this Plague Author was born.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Acrobatic Defender - Their lover had trained in Acrobatics and Martial Arts for self Defense and Plague was signed up on them to learn these skills with their lover.

Ambidextrous - They had an innate ability to use both hands well on their tasks.

Bilingual - Being a Filipino and their history lead them to being able to speak English and Filipino Fluently.

Class I Surge - Plague is still questioning how they got the surge as it was a spontaneous even that happened during their teenage years. They think its a sort of puberty, their probably wrong and they know it.


Driven - The only thing that drove Plague to be like this is revenge and that has been their sole purpose in being a Shadowrunner

Social Stress - Since they lost their lover they haven't been really able to talk to people as often as they should. From an outgoing and happy person to an introverted and sometimes gloomy person.

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
8ball 1 1 Service Decker Data hoarder, Metahuman Interest Even
Argent 1 1 Fixer Street-level Fixer Silver Tongue, Elven Blood Even
863 (Contact) 1 1 Legwork Ex-Neohaven Decker Decker, Ex-NeoHaven Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result


Name : Michael Smith Gonzales

Fake SIN R4


A Small 5 feet tall Ratboy with tan skin, purple eyes, and grey hair, the usually have a gloom or a frown on their face although this is how they look when their neutral usually, the cyberarms on his side are designed with spray paint akin to tattoos that are varied some with hearts, some of them are depictions of hacking, and some are depictions related to the plague.


They wear somewhat Hacker Esque Techno Gear, but also has a casual dress and a casual outfit with a skirt

Matrix Persona

  • Default Avatar
  • Plague Doctor

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Driven by One thing They Tend to Hyper Focus on a clue that they find related to the death of their lover
Lost in Thoughts They tend to get lost way too often in their own head thinking alot.
Anti Social Their very dry in their conversations with people
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments