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Session 1: 5.5 hour runtime<br>

==Game Quotes==
==Game Quotes==

Revision as of 22:57, 25 August 2024

Grand Theft Otto
LocationSaguenay, Quebec
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Vincent "Vinnie" Moreau
Major Corp



Vincent's client, Otto, is being released from prison, and Vincent needs someone to make sure he stays out long enough to start making payments on his retainer fee.

The Meet

Before the meet, the team gets dream visions. Trades swings by The Chef to get a mindnet prep. Team rezzes into the host and begins some tense negotiations with vincent. He lowballs the team with an insulting offer of 1k and require the team to pay for fake SINs. Eventually after some negotiating and tapping Carleton to find out what a reasonable, the team makes a deal for 10k nuyen, gear options, and fake IDs. Vincent covers the transport for most of the team by paying Corf to zoom the team on over.

The Plan

The team meets up at a stuffer shack in order to go over their dream visions. Trades brings the mindnet prep from The Chef and the team trickles in. Once everyone has arrived, everybody except for Titan partake of The Chef's mindnet cake and send their dream images over to Trades and Dango in order to produce images for the team to search with. While the team begins performing matrix searches, they head down to the railway platform in order to board Corf. Trades bargains with Corf while the rest of the team departs. Meanwhile, Trades heads north to Vancouver in order to board the Canadian Pacific Ghost Train.

Meanwhile, the rest of the team is passing through the Montreal grid. Dango cracks into the seer, Elena Bobson's office computer and peruses their financial records. Inside the records, Dango is able to find a booking under a fake name. Narrowing down the arrival time, she delves into the building host in order to scope out the camera footage to ID the person who had the seeing. Once inside the host, Dango is distracted by some rental record files. After she cracks the camera feed she finds out that both wives hired the seer at different times for different packages.

As the team arrives at the hotel where they'll be doing their business is in fact visited by all motards in Saguenay. Titan touches base with their contact, Alice Carroll, and promises to let them beat him up again in exchange for some info. Eventually, the team determines that a viable plan might be to hire an escort. The team debates what sort of drugs to give to give Otto before the team remembers that their opfor will have spirits. Annette offers favors to Iyalki in exchange for performing astral overwatch. Eventually, Trades arrives and heads to sleep like the rest of the team.

The Run

The day of Otto's release, Trades starts off by establishing snoops and traces on Otto's wives' commlinks. Once the team is underway, Iyaki detects an enemy spirit approaching on the astral while Trades detects their cars traveling. She hacks into the cars and drives into terrain that they can't escape. Iyaki drives off the air spirit, and the team manages to make their way to the prison.

Once they arrive, they see Otto exit the prison. Titan welcomes Otto into the car, and Trades quickly drives away before Titan and Otto moon the prison. The team bequeaths some drugs onto Otto before Titan calls Melinda, the escort that they had been put in touch with the night before, and arranges for them to rendezvous with Otto at Motel 23. Annette gets up to some mischief and causes an Adept Accident to befall Otto while they're having sex with Melinda. After Otto finishes, the team bundles him into Quebec, well beyond the reach of his wives who had been marooned in the wilderness.



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Trades - Tattoo bargain with Corf for 1 karma, Canadian Pacific Steel Emblem bargain with the Ghost Train for 1 karma. Spend 1 R3 spirit marker and downgrade a R2 to R1

Annette - "I'd have turned him over to his wives if I was still getting paid 1k by the way. Let that be known."