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|title = Strings
|image= [[File:Placeholder.png]]
|header1= Traditional Black Mage Face
|header2= Very convincing
|label5 = Player
|data5 = [https://www.reddit.com/user/mike_the_kangeroo/]
|label6= Metatype
|data6 = Human
|label7 = Street Cred
|data7= 0
|label8 = Notoriety
|data8 = 0
|label9 = Public Awareness
|data9= 0
|label10 = Titles and Awards
|data10 = 0
|label13 = D.O.B.
|data13 =
|label14 = Folder
|data14 = [https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2svboZBDbuNY0g1UlhGY21qNHM]
|label16 = Priority
|data16 = <br />Metatype - E <br /> Attributes - B <br /> Magic/Resonance - A <br /> Skills - B <br /> Resources - E

=Character Information=
Strings is a powerful mystic adept of the Black tradition. One of his notable qualities is his ability to manipulate others with simply his voice. When that fails, Strings specializes in Manipulation spells which he uses liberally. He follows the Raven, and this is made obvious by the illusory raven whom is almost always found perched on his shoulder. Strings is, at his core, a manipulative, selfish man who is only out for himself.
=== Goals ===
[In progress]
== Narrative Significant Qualities ==
Alpha Junkie
Mentor Spirit: Raven
Creature of Comfort
==Run History==
[[Blaze]] - Connection 4, Loyalty 3 - Talismonger
[[Jonathan Johnson]] - Connection 3, Loyalty 1 - Activist
[[King Midas]] - Connection 6, Loyalty 1 - Fixer
=In Character Information=
==Symbols and Signatures==
==Matrix Search Table==
==Shadow Community Table==
Theodore Bergman - Rating 4 Fake SIN
=== Clothing ===
===Matrix Persona===
==Media Mentions==
==ShadowGrid Profile Comments==
[[Category:Player Characters]]

Latest revision as of 23:04, 19 October 2017