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Revision as of 04:52, 4 November 2017

A Russian runner with a 10-Second Kill Rule and a Dark Past
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.August 2nd, 2046
Metatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - B
Resources - A

Character Information


Not much is known about Null, which incidentally is what landed him the name in the first place. He's been sighted doing work all over the UCAS and supposedly overseas, but that might just be rumors to add to his already-extensive, yet illusive street cred.

What *is* known, however, is that Null has no living family or relatives, at least that's what the redacted files seem to claim. He's also taken on several different roles in his time, between a personal bodyguard, security guard, hired assassin, military advisor, and supposedly a member of the Russian mafia.

**REDACTED** Null was a shadowrunner for the Vory for most of his life, even though he was born in the streets of Indianapolis in the UCAS. His specialties ranged from burglary to wetwork and extortion. It was with them where he lost his arm and had it replaced by his friends among the Russian mob. He became an efficient assassin at his craft, and a well-respected asset to the Vory. He was married to a young woman, Natalia Kraschev in his young adult years, and had a son with her.

One day the Vory asked Null to perform a hit on the Yakuza. He killed one of the two targets he was assigned but the other, Ren Murakami, managed to get away. Three days later, Null's wife was found dead in his home, with his young son left alive for him to care for.

Years later, against his father's wishes, Nicolas would eventually follow his father into the shadows and gained a bit of street rep as a thief. The two of them even performed a few breaking and entering jobs together. But one day, Null was ordered to perform an assassination on a young wageslave family, but refused. Then the Vory went behind his back and asked Nicolas, known as "Skell," to finish the job. Null found out too late, seeing an innocent and unknowing family of three murdered at the hands of his shocked, mortified son.

In 2073, with a lot of convincing and with help from friends he made in the Vory, they gave him a place to start over a new life in the States and care for his PTSD-stricken son where the two of them steadily grew a new value on life. But while Null tried to leave the shadows, the shadows would not leave him, as he found his son dead in an alleyway two months later with a knife pierced into his heart.

Null then re-entered the shadows, and with two years of searching and the knife that killed his son, he followed a lead into the city of Seattle to find an elusive group known as the "Strekoza" that may have the answers he seeks... **REDACTED**

Despite how vague his past is, one specific detail is always consistent with those who encounter him, known only as "Null's 10-Second Rule."

When you end up in Null's way, 10 seconds is all you get to surrender. Should you resist, or decline his generous offer... then you better have your affairs in order. There are no second chances. Only choices.


Null is looking for a lesser-known group known as the "Strekoza" in an effort to find leads on who killed his son, while also making nuyen to find those responsible.

Narrative Significant Qualities


School of Hard Knocks - Null served for a long time as a Vory enforcer and personal shadowrunner where he learned much of his way around professional mercenary work. Before that point, though, he was raised on the streets, by the streets, and knows that a firm hand and distinction is required to navigate the shadows.


Driven - Null is looking for any leads he can find on his son's killer, and currently the only lead he's gotten is the group, the "Strokoza."

Vendetta - If Null confronts his son's killer, he'll be very tempted to dispense street justice against him.

Run History



  • Nier - Connection 4, Loyalty 3 - Fixer (Networking)
  • Steele - Connection 4, Loyalty 3 - Street Doc (Cyberware Doc)
  • Wyre - Connection 2, Loyalty 2 - Street Vendor (Weapon Dealer)


Null has faint ties to the Russian branch of the Vory V Zakone, but he left that life behind years ago.



In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table


Frank Morris - Rating 4 Fake SIN (UCAS)



Null wears a long, dress-y trench coat with a simple vest and suit beneath it. The coat is a leather brown while the rest of his outfit has dark, muted colors of grey and black with thickened padding to the vest.

Matrix Persona

His persona reflects a more upstanding version of himself, bearing shades of brown and a fedora with a dash of modern touches making him look like a 60's throwback detective from old noir films.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments