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|YourWikiUsername = Traumkampfer
|title = {{PAGENAME}} <!-- Do not change this!!! It is supposed to say PAGENAME, the wiki will automatically replace this. -->
|image= [[File:Mickie.jpg|200px]] <!-- You can change the filename to whatever you like, and upload a picture of your character to be displayed on the wiki. -->
|header1= Assassin
|header2= (Short Blurb)
|label5 = Discord
|data5 = Sqeek McDohl#3397
|label6 = Reddit
|data6 = [https://www.reddit.com/user/Traumkampfar]
|label7= Metatype
|data7 = (Human)
|label8 = Street Cred
|data8= 0
|label9 = Notoriety
|data9 = 0
|label10 = Public Awareness
|data10= 0
|label11 = Titles and Awards
|data11 =
|label12 = CDP
|data12 = {{CDP|
|}} <!-- The above will automatically add +2 CDP for each AAR your character is tagged in. You can note expenses and any bonus CDP you gain above to adjust your current CDP total. -->
|label13 = D.O.B.
|data13 = May 1st, 2060
|label14 = Age
|data14 = {{Age| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of birth below in numeric format. Yes, a second time. I know. -->
|Month= 5
|Day= 1
|Year= 2060
|}} <!-- The above will automatically update your character's age on their birthday! Just enter their month, day, and year of birth in numeric format. -->
|label15 = Folder
|data15 =[https://www.mediafire.com/file/6lhgn5msg8vp5m1/Mickie.zip/file]
|label16 = Priority
|data16 = Metatype - E <br /> Attributes - A <br /> Magic/Resonance - E <br /> Skills - B <br /> Resources - B
|label17 = #Max IGs/Ascension
|data17 = {{IGTracker| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of the first run below in numeric format. Set the awakened status to 0 if you are mundane, 1 for Mage/Mystic Adept and 2 for the other awakened. If you are a techno you may just delete this part from label17 to the delete pointer.-->
|}} <!-- delete until this line if you are a techno. -->

=Character Information=
British Expat who moved to Seattle with his aunt before being afflicted with the Surge, makes a living in the underground (literally), usually by killing people in the subway systems and selling their stuff. Started shadowrunning because it was an easy way to have some fun and make friends.
He almost exclusively takes on jobs for wetwork, but can be convinced to infiltrate and steal.
Continue his reign of terror, expand his skillset, have a nice dinner once a week.
Born in London, Mickie was raised by his adoptive aunt Peggy, who moved to Seattle for a work promotion and thats when it all went downhill for him. Something unexplainable happened and he was suddenly struck by Surge, turning into a horrible rat monster. Out of shame he left home and moved into an abandoned subway system underneath downtown.
With little in the way of skills due to his young age, he had to turn to robbing and mugging to get by, which gradually moved up to killing since it was just easier to get people's stuff that way.
== Narrative Significant Qualities ==
Surge II- You cant really call Mickie human anymore, He's been turned into a ratman much like those old fantasy games like Warhammer. Make's gettin around town kinda hard. He's got razor sharp claws, fangs, is covered in fur, and has a prehensile tail he can do neat tricks with (Like stab ya). Can also see in the dark.
Catlike- More like ratlike amirite? Real good at sneaking up on ya, dont be too surprised.
Surge III- All that isolation and transformation's kinda hurt Mickie's charisma and willpower. He's a bit of a loon.
Poor Self Control (Sadistic)- Ya know the old meme floating around on the Matrix where a guy in a chicken suit asks if ya like hurting people? Yeah, Mickie does.
Antipathy- He's been mistreated for so long that Mickie aint such a social guy.
Basement Dweller- He can open up once he gets to know ya, but on first meeting it's best not to bother him.
==Run History==
<!-- You do not need to edit this section. The above stuff will auto-generate a list of runs based on AARs. -->
<!-- Do not remove the below text. It's super important for the contact table. -->
<!-- Do not remove the above code. It's super important. You can add new contacts below using the HasContact template you see below. To add additional contacts, simply copy/paste one of the blocks below and update it with the name, loyalty, and chips. Everything else is automatically pulled from your contacts page. This template should also add your character to the contacts page automatically after your character has had a run. -->
|Name= Captain Carter
|Loyalty= 4 (Family)
<!-- Do not remove the below characters. It's super important The HasContact template should be used above this point. You may duplicate it as many times as necessary, or leave it blank.-->
<!-- Do not remove the above code. It's super important. This is what ends the ContactTable template. -->
<!-- See: Template:GroupContactTable for the group contact template. -->
=In Character Information=
==Symbols and Signatures==
==Matrix Search Table==
==Shadow Community Table==
==Assensing Table==
Mickie Masterson- Rank 4 Fake
=== Clothing ===
===Matrix Persona===
==Media Mentions==
==ShadowGrid Profile Comments==
[[Category:Player Characters]]

Latest revision as of 22:52, 6 May 2023