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Spartak Nalvandian hires Nearl to do an extremely difficult job. Yavuz Balci of the Constantinople City Council must be killed within a month. This job is being done in exchange for the target which she came to Constantinople to rescue, one Yusuf Shabad. Yavuz is currently making deals with the Vory and Spartak takes personal affront to this.
36 RVP worth.
34k Nuyen [17 RVP]
10 Karma [10 RVP]
20 CDP [9 RVP + 2 free CDP]
OPTIONAL CONTACTS  <-- Making sheets now now

Ivan Kolchev C6 L2 [ 7 RVP worth]
Leader of a private Mercenary outfit.

Rahmi C4  L1  [4 RVP worth]
Lt in the Grey Wolves

==Game Quotes==
==Game Quotes==
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==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
Mlynarz... you've got to be kidding me. All this and for what? I feel like I'm barely one step closer to our goal. What did you imagine, sending me into the pot like this??

Latest revision as of 11:37, 14 November 2024

Nothing but the Turks
Part of Portrait of Ruin
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Ivan Cholkev
Major Corp
Nearl Character1


Nearl arrives in Constantinople at the behest of a spirit in search of Yusaf Shabad. A black lodge agent missing. Over the course of several sessions, Nearl negotiates her way around the city, completes a job and then make a deal with the devil.


Yusaf Shabad was investigating the Draco Foundation in Constantinople on the lead about a 4th world artifact. He was captured and handed off the Grey Wolves due to him being a wanted shadowrunner. He locked his memories away in a mind vault to protect himself and was functionally useless to the foundation as a result. Not wanting the baggage and good leads with local security, they handed him off as an almost free thing. With no check in to the Black Lodge, they sent in Nearl from Seattle as a test.

The Meet

There practically was no meet, but Nearl was given the required information via a spirit giving her false memories to use to find the target for extraction.

The Plan

With no actual knowledge of the city and not much to go off of, Nearly originally entered the free city via private dock with just her wits and the clothes in a bag she could bring.

The Run

Nearly spends at least 10 days in the city. Over that time she makes several friends, including Ivan Kolchev, a fellow Russian. On that run she also robs a betaware clinic, breaking into it in the dead of night. Using her contacts, she successfully makes some money, buys rent for 4 months in a high lifestyle and then finds Rahim, a lieutenant in the Grey Wolves. The main Syndicate of the city. Nearl successfully gets into his good graces and makes contact with Spartak Nalvandian. ,


Spartak Nalvandian hires Nearl to do an extremely difficult job. Yavuz Balci of the Constantinople City Council must be killed within a month. This job is being done in exchange for the target which she came to Constantinople to rescue, one Yusuf Shabad. Yavuz is currently making deals with the Vory and Spartak takes personal affront to this.


36 RVP worth.

34k Nuyen [17 RVP] 10 Karma [10 RVP] 20 CDP [9 RVP + 2 free CDP]

OPTIONAL CONTACTS <-- Making sheets now now

Ivan Kolchev C6 L2 [ 7 RVP worth] Leader of a private Mercenary outfit. https://shreloaded.net/wiki/Ivan_Kolchev#Overview

Rahmi C4 L1 [4 RVP worth] Lt in the Grey Wolves https://shreloaded.net/wiki/Rahmi#Overview

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


Mlynarz... you've got to be kidding me. All this and for what? I feel like I'm barely one step closer to our goal. What did you imagine, sending me into the pot like this??