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(19 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|YourWikiUsername =  
|YourWikiUsername = Coracor
|title = {{PAGENAME}} <!-- Do not change this!!! It is supposed to say PAGENAME, the wiki will automatically replace this. -->
|title = {{PAGENAME}} <!-- Do not change this!!! It is supposed to say PAGENAME, the wiki will automatically replace this. -->
|image= [[File:Placeholder.png|200px]] <!-- You can change the filename to whatever you like, and upload a picture of your character to be displayed on the wiki. -->
|image= [[File:ragmask.png|200px]] <!-- You can change the filename to whatever you like, and upload a picture of your character to be displayed on the wiki. -->
|header1= Shinto Doll-summoning Mystic Adept
|header1= Shinto Doll-summoning Mystic Adept
|header2= (Short Blurb)
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|data5 = @coracor
|data5 = @coracor
|label6 = Reddit
|label6 = Reddit
|data6 = [https://www.reddit.com/user/ijustwanteddarkmode/ Reddit Name]
|data6 = [https://www.reddit.com/user/ijustwanteddarkmode/ ijustwanteddarkmode]
|label7= Metatype
|label7= Metatype
|data7 = Elf
|data7 = Elf
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|}} <!-- The above will automatically add +2 CDP for each AAR your character is tagged in. You can note expenses and any bonus CDP you gain above to adjust your current CDP total. -->
|}} <!-- The above will automatically add +2 CDP for each AAR your character is tagged in. You can note expenses and any bonus CDP you gain above to adjust your current CDP total. -->
|label13 = D.O.B.
|label13 = D.O.B.
|data13 = Character's Date of Birth
|data13 = May 3rd, 2062
|label14 = Age
|label14 = Age
|data14 = {{Age| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of birth below in numeric format. Yes, a second time. I know. -->
|data14 = {{Age| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of birth below in numeric format. Yes, a second time. I know. -->
|}} <!-- The above will automatically update your character's age on their birthday! Just enter their month, day, and year of birth in numeric format. -->
|}} <!-- The above will automatically update your character's age on their birthday! Just enter their month, day, and year of birth in numeric format. -->
|label15 = Folder
|label15 = Folder
|data15 =[Drive URL Link]  
|data15 =[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1roXN5jmPrGlIOdylEndcIS14WA0T2YlY?usp=sharing Drive]
|label16 = Priority
|label16 = Priority
|data16 = Metatype - D <br /> Attributes - A <br /> Magic/Resonance - A <br /> Skills - E <br /> Resources - D
|data16 = Metatype - D <br /> Attributes - A <br /> Magic/Resonance - A <br /> Skills - E <br /> Resources - D
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|}} <!-- delete until this line if you are a techno. -->
|}} <!-- delete until this line if you are a techno. -->
|label18 = # Optional Infected powers allowed
|data18 = {{InfectedPowers| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of the first run after infection below in numeric format. Leave blank if you aren't infected -->
|}} <!-- The above will automatically the number of optional infected powers your character is allowed to buy! Just enter the month, day, and year of the first run after infection below in numeric format. Leave blank if you aren't infected -->
|label19 = Essence(Current/Max):
|data19 = {{Strain1EssenceTracker|
|}} <!-- The above will help to track your current essence level based on the number of runs you have gone on as a strain 1 infected. Every 4 runs you will drop one essence and use of active powers will accelerate this. Increment activepowersused each time you activate an infected power and enter your IG in Essence expansion if you have the essence expansion metamagic. Essencelost is used to track Essence loss due to cyberware, Essence drained is used to track the total amount of essence drained over your career. If you were not a strain 1 infected in your first run you may need to play with essence lost active powers used or essence drained to get the counter synced up correctly. If you are not a strain 1 infected you can remove label and data lines 19-->
|label20 = # Optional Drake powers available
|data20 = {{DrakePowers|
|}} <!-- Track available drake powers. Enter the date of the run you transformed into a drake the first time. As you buy major and minor powers increment that number here. If you are not a drake you can delete the label and data 20 lines. -->

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Harper Murasaki-Byrne never knew his parents. And Murasaki-ojii was never much keen on telling him. Truth be told, he was never entirely certain that the human was ''actually'' his grandfather, but having a parental figure at all was not something he took for granted enough to ever question. There was certainly no question that Murasaki-ojii did his best to shelter the kid from the worst realities of being SINless, including securing his first fake SIN and keeping him from getting into ''too'' much trouble. He taught the young elf much of what he knows, including the steady hands necessary to both construct the clockwork sold at Murasaki-ojii's shop and to create ''ningyō.'' Unfortunately, an incident in his youth resulted in Harper retreating from the world, shutting himself in his grandfather's workshop to pursue and perfect his hobbies.
When the isolated Harper Awakened and started producing dolls that moved on their own, Murasaki-ojii did his best to steer him right, taking Harper to a local dojo—the boy bounced off the practical aspects of martial arts, but found himself fascinated by the philosophy—and teaching him what he knew of Shinto as Harper naturally poured his newfound talents into enhancing those that he already had, producing dolls of such quality that the ''shikigami'' he brought forth began to take on their forms.
Years passed, and the comfortable rhythm of Harper's life was disrupted with Murasaki-ojii's passing. Faced with the reality that his own name—Mortimer officially, no relation to the fashion line—didn't carry the weight of his grandfather's, Harper knew that he had to do something to keep the lights on in the ''Ticking Tiger.'' With his talent for magic, running the shadows started to look like a (relatively) appealing and (distressingly) feasible option, and so with the last of the money his grandfather left him, Harper shored up a few of the skills he knew he was lacking and set out.

== Narrative Significant Qualities ==
== Narrative Significant Qualities ==
*'''Day Job (10 Hours)'''
*'''Dependent (Nuisance)'''
**Continuing the operation of his late grandfather's vintage clock shop is Ragamuffin's current foremost priority. Sure, business is too slow to justify more than a couple hours of work on the best of days, but giving up on it simply isn't an option.  
**Spending time making dolls is an inconvenience when it comes to running and manning the shop—of course, Harper himself thinks that the latter are an inconvenience to the former.
*'''Social Stress'''
*'''Social Stress'''
**Wanting to proudly show off his doll-making talents he had learned from his grandfather, a young Harper proudly brought his then-best friend to see the not-at-all-alarming collection of dolls he had made just for such an occasion, all made in the likeness of his soon-to-be ex-best friend and the rest of their social circle. His friend reacted poorly, and Harper quickly became known as the "Weird Doll Kid." What followed was a parade of angry parents banging on the door and demanding that the dolls resembling their children be disposed of and an abrupt end to Harper's hopes of a regular social life. While by now most everybody involved has forgotten the incident, every day Ragamuffin both fears being recognized as the Weird Doll Kid and refuses to let go of his passion.
**Wanting to proudly show off his doll-making talents he had learned from his grandfather, a young Harper proudly brought his then-best friend to see the not-at-all-alarming collection of dolls he had made just for such an occasion, all made in the likeness of his soon-to-be ex-best friend and the rest of their social circle. His friend reacted poorly, and Harper quickly became known as the "Weird Doll Kid." What followed was a parade of angry parents banging on the door and demanding that the dolls resembling their children be disposed of and an abrupt end to Harper's hopes of a regular social life. While by now most everybody involved has forgotten the incident, every day Ragamuffin both fears being recognized as the Weird Doll Kid and, in particular, dreads the reappearance of his ex-best friend into his life: a red-haired, blue-eyed elf.
**Hair that never quite obeys brush or comb, and clothes that never quite smooth out even after being ironed. Ragamuffin has surrendered his appearance to this disorder, which only makes it worse.
**Hair that never quite obeys brush or comb, and clothes that never quite smooth out even after being ironed. Ragamuffin has surrendered his appearance to this disorder, which only makes it worse.
*'''Mentor Spirit: Fire-Bringer (with mage Mentor's Mask)'''
**If they can't see his face, they won't recognize him as the Weird Doll Kid.
**One of the first spirits to present itself to Harper was a particularly talkative one calling itself Izanagi—though its appearance is curiously doll-like. Whether this is an inherent trait of this particular spirit or a deliberate choice in appearance to appeal to Ragamuffin's sensibilities.
*'''Spirit Whisperer'''
*'''Spirit Whisperer'''
**While Ragamuffin's social reclusion has resulted in an atrophy of his interpersonal skills, he feels right at home with both the ''kami'' he can summon and the homunculi he makes to help in his workshop.
**While Ragamuffin's social reclusion has resulted in an atrophy of his interpersonal skills, he feels right at home with both the ''kami'' he can summon and the homunculi he makes to help in his workshop.
*'''Astral Beacon'''
**By the same token that he feels right at home with the ''kami'', they feel right at home with him. While his personal aura isn't significantly more visible, doll-like apparitions—some true spirits, others simply astral echoes—swirl around him like moths about a flame. His signature is much the same, leaving behind doll-like astral constructs that meander aimlessly.
**Whaaaat? Shadowrunner? C'mon... look at him! He's just a lil' guy...
*Spirit Whisperer
*Spirit Whisperer
*Focused Concentration 1
*Spirit Affinity (Spirit of Air)
*Spirit Affinity (Spirit of Air)
*Too Pretty to Hit
*Too Pretty to Hit
*Mentor Spirit: Fire-Bringer

*Day Job (10 Hours)
*Astral Beacon
*Social Stress
*Social Stress
*Dependent (Nuisance)

==Run History==
==Run History==
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==Symbols and Signatures==
==Symbols and Signatures==
A ballistic mask, memorable for its simple design of three black circles on white. He will not appreciate any comparisons to a Shy Guy.
A legion of cartoonish doll-spirits. Charming or nightmarish, depends on one's disposition.
When his mentor's mask is in appearance, ethereal thread weaves around his head in Izanagi's likeness.

==Matrix Search Table==
==Matrix Search Table==
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A lanky and disheveled elven youth whose pale green eyes are underscored by dark lines and are almost certainly darting about the room worriedly if they are visible. His blonde hair is marked by streaks of stress-gray.
A lanky and disheveled elven youth whose pale brown eyes are underscored by dark lines and are almost certainly darting about the room worriedly if they are visible. His blonde hair is marked by streaks of stress-gray.

=== Clothing ===
=== Clothing ===
As Ragamuffin, an oversized armored jacket meant to make him look bigger than he is—in truth, it just makes him look like a kid wearing his big brother's clothes—and a white ballistic mask marked with three black circles in an equilateral triangle to give the impression of a face from any angle.
As Ragamuffin, an oversized armored jacket meant to make him look bigger than he is—in truth, it just makes him look like a kid wearing his big brother's clothes—and a white ballistic mask marked with three black circles in an equilateral triangle to give the impression of a face from any angle.

As Harper, outdated faux-Victorian if he is attempting to be professional. An oversized t-shirt and pajama pants if he is not.
As Harper, outdated and sloppy business casual if he is attempting to be professional. An oversized t-shirt and pajama pants if he is not.

===Matrix Persona===
===Matrix Persona===

Latest revision as of 16:10, 17 August 2024

Shinto Doll-summoning Mystic Adept
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.May 3rd, 2062
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - E
Resources - D
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


A socially reclusive Mystic Adept in the Shinto tradition, Ragamuffin is intended to be a wetwork-shy summoner who is not a total slouch when in the crosshairs. Leaning heavily on his small army of shikigami—who demand his finest work rather than the more traditional paper dolls—he can support his spirits and his team from the backline with most of the talents of a proper mage... minus a few glaring holes.


  • Maintaining his late grandfather's unprofitable clock shop, the Ticking Tiger, by any means necessary. Even if it means he has to run the shadows.
  • Perfecting his dollmaking craft beyond his current capabilities.
  • Learning to be social—with metahumans, not dolls and spirits—again... maybe...? ...maybe not, it's scary out there...


Harper Murasaki-Byrne never knew his parents. And Murasaki-ojii was never much keen on telling him. Truth be told, he was never entirely certain that the human was actually his grandfather, but having a parental figure at all was not something he took for granted enough to ever question. There was certainly no question that Murasaki-ojii did his best to shelter the kid from the worst realities of being SINless, including securing his first fake SIN and keeping him from getting into too much trouble. He taught the young elf much of what he knows, including the steady hands necessary to both construct the clockwork sold at Murasaki-ojii's shop and to create ningyō. Unfortunately, an incident in his youth resulted in Harper retreating from the world, shutting himself in his grandfather's workshop to pursue and perfect his hobbies.

When the isolated Harper Awakened and started producing dolls that moved on their own, Murasaki-ojii did his best to steer him right, taking Harper to a local dojo—the boy bounced off the practical aspects of martial arts, but found himself fascinated by the philosophy—and teaching him what he knew of Shinto as Harper naturally poured his newfound talents into enhancing those that he already had, producing dolls of such quality that the shikigami he brought forth began to take on their forms.

Years passed, and the comfortable rhythm of Harper's life was disrupted with Murasaki-ojii's passing. Faced with the reality that his own name—Mortimer officially, no relation to the fashion line—didn't carry the weight of his grandfather's, Harper knew that he had to do something to keep the lights on in the Ticking Tiger. With his talent for magic, running the shadows started to look like a (relatively) appealing and (distressingly) feasible option, and so with the last of the money his grandfather left him, Harper shored up a few of the skills he knew he was lacking and set out.

Narrative Significant Qualities

  • Dependent (Nuisance)
    • Spending time making dolls is an inconvenience when it comes to running and manning the shop—of course, Harper himself thinks that the latter are an inconvenience to the former.
  • Social Stress
    • Wanting to proudly show off his doll-making talents he had learned from his grandfather, a young Harper proudly brought his then-best friend to see the not-at-all-alarming collection of dolls he had made just for such an occasion, all made in the likeness of his soon-to-be ex-best friend and the rest of their social circle. His friend reacted poorly, and Harper quickly became known as the "Weird Doll Kid." What followed was a parade of angry parents banging on the door and demanding that the dolls resembling their children be disposed of and an abrupt end to Harper's hopes of a regular social life. While by now most everybody involved has forgotten the incident, every day Ragamuffin both fears being recognized as the Weird Doll Kid and, in particular, dreads the reappearance of his ex-best friend into his life: a red-haired, blue-eyed elf.
  • Disheveled
    • Hair that never quite obeys brush or comb, and clothes that never quite smooth out even after being ironed. Ragamuffin has surrendered his appearance to this disorder, which only makes it worse.
  • Mentor Spirit: Fire-Bringer (with mage Mentor's Mask)
    • One of the first spirits to present itself to Harper was a particularly talkative one calling itself Izanagi—though its appearance is curiously doll-like. Whether this is an inherent trait of this particular spirit or a deliberate choice in appearance to appeal to Ragamuffin's sensibilities.
  • Spirit Whisperer
    • While Ragamuffin's social reclusion has resulted in an atrophy of his interpersonal skills, he feels right at home with both the kami he can summon and the homunculi he makes to help in his workshop.
  • Astral Beacon
    • By the same token that he feels right at home with the kami, they feel right at home with him. While his personal aura isn't significantly more visible, doll-like apparitions—some true spirits, others simply astral echoes—swirl around him like moths about a flame. His signature is much the same, leaving behind doll-like astral constructs that meander aimlessly.
  • Innocuous
    • Whaaaat? Shadowrunner? C'mon... look at him! He's just a lil' guy...


  • Spirit Whisperer
  • Spirit Affinity (Spirit of Air)
  • Too Pretty to Hit
  • Mentor Spirit: Fire-Bringer
  • Innocuous


  • Astral Beacon
  • Disheveled
  • Social Stress
  • Dependent (Nuisance)

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Triad By FireLHOGHigh2 September 2085
Where's My Super Suit?SarcarianHigh16 August 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Alessa P 4 2 Fixer Owner of The Daze The Daze, Shadow Connections, Ear to the Ground, Punk Rocker, Bootleggers Even
Hideo Masamune 6 1 Custom(G,K,N,A) Talismonger Enchanter, Talismonger, Arcane Blacksmith, Moshi Moshi, Sushi Chef, Guardian Of Horrible Secrets, Tattoo Artist Even
TechnoRATS 1 2 Service Nezumi Rats Technocritter Troubles, L33TSP37K, Ohhh, Shiny!, Taking a Crack at Cracking, Urban Jungle, Rat King(s), Resonance Depths, Blink of the Screen Even
Felipe Chandler 3 2 Custom (K,N,A,G) Child Psychologist Drugs, Child at Heart, Psychology, Doc Wagon Even
Argent 1 2 Fixer Street-level Fixer Silver Tongue, Elven Blood Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

A ballistic mask, memorable for its simple design of three black circles on white. He will not appreciate any comparisons to a Shy Guy.

A legion of cartoonish doll-spirits. Charming or nightmarish, depends on one's disposition.

When his mentor's mask is in appearance, ethereal thread weaves around his head in Izanagi's likeness.

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result


Mortimer Oakes (Fake, Rating 4)

  • MysAd License
  • Firearms License
  • Driver's License


A lanky and disheveled elven youth whose pale brown eyes are underscored by dark lines and are almost certainly darting about the room worriedly if they are visible. His blonde hair is marked by streaks of stress-gray.


As Ragamuffin, an oversized armored jacket meant to make him look bigger than he is—in truth, it just makes him look like a kid wearing his big brother's clothes—and a white ballistic mask marked with three black circles in an equilateral triangle to give the impression of a face from any angle.

As Harper, outdated and sloppy business casual if he is attempting to be professional. An oversized t-shirt and pajama pants if he is not.

Matrix Persona

His icon is a pixelized-beyond-readability set of instructions for making one's first doll.

His persona is one of many publicly uploaded amigurumi renders, whichever one has captured his fascination at any given moment.

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments