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The Johnson receives their goods and is glitter bombed as they open the box. P23 and Ghostwire head home to lick their wounds.


Revision as of 05:22, 5 August 2023

Honking good time
LocationPuyallup puyallup
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Telestrian Industrians
Casualties and losses
three clowns


A telestrian industries cargo van is raided by gangers. They want it back and contact runners to give them a hand.


Telestrian Industries has a batch of data chips that got lost in the wrong hands. They need it recovered as soon as possible! Ghostwire and P23 are hired to give the J a hand in recovering the sensitive materials.

The Meet

The Runners meet the J at a dive in elven territory. They have aspersions cast by a persistent fan of P23. After a heated exchange of words, the runners enter the bar to meet the J. The J from Telestrian informs the duo of a missing box containing sensitive materials. In exchange for not looking inside the crate, the team is offered extra gear as payment.

The Plan

The duo plan to pursue leads until the stolen goods are returned, and head out in Ghostwire's car to do so.

The Run

P23 and Ghostwire find the destroyed transport, and inside contains a dead body and a trap. p23 and ghostwire do not escape unscathed, but are still standing. Hearing a group of clowns near their ride, the duo assault and take on the clown trio. Lane is heavily wounded, and the three clowns are killed. The clowns drop a map that is quickly deduced to be a trap, but without better leads the duo head to see what could be there.

Upon arrival, P23 and Ghostwire are confronted by multiple traps including mono wire tripwire, fake guns, and glitter grenades. Reaching their limit, the duo try to strike a bargain with the clowns to get the gear back. They'll get the box if they do a prank! They negotiate from a 'deadly' prank to a not as deadly one, a prank that "inspires others to be a clown". Lane is forcibly dressed like a clown.

The box is handed over to the runner duo, but not before it is rigged with glitter bombs.


The Johnson receives their goods and is glitter bombed as they open the box. P23 and Ghostwire head home to lick their wounds.


Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)