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If she calls me a dog again though I am going to have a problem.
If she calls me a dog again though I am going to have a problem, though.

Latest revision as of 22:17, 28 November 2023

Thunder Rolls: Interlude 1
Part of Amatsu Kaze
Part of An Obscure Wanderer
LocationSeattle, Redmond
Status Threat Level: milk
Factions Involved
Celicy Vist
Major Corp


Celicy Vist and Triage have a conversation over drinks.


Celicy vist, the vampire necromancer, has been in seattle for some time, looking for her sister. She's been leaving breadcrumbs that are finally catching up to her.

The Meet

Celicy and Triage meet at Silver Ash Private Investigations, Nearl's headquarters. Celicy broke in, and was conversing with two seperate runners this night.

The Plan

Triage planned to talk with Celicy, and brought preps of mana barriers to keep himself safe.

The Run

A recording plays, of the interogation of Celicy vist.

And what is your name?
Celicy Vist
It's a pleasure to finally meet.
It's a pleasure to meet you, Triage
Why did you give me the cipher?
Oh, the Cipher? The book contains, as far as I know, a decent amount of knowledge about portals and the other planes. I was hoping someone could find all the pieces of it and keep it safe, since that seems to be what clocktower was doing when I was still not infected
So what brings you to Seattle?
My Family; when we were all children, we were used by a cult. Born into it, my parents adopted me as their own when I had none, and so I hared my childhood with my brother Lath, and my sister, Kolya. Though I've come to learn that most of you know her better as Fia, Koko, Surtr, Bonfire, Binge eater, and Nearl. I want the remaining people in my family to come with me to Japan so we can visit my brother. He's not doing well, and so I want her to be able to say goodbye to the last person in our family that we'll have that luxury of doing with.
You're related to Nearl?
Yes, it's surprising. Sister by fraternity, though we're not actually biologically related. Nearl grew up as a tool, something to be used. The cult used her powers of mind magic to harm others, erasing her childhood. I kept her and Lath safe the best I could, but when the cult fell apart I couldn't keep latching onto her. I had to make the choice to let her go to keep Lath safe. He was the frailest of us all, and now... well, now he's somewhere safe, on life support.
Is that really true?
Ah, I see. Well, if you really must know... I didn't have the choice of saving her. My body moved on it's own. When SK troops came in and started shooting, I took Lath away from the scene and brought him to safety. We ran for at least a day straight, until I could find someone to take us away. I must have been 17 at the time, and so you could imagine how much guilt I felt when my instincts prevented me from saving my sister. 22 years of running, and now I'm so close... I just fear she resents me for this.
And you know where we are?
Silver Ashe? Yes. I'm close to catching up with her, ever playing tag with her schedule. I had hoped to meet her here, or at least leave a letter. Yet I find myself at an impasse; I can't bring myself to go to her, or leave a note directly that I'm here. I'm scared to see her, as single minded and goal oriented as I am.
Why don't you just talk to her, if you know where she is?
I'm not sure; Letting her know directly might be... it's been so long. She might think we're dead, and you could imagine that realizing your long lost sister is not only alive but couldn't bear see her in person after all this time might be... infuriating? perhaps?
You mentioned your brother. What is he suffering from?
Lath? Cancer, he was undergoing treatment for years, but he was frail enough that he had fallen into a coma. Given the treatments, he's considered in remission, but he hasn't woke up in... eight years now. I've sent him a letter at least once a month for all this time, I'm hoping that one day he wakes up and can read them all. Or at least, maybe Nearl can... to know where I was. To know I was thinking of her. To know that I hadn't forgotten, that I was powerless, and afraid.

The tape cuts out there.


Koori and Triage play videogames, and Celicy promises to help find out information about the Spellbook that Re:Gulus owns with Triage.


2 Karma - 2 RVP
6 CDP - 3 RVP
2 CDP base
Optional rewards:
Celicy Vist at C4 L1 - 4 RVP

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Triage: Nearl's long lost sister, suddenly returned? That is not at all what I was expecting. I'm not complaining, mind, in fact this could have been much, much worse. They do seem to like each other a lot. I know I wouldn't respond they way Nearl did if Eric showed up in Seattle. But yeah, She's just looking for her sister, and helped me to keep the book from falling into the wrong hands. It was a good talk, and I didn't even have to use the preparation.

If she calls me a dog again though I am going to have a problem, though.