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Snow White calls Jean Baptiste for a ride to the Tacoma Docks, though the voodoo driver indicates that he drives a yellow cab, not a cargo van, and so cannot transport the cargo itself, though he can, of course, give Snow White the ride there.
Snow White calls Jean Baptiste for a ride to the Tacoma Docks, though the voodoo driver indicates that he drives a yellow cab, not a cargo van, and so cannot transport the cargo itself, though he can, of course, give Snow White the ride there.

She arrives at the Tacoma Docks, scouting out the three main entrances and exists being guarded by KE Security guards. She slips over the wall, avoiding Cameras, and finding the shipping container. She manages to pry the maglock off the container without tripping the tamper alarm, and finds the package inside. She becomes aware that something is unusual with her container, but is not certain what. Slipping back out, she spots a number of cargo vans at the dock, but all of them are locked.
She arrives at the Tacoma Docks, scouting out the three main entrances and exists being guarded by KE Security guards. She slips over the wall, avoiding Cameras, and finding the shipping container. She manages to pry the maglock off the container without tripping the tamper alarm, and finds the package inside. She becomes aware that something is unusual with her container, but is not certain what. Slipping back out, she spots a number of cargo vans at the dock, but all of them are locked. An autopicker later, the cargo and the cyborg are loaded into the van. While it's able to handle the weight, being a cargo truck, it's not built for metahumans of Snow's size and, between that and the autopicker, she is faced a challenging exit with her prize.
Snow downloads a "pilot groundcraft" and goes to run one of the KE security exits, resulting in a handling chase through downtown while the KE Security calls for the HTR team, citing a stolen container by a completely white FBR Troll. A short chase later, Snow manages to lose the security cruiser in the upper parts of Tacoma and find a place to hide and get some breathing room. As the van gets shut down by GridGuide, she realizes that the cargo container was damaged with the KE Security shot at her in the chase. The cargo container reports a cryogenic failure revealing that inside is a person being trafficked to the Yoshinaga-gumi, set to be implanted with some datajacks and other equipment to be a decker for them - notably with similar implants to bunraku - clearly indicating this person is being trafficked against their will, though for decker uses and not traditional bunraku.


Revision as of 18:26, 22 July 2024

Rose Red
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Knight Errant
Snow White KE_Security



Snow White's missing to infiltrate the Yoshinaga-gumi led to her getting contact information and establishing an 'in' with Rino Ozawa, which is about to bear fruit if Snow White can accomplish one, small, entirely uncomplicated, task, for the clan she seeks to enter.

The Meet

Rino contacts Snow and asks her to come by the shop after hours, explaining to her that she has a job for her but it's... particularly on the down low. She doesn't want to put it over comms nor, even, really, through the Shadowhaven. Rino explains that the job is to transport a four foot by four foot container, at approximately 200 pounds, from the Tacoma Docks to a location in Newcastle which Snow White recognizes as being associated with the Yoshinaga-Gumi.

The client's expectations are delivery of the container without damage or being opened. Expected Opfor includes Knight Errant Security at the Docks. Snow White also needs to figure out how to transport the crate from the Tacoma docks back to Newcastle.

The Plan

The Run

Snow White calls Jean Baptiste for a ride to the Tacoma Docks, though the voodoo driver indicates that he drives a yellow cab, not a cargo van, and so cannot transport the cargo itself, though he can, of course, give Snow White the ride there.

She arrives at the Tacoma Docks, scouting out the three main entrances and exists being guarded by KE Security guards. She slips over the wall, avoiding Cameras, and finding the shipping container. She manages to pry the maglock off the container without tripping the tamper alarm, and finds the package inside. She becomes aware that something is unusual with her container, but is not certain what. Slipping back out, she spots a number of cargo vans at the dock, but all of them are locked. An autopicker later, the cargo and the cyborg are loaded into the van. While it's able to handle the weight, being a cargo truck, it's not built for metahumans of Snow's size and, between that and the autopicker, she is faced a challenging exit with her prize.

Snow downloads a "pilot groundcraft" and goes to run one of the KE security exits, resulting in a handling chase through downtown while the KE Security calls for the HTR team, citing a stolen container by a completely white FBR Troll. A short chase later, Snow manages to lose the security cruiser in the upper parts of Tacoma and find a place to hide and get some breathing room. As the van gets shut down by GridGuide, she realizes that the cargo container was damaged with the KE Security shot at her in the chase. The cargo container reports a cryogenic failure revealing that inside is a person being trafficked to the Yoshinaga-gumi, set to be implanted with some datajacks and other equipment to be a decker for them - notably with similar implants to bunraku - clearly indicating this person is being trafficked against their will, though for decker uses and not traditional bunraku.



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)