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|Militant Faith
|Militant Faith
|Father Ignatius, unlike most of the clergy, has few qualms mobilizing to fight the agents of Satan with force, including mobilizing the faithful to fight against evil in all its forms
|Father Ignatius, unlike most of the clergy, has few qualms taking initiative to fight the agents of Satan with force, including mobilizing and arming the disenfranchised faithful to fight against the evil that oppresses them.

Revision as of 16:00, 10 March 2025

U8175883494 httpss.mj.runEkgucUIlmJ4 catholic inquisitor cros 70a85f1d-a56d-4ae6-a15a-3a9ad0aec739 3.png
The Wrath of God
"Where do we go when all hope is lost, what do we do when the light of God is no longer in sight? We fight. We fight for what is good and just because the light of God exists within us all, waiting to be unleashed in a blaze of righteousness. Under God, we are all created equal, but under Satan, we are beholden to our species, our corporation, our wealth. I will fight for this truth, until all souls are once again deemed equal, and all of Satan's agents are but ash and memory."
Wiki UserJuice
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - C
Skills - A
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


Story includes themes of racism, self-harm, and religious persecution


Father Ignatius is a fiercely devout man with a conflicted past. Seeing the worst of humanity in his racist home country of Spain, Ignatius found a shelter in his faith that has grown into a religious fervor to protect the weak and bring holy judgment to the elite, leading to the advent of his persona, The Inquisitor. Drawing upon the dark ages of the Spanish Inquisition, Father Ignatius seeks to strike fear into the hearts of the agents of Satan. Corporations, gangs, spirits, maleficar; all those who would prey on the downtrodden and weak will know his righteous fury. With his God-given abilities as a sorcerer, he channels the wrath of God to punish the evil and safeguard the innocent. He preaches as Father Ignatius by day, and scours the shadows as The Inquisitor by night. He is determined to bring the light to Seattle, but more importantly, to banish the darkness before it can overtake the city, like it has overtaken his home.


  • Destroy evil spirits, such as the Shedim or Invae
  • Bring respite to the afflicted and downtrodden of Seattle
  • Bring hope and light to the people of Seattle through sermons and scripture
  • Work against radical groups, such as Humanis, to prevent a descent into the dark ages


Father Ignatius grew up in a conflicted and ravaged Spain, a place afflicted by severe racism and religious tensions. His rural upbringing would have otherwise left him to develop these very same prejudices, if it was not for his faith. From a young age, Ignatius took to the scriptures and teachings of his church with fervor, finding strength in God to endure the hard times that had befallen his country. For him, there was no doubt what he would do with his life, and when he began seminary school, his faith was all the more emboldened. Always introspective, Ignatius wept for his home, how his people could stray so far from the light of God and Jesus. He had seen it as a child, trolls burned for their unholy blood, orks dragged through the streets and beaten for no reason at all. He could not take it, he had to make a change. He took his vows and soon became a full-fledged priest. With nothing but his bible and rosary, Father Ignatius took to the streets to open the eyes of Spain to the truth of what they were doing, all of them were walking down a path paved by blood and hate, one that led to the fiery damnation of hell. Though many found hope in his words, old prejudices could not be undone by one man alone, and many in his own church would shun his "radical" views of racial equality, dubbing him a heretic who would have humanity welcome and live beside demons.

These indictments and prejudices that gripped the heart of Spain would rise to a boiling point with the conflict of kings. The death of Spain's reigning king would leave two successors, the human Juan Carlos, and the Ogre, the supposed first-born Alfonso, an ogre. Seeing this as a sign from God, Father Ignatius put his word and faith in Alfonso, hoping a metahuman king would open the hearts of Spain, but he was met with cold distain as the whole of his church backed Juan Carlos, the country on the brink of civil war. Despite this, Ignatius would continue his sermons and support, trusting in God to lead Spain to salvation, praying ceaselessly for guidance, and finding himself affirmed in his convictions every time. However, this would crash down upon him in a single night, as during one of his sermons, a group of radicals would assault his church, which was full of metahumans. Wielding guns and Molotov cocktails, the congregation would have stood no chance. Father Ignatius would have to take a stand for his faith, or the innocent would suffer. And so, he violated his vow of obedience, he broke a holy commandment. Wielding the sorcery he had kept hidden, Ignatius fought back the crowd of violent humans, killing some in the process, but saving the terrified metahumans inside. He was met with the many faces of his grateful congregation, but Ignatius felt only disgust and guilt, his spirit ripped between his convictions he knew to be true, that all mankind was created equal, and his church, which sponsored hatred and violence.

Alfonso would become the newly crowned King Juan Carlos II after the mysterious disappearance of his brother, a bittersweet victory for the downtrodden that narrowly avoided civil war. Spain is far from free, but it is on the path to redemption, one that Ignatius himself now walks, for he fled Spain after the violent night, unable to remain in his homeland from his guilt and pain. He would leave for Seattle, a land far from Spain, with new ideologies, new beginnings. It would be here where he would begin his work, for he could not save the souls of Spain, perhaps he could protect those of Seattle? Dawning his cloak and mask, he would willingly walk into the dark shadows, to see Seattle laid bare in all its criminal glory. Ignatius had fought the darkness from the light with peaceful word and glimmering hope, and he had lost. El Inquisidor, however, would let himself fall into the darkness to fight it from within. He would walk the path of a sinner to fight the guilty. He fights with the conviction that, even if his own soul may be damned, he may still save others, even if only one soul is spared from the depths of hell, from the violence of the wicked, then he could endure the fires that await him knowing his suffering could bring light and hope, for that is the burden of The Inquisitor.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Divine Guidance (Mentor Spirit): Ignatius had been guided since childhood by a spirit that has instilled a righteous conviction within him to fight for what is good. Through dreams and faith, it pushes him to zealously hunt the wicked and protect the good in a righteous and just manner, not the senseless lynching he was witness to in Spain.


  • The Price of Sin (Pie Iesu Domine. Dona Eis Requiem.): Ignatius views himself as a sinner, one that has broken his vows to God by killing and straying from the church. This spiritual confusion has bred the need for personal punishment in Ignatius, who regularly punishes himself physically to remind him of his failings, even as he walks further down what he believes as the path to damnation.
  • The Wicked. Only the Wicked. (Code of Honor: Avenging Angel): Ignatius witnessed senseless violence and killings all throughout his home of Spain. This has instilled a deep conviction in him to only bring death to the wicked and deserving. Ignatius will only kill those who have committed or are in the process of committing an unforgivable sin, such as murder and other unspeakable acts.

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Elizabeth Clement 5 2 Fixer Nun, Operates a charity shelter Lives at work, Open to All, Vatican Ties, Christian Iconography, Plight of the Damned, Righteous Rage, The Least of Us, Healing Light Even
Fred Nanders 5 1 Legwork Infobroker Devote Christian, Speak to the Manager, Looking for Content, Social Media Prowler, Need a New Fish-Eye Lens?, Downtown Even
Camille Delacroix 1 1 Service Safehouse Mistress Book in Advance, Sweet Dreams Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Some posts about about the catholic priest Father Ignatius and his sermons pop up. Seems mostly centered around all life being equal under God, charity work, and activism
3 Posts going further back reveal Father Ignatius came from Spain about ten years ago. Seems he can be seen all around Seattle at various churches and charity centers volunteering
6 Finally, foreign posts reveal Father Ignatius was involved in an incident in Spain, where his church came under attack by a radical anti-metahuman group in the Spanish Catholic church. The result was 3 casualties, all sustained by the hate group as a result of unexpected destructive magical power used by Father Ignatius. This incident prompted his departer from the Spanish Catholic church.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 The Inquisitor is a catholic mage, and not a subtle one. Most people who work with him report that he seems focused primarily on raw combat prowess of the magical variety, slinging lightning and smiting thugs. Despite the name and appearance, he seems amiable enough. So long as you don't go around brandishing a pentagram or stabbing citizens, you should get along.
3 Seems The Inquisitor has a few tricks up his sleeve. True to his name, he is proficient at extracting information from people by peace, by force, or by magic. He isn't quick to violence, but when he does find a fight, it will take a lot to break him out of his fervor regardless of his odds, as his zeal and faith often overrule strategy and numbers. Apart from that, he seems an honorable man with a "great power means great responsibility" mentality.
5 If you see him whipping himself, don't ask. It's a religious thing, apparently. For all the honor and courtesy, that all turns to dust if you decide to shoot someone for fun. This guy has a lot of unresolved anger, it seems, since he will absolutely turn a racist to dust at the first given chance. The guy is reliable, upfront, and honest, but there is clearly a fine line that seperates the love of God with the wrath of God. Just don't go stabbing kids...

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Awakened
2 No Cyberware, Aspected Sorcerer
3 6 essence/magic
4 6 essence/magic


  • Legal Sin with a Mage License


Father Ignatius is an older man with hair whitened and thinned by stress, his square face heavy with the evidence of his age of woes. The priest is tall and wide, built like a fridge as some may say. Despite these features, you can usually catch him with a warm smile on his face that lets you know you are welcome. His back and chest are adorned with many scars and burns, some self inflicted by the weight of his religious guilt, others suffered in the war against evil.


By day, Father Ignatius wears the typical garb of a catholic priest, only occasionally getting ostentatious when the Catholic Church calls for it on periods of religious significance. As The Inquisitor, however, he dawns his inquisitorial garb. A hooded white cassock represents the purity of his mission, while the black cloak on his shoulders reflects the burden of his responsibility. All this leads to the sinister ballistic mask that evokes fear in the innocent and guilty alike, glowing yellow eyes scrutinizing those before him. His entire garb adorned with crosses, rosaries, and symbols of the faith to ward off evil. Anyone who looks at The Inquisitor can instantly tell all they need to know about who he is, and what he represents.

Matrix Persona

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Racial Tensions Ignatius grew up in a severely racist Spain, which threw his country into turmoil. As a result, Ignatius has taken up the fight for equality, and will actively target hate groups of any kind.
Religious Loyalties Father Ignatius is, as his title implies, a Catholic Priest. While he has run into conflict with the Spanish Church in the past, he remains faithful to the Catholic Church at large
The Power of Christ! Father Ignatius is a trained exorcist, and as such hunts down any spirits that would possess or inhabit mortal vessels
Militant Faith Father Ignatius, unlike most of the clergy, has few qualms taking initiative to fight the agents of Satan with force, including mobilizing and arming the disenfranchised faithful to fight against the evil that oppresses them.
Inquisition Father Ignatius takes his role as Inquisitor seriously, zealously hunting the influence of Satan wherever it hides. To this end, he uses magic and interrogation to acquire information about gangs and corporations involved in demonic practices or spreading discord and evil.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments