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No nonsense dwarf. Prefers to have as little to do with the Shadows as possible. But tends to do alot more buisness with them than is let on
No nonsense dwarf. Prefers to have as little to do with the Shadows as possible. But tends to do a lot more business with them than is let on
But when ever she's off work, she can almost certienly be found either with her hobby group for cars and vehicles, or back home, trying to learn how
But when ever she's off work, she can almost certainly be found either with her hobby group for cars and vehicles, or back home, trying to learn how
to fix or even tune her own vehicle
to fix or even tune her own vehicle

==Key Dice Pools==
==Key Dice Pools==

Influnce group, 15 Dice (18 if Pheromones applies)
Influence group, 15 Dice (18 if Pheromones applies)

Con 13 Dice (16 if Pheromones applies)
Con 13 Dice (16 if Pheromones applies)

Revision as of 21:02, 11 July 2017

Betty White
Betty White.jpg
Starting Loyalty3
Public Contact?Yes
TypePersonal Favors (pg 173 RF)
Preferred Payment MethodCold hard Nuyen
Hobbies/Vicewatching Detective shows while on zen
Personal LifeMarried for 4 years


No nonsense dwarf. Prefers to have as little to do with the Shadows as possible. But tends to do a lot more business with them than is let on But when ever she's off work, she can almost certainly be found either with her hobby group for cars and vehicles, or back home, trying to learn how to fix or even tune her own vehicle

Key Dice Pools

Influence group, 15 Dice (18 if Pheromones applies)

Con 13 Dice (16 if Pheromones applies)

Stat Block

B A R S C I L W Ess Edge
3 3 3 3 7 4 5 5 4.55 5
Condition Monitor 10/11
Limits Physical 4, Mental 7, Social 7(10)
Initiative 7+1d6
Skills Influence group 8, con 6, Intimidation 4
Knowledge Skills English (N). Jury trials 4, Lawyers 6, Criminal trials 6, Judges 4, hobbies 2(+2 Cars), Crime sceen investigation procedures 3
Ware Tailored Pheromones (Used) 3, Olfactory Booster 2, Narco, Genetic Optimization (Cha)
Gear Americar, 17830 Spent on misc things
Weapons None


Player Characters with this Contact

Name Chips Owed/Owned
Mister_Sarcarian Even

NPC who know this contact