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|Name= Jaden "Aleph" Connor (Fixer)
|Name= Jaiden "Aleph" Connor
|Loyalty= 3/4
|Loyalty= 3/4
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|Name= Aunty Nuyen (Talismonger)
|Name= Aunty Nuyen
|Loyalty= 4/1
|Loyalty= 4/1

Revision as of 16:05, 26 January 2023

College Magician
Metatype(Shapeshifter Vulpine - Elf)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and AwardsNone
Character's Date of BirthJune 8th, 2060
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - D
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - B
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


"Okay, you want me to talk about myself... I'm 5'10, I weight around 120lbs, my cup size is D not that you need to know this, and by my accent you can tell I'm not from around here, I try to look on the bright side of stuff and basically just want to help people around me as long as it gives me money to feed my sister and myself, also, this tiara is fake, it's just to hide my ears in plain sight."


"My goals? Good question, I guess give my sister and myself the best life I can, either it being risking my life on money just to pay our rent and doing the best I can overall"


"So... How was I dragged into shadowrunning? That's a somewhat long tale, and you're in for a long time, I was born in Amazonia on June 8th, 2060, you know, on Brazil, had parents there and all that, grew up normally and all, well, as normal as a shifter can be around them metahumans and all that... but it's fine, both my parents died when I was young because of a accident, and that made me become responsible for my sister, we tried our best to survive, called in a few parents and for our luck our uncle grabbed us to raise, he worked on a bar and since he couldn't left both me and my sister unattended, he took us to work with him sometimes, that's where I started getting into music, expecially harps, they had a girl there who played them and she was soooo pretty... anyway, side stepping here, our uncle taught us basic stuff like writting and reading as well as helped us enroll in college, I went for magic and my sister went for administration, it was all nice..." "Then it happened, one day when coming home as soon as we got home we noticed the place was trashed, someone broke almost everything there, our uncle took us go back to his work and on some underground vault or something he presented us to this men, he said something about potential about me and my sister but I couldn't quite understand what they both said, it was a while back, anyway, that man was Jaiden, we started to go with him and he made me and my sister both move to Seattle, taught us how to speak and write English, and gave both me and my sister this tiara with two holes to make our ears look fake and said for us to hide our tails and never turn into a fox close to people, since people over here doesn't really like shifters, still, he found me a job on a bar he works as a barman, he knew the place needed people to play and I'm pretty good with a harp myself, well, a mini-harp, but still I'm pretty good... so I started working there and my sister too, she cleans the place, we've been like this for a while but Jaiden is worried about something and talked about training us and getting us 'into the shadows' like our uncle said him to whatever that means..."

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Animal Empathy

- Silverlight always had a love for animals, since she's one herself

  • College Education

- Even though being homeschooled for a bit to learn how to read, her uncle managed to get her into Mage College

  • Common Sense

- Living close to Metahumans kinda gave her a idea on when to not trust instincts

  • Will to Live 1

- She sees her sister as a daughter and that gives her this little will to stay alive


  • Pollen Allergy (Common-Mild)

- She loves flowers, but can't really stand near them

  • Day Job (10 Hours)

- She plays Harp on a nightclub on downtown, Jaiden was the one responsible for her getting the job

  • Dependant (Inconvinience)

- Her sister lives on a house they both rented on downtown, and even though her sister is an adult, she still cares dearly for her

  • Distincitive Style

- Apart from the Tiara with the fox ears that she always has on and the tail which she explains with the excuse that she likes cosplaying and fantasies, she still didn't grasp English that well and speaks with a somewhat strong Brazillian accent

  • Uneducated

- She was homeschooled by her uncle, who wasn't the smartest of persons either, enough for her to read and write, but apart from that, she has no basic knowledge of stuff.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Tangerine DreamsDraknic27 February 2084
Let the Hunt Begin!BulldogcTrophäenjagd28 January 2084
Stolen goods from Stuffer ShackDraknic27 January 2084



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Jaiden "Aleph" Connor 3 3/4 Fixer Barman Black Market Rumors, Old-School Runner, Overseas Traveller, Golden Promises Even
Aunty Nuyen 4 4/1 Gear Talismonger (Hermetic) Talismonger, Immigrant, Black Market, Fort Lewis, Loveland Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result


    • FakeSIN Rating 4 on the name Bianca Treasenheal
  • Fake Mage License Rating 4


  • Shapeshifter Vulpine

Fox with white fur, yellowed pupils and a very trimmed tail

  • Elf

Caucasian woman, 5'10" or 1,78m, Yellowed pupils, short wavy white hair, small nose, somewhat skinny with D-cups


A cyan long coat, white shirt, a cyan backpack, blue jeans, a white tiara, a sony angel commlink and black shoes which she sometimes swiches to purple rollerskates

Matrix Persona

Almost the same appearance as her elf form, but her face is her fox face instead of the elf one

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments