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====Brand Loyalty====
====Brand Loyalty====
*Generic gear(not branded) is considered "not made by their preferred manufacturer" and is sunject to a penalty. When determining if a penalty or bonus is expected the gear that is limiting test should be used. If a runner has brand loyalty Ares and is firing a gun from an Ares Roadmaster with a Shiawase Arms Monsoon mounted to it when driving the vehicle perform the actions at +1 but when firing the gun perform the gunnery checks at -1.
*Generic gear(not branded) is considered "not made by their preferred manufacturer" and is sunject to a penalty. When determining if a penalty or bonus is expected the gear that is limiting test should be used. If a runner has brand loyalty Ares and is firing a gun from an Ares Roadmaster with a Shiawase Arms Monsoon mounted to it when driving the vehicle perform the actions at +1 but when firing the gun perform the gunnery checks at -1.
Striking skin pigmentation quality is incompatible with the Dermal Alteration quality.
Bioluminescence with either hair modifications or skin modifications but not both.


Revision as of 20:03, 9 March 2023

Banned Miscellaneous Content

Banned Items

Banned Drones

  • Horizon Little Buddy (Page 146, Rigger 5.0)
  • Medusa Extensions (Page 147, Cutting Aces)
  • Noizquito (Page 128, Rigger 5.0)

Banned Vehicles & Vehicle Mods

  • Chameleon Coating (Page 184,194 Stolen Souls) (We only use the Rigger 5 Chameleon Coating on ShadowHaven)
  • Official Emergency Vehicle attribute modifier (Page 187,197 Stolen Souls)
  • Smuggling Compartment (Dwarf, Human, Elf, or Ork) (Page 186, Stolen Souls) (We only use the Rigger 5 smuggling compartments on ShadowHaven)
  • Smuggling Compartment (Troll) (Page 186, Stolen Souls) (We only use the Rigger 5 smuggling compartments on ShadowHaven)
  • The Stoner-Ares M-22A1 Vehicle Mounted Heavy Machine Gun (Page 130, Street Lethal) shall be banned from all use, including by GMs.
  • Weapon Mounts (Page 461, Core) (We only use the Rigger 5 weapon mount rules on ShadowHaven)
  • Yerz Kit (Page 187, The Complete Trog) (Use ‘Yerzed Out’ from Page 171, Rigger 5.0)

Banned Cyberware/Bioware

  • Immunization (Chrome Flesh 164)
  • All Gammaware grades
  • All Omegaware grades

Banned Qualities

Positive Qualities

  • Better to be Feared than Loved (Chrome Flesh, Page 54)
  • Dracoform (Any) (Howling Shadows, 163-164)
  • Friends in High Places (Run Faster, Page 147)
  • Human Lifespan (The Complete Trog, Page 188): Having a human lifespan can be done for free as a fluff decision.
  • Latent Dracomorphosis (Howling Shadows, Page 164)
  • Massive Network (No Future, Page 177)
  • Networker (No Future, Page 177)
  • Observant (Street Lethal, Page 127): Is assumed to be automatically possessed by all characters. !!!INCLUDE LINK TO OBSERVANT RULING BELOW!!!!

Negative Qualities

  • Amnesia: Neural Deletion & Surface Loss (Run Faster, Page 152)
  • Borrowed Time (Run Faster, Page 153)
  • Consummate Professional (Assassin's Primer, Page 17)
  • Dead Emotion (Chrome Flesh, Page 57)
  • Dead SIN (Better Than Bad, Page 162)
  • Earther (Run & Gun, Page 169)
  • Every Man For Himself (Street Lethal, Page 181)
  • Escaped Custody (Kill Code, Page 99)
  • Hung Out to Dry (Run Faster, Page 155)
  • In Debt (Run Faster, Page 156)
  • Neoteny (Run Faster, 121) - The negative metagenic quality Neoteny (RF, 121) has been banned for play on the Haven unless the character is a Gnome. Any characters that have the Neoteny quality that are not gnomes and have been approved prior to October 16th, 2020 are grandfathered in and may keep the quality. As a note, Gnome neoteny does not make the gnome appear childlike.
  • One of Them (Chrome Flesh, Page 58)
  • Pregnant (Bullets & Bandages, Page 12)
  • So Jacked Up (Chrome Flesh, Page 59)
  • Stay Out Of My Way (Street Lethal, Page 127)
  • Stolen Gear (No Future, Page 177)
  • This Is Your Last Chance (Street Lethal, Page 129)
  • Tough and Targeted (Chrome Flesh, Page 59)
  • 'Ware Intolerance (Kill Code, Page 100)

Banned Mechnics

  • Pharmaceutical Drug Grade (Page 190, Chrome Flesh)
  • Customizing Drugs (pgs. 190-192 Chrome Flesh)
  • Forcing another character to take chemicals with no penetration or power during combat is not allowed on the Haven (including by GMs).
  • Group Resources (Page 43, Data Trails)

Banned Lifestyle Options

Hotel California (Page 226, Run Faster)

Altered Miscellaneous and Rulings

Skills and Attributes

  • Skills are linked to the attribute being used with them in a given test.

Street Cred

  • Street Cred shall go by the text, with the table assumed to be a misprint. As a result, it shall provide a limit increase, but no dice increase.

Metatypes and Co.

  • Metavariants are not their parent metatype, and cannot take qualities or 'ware restricted to them as a general rule. If there is an explicit exception, it remains in place - most notably that any ork or troll metavariant may take any of the qualities from The Complete Trog.
  • Shifters may shift with deltaware cyberware, even if it isn't purely internal, without it being automatically rejected.

Armor Stacking

  • Concealability Stacking: Concealability from multiple pieces of armor does not stack with other pieces of armor. It will however stack with a concealed pocket or a concealed holster. Note the singular articles there.

Delivery Time

  • Delivery time will be based off of the cost of the final item.



  • Workshops and facilities do not require a commercial lifestyle.


  • There are no limits on what may be translated, though the threshold may vary. The threshold should not exceed 8 in any case.

Vocal Tension Lie Detection

  • Vocal Tension Lie Detection may, at GM discretion, add to the Con resist roll.
  • It will always apply to Judge Intentions rolls to determine if someone is lying.

Trust Fund

  • Trust Fund provides a base lifestyle of the appropriate type altered only by positive and negative qualities, metatype/variant and any ware one may have. The lifestyle may be altered, however, if the final cost of the lifestyle is higher than the base as provided above, one must pay the difference. If the final cost is lower, one does not receive the difference.

Cost Reduction

  • For luxury, high, medium, low, and squatter lifestyles street cred or karma may be exchanged to reduce the base lifestyle cost to the next lowest level. The reduction cost shall be paid in any combination of Street Cred and/or Karma in a one to one thousand nuyen rate. Costs can never be reduced further than 1 level. No other lifestyles may be reduced in cost and only the base lifestyle cost is reduced. Any subscriptions added can not be reduced and any taxes applied are applied to the adjusted base cost.


  • Assume that additional costs (lifestyle costs etc.) are not multiplied by ware grade.
  • Custom cybergun availabilities are affected by the grade of the arm they are implanted in.
  • Partial cuberlimbs may be upgraded to fuller limbs in accordance with the upgrade rules. Existing limb components must be present in the new fuller limb. This process can not be used to remove or change modifications that were present in the existing limb.
  • The bonus from Spider Eyes implant will not stack with multiple sets.

Cyberlimb Mods

  • Strength and agility customization and enhancement should be applied to the coremost (that is to say, the part closest to the torso - the uppermost part) part of any modular limbs a character has, and will automatically flow down through any parts possessed.
  • Theoretically, any non-magical, non-Resonance skill may be taken as a cyberlimb optimization. However, no skill used over the Matrix or otherwise used remotely, and no skill used on the astralor against a target on the astral, or using the Resonance, may benefit from a cyberlimb optimization. Generally, a limb must be at least tangentially used to benefit, but this should be interpreted very broadly.

Modular Cyberlimbs

  • Modular connectors between flesh and limb work in one of two ways - either you purchase a connector and place it in your flesh, allowing you to change out any appropriately-sized limb, or you purchase a modular limb and can swap it out without the use of a connector, but only with other modular limbs. Essentially, you pay in capacity, or you pay in essence. In either case, your essence will adjust, leaving essence holes as appropriate, to any changes in your limbs. A connector does not place a limb into its capacity, so it still costs essence to have an arm attached to a connector.

Smuggling Compartments etc.

  • A smuggling compartment can hold concealability -1 or lower. If broken down, it can hold concealability 0 or lower.
  • A skin pocket functions as above.
  • A large smuggling compartment can store concealability +1 or lower. If broken down, it can store concealability +2 or lower.
  • A cyberarm slide can store a taser, a hold-out pistol, or a light pistol. It can store nothing else.
  • A cyber holster can store items with a concealibility of 0 or lower.
  • An assault rifle with a sawn-off barrel or shotgun with a sawn-off barrel may be stored across two large smuggling compartments if it is broken down, again taking the vast majority of the space. No larger firearm may be stored in such compartments, even if you ask it really nicely to go to the gym with you.
  • Concealability as a kludge for storage space is not additive in any sense, but if you're storing an item that caps out your concealability, you likely do not have much more space. Don't be a dumbshit.
  • A Large Smuggling Compartment in a cyberlimb may only hold a rating 1 or rating 2 Vault of Ages. Note that it is probably not safe to place contact trigger preparations inside one's own limbs, as they would be triggered by doing so.


  • Assume "significant extra weight" for the purposes of Skimmers (CF 88) to mean anything more than roughly 2kg/point of body above and beyond FBA+reasonable weaponry. You can still have your combat axe or sniper rifle and FBA, but if you try carrying a ballistic shield things might get a bit hairy. Anything that needs a lift and carry test is, of course, right out.


  • Slap patches may not be placed into auto-injectors.


  • Digigrade legs cost both essence and capacity. The increased essence cost is affected by 'ware grade as usual. It adds to the essence cost of the leg for the purposes of reductions.

Bilateral Coordination Coprocessor

  • The Bilateral Coordination Coprocessor will reduce penalties by 2 for any given action. If you are only using one non-primary hand, this will typically be sufficient. However, if you are using multiple, the GM may apply the penalty multiple times, at their discretion. I suggest they only do this in cases where multiple limbs are required to coordinate to a higher degree than firing a weapon - for example performing brain surgery.
  • The limit increase of multiple coprocessors stacks. No wireless bonus granting extra dice on a test stacks with the bonus from the same item, unless explicitly stated to do so.

Skin Toner

  • Treat Skin Toner as a Ruthenium Polymer Coating at rating 4 rather than a rating 4 chameleon suit

Gene Ware

  • Shifters may take geneware freely and continue to shift. As it is not an implant, the Shift power does not expel it, cause any damage, or cause loss of the geneware.
  • All metatypes and metavariants can take all genetic treatments. Shifters and Metasapients may take any geneware that is not part of the Phenotype Adjustment section. For Transgenic Alterations, Shifters apply them equally to both forms. Infected may take any geneware appropriate for their type.


  • Adapsin works retroactively and works as a multiplicative modifier. Multiply the final essence cost of the ware by 0.9 after including other modifiers based on Grade and the presence or lack thereof of Biocompatability.

Tetrachromatic Vision

  • Tetrachromatic vision is not compatible with cybereyes.

Ares Briefcase Shield

  • The Ares Briefcase Shield is non-ferrous and not itself affected by MAD scanners. It does not provide shielding to items within it.

Laced Lipstick

  • While Laced Lipstick itself does not protect you, the acquisition of an appropriate protective method - a plastic or wax coating, for example - shall be assumed to be a part of lifestyle for anyone who is not literally a squatter.


  • YNT Softweave may only be added to base armor pieces. It may not be added to armor accessories.
  • A rating 6 medkit can be added to armor, though it can safely be assumed to only function for the wearer.
  • Armor mods may be applied to any base armor piece or accessory, subject to normal capacity rules. When possessing multiple instances of a rated armor mod, only the highest rated instance will apply to any situation. Additionally, one can only benefit from armor mods installed into pieces of armor one is benefiting from, or installed into cloaks. Thus, armor mods installed into (for example) a Second Skin underneath an armor jacket will not benefit you. When determining which base armor piece applies, always apply the piece with the highest armor value, per RAW. CRB 169.
  • A hazmat suit is damaged by receiving physical damage from an penetrative or slashing source.
  • For the time being, transfer of non-availability-altering armor modifications from base armor to base armor will be permitted.
  • Cloaks shall be considered an Armor Accessory with zero armor bonus. You may benefit from exactly one and will receive the benefit of any armor modifications installed into it.
  • As a general rule you only receive armor/armor mod bonuses if you are receiving armor from the piece of armor that grants them. The restrictive gear quality will always be applied if wearing the armor, even if not getting the armor benefits of that armor.
  • Gel packs may only be applied to armor that has a base armor value. When applied it increases the base armor value only and not any +armor values.

Urban Explorer Daedalus

  • The Urban Explorer Daedalus's parachute may be bought seperately in backpack form for the time being. Rules for its use should be tied to BOD + Freefall if dice are involved, but are up to GM fiat at this time.


  • When detecting a gun hidden inside a cyberware smuggling compartment or cyberarm slide/holster, both a MAD and a millimeter wave scanner may detect it as normal. If the weapon is resistant or immune to MAD scanners, the MAD scanner loses dice (from it's pool of (Rating)) or cannot roll, as appropriate.
  • Cyberimplanted weapons are MAD immune, but may still be detected by a millimeter wave scanner, as normal.
  • MAD scanners do not care about Palming or similar effects or intervening material. They can map things inside other things, as long as the things being mapped are ferrous.
  • Olfactory sensors may be used to detect the presence of tailored pheromones.

Real SINs

  • A corporate SIN - or any other real SIN - is assumed to come with licenses for any R-rated gear you possess. This is true for the jurisdiction which issued the SIN, as well as the jurisdiction in which you reside. For the typically runner on ShadowHaven, this mean their issuing body and the UCAS. Note that a license from an outside body does not automatically permit you to use an item. No jurisdiction will permit you to have an item they consider F simply because you have a license for it from somewhere else where it is considered R. Notably, the written availabiltiy codes assume UCAS law, which applies to all of Seattle, except certain extraterritorial places. As a general rule, they can also be applied elsewhere in the absence of specific Thematics justification otherwise.


Note: The bulk of critter powers are ruled on the Awakened page.

  • Chimeric Modification grants one of the enhanced senses per modification
  • Assume animals purchased at gen have a number of tricks learned equal to the PC's animal handling skill ranks, prior to any bonus ranks from adept powers or bioware. This does not allow them to exceed their normal limit on number of tricks. (Skill improvements count as a trick)


  • If an animal does not possess the domesticated quality as part of it's normal statblock, you cannot just add that onto the statblock. You cannot purchase animals with any modifiers based on previous treatment. Assume they were bred and raised by The Greys from Futurama. Everything was strictly neutral.


  • A bird may not exceed it's normal flying speed. If a GM wishes to allow a bird to dive faster, they may at their sole discretion allow the bird to move at double it's normal running rate if moving straight downward, though under this stricture the falling bird should not exceed the normal falling rate as describe in the CRB, page 172.


  • Warforms will cost 10 times as much as a normal animal, plus 20,000 additional nuyen. Both values are multiplicative with chimeric modifiers. Additionally, you are permitted to spend edge or burn edge on the behalf of your animals, including both warforms and non-warforms, and including the use of Not Dead Yet.


Critter Body Armor shall have a capacity equal to the armor rating that it has.

Biotech, Drugs and Toxins

  • All "Drugs" found in "Bullets and Bandages" should be treated as having a speed of "Immediate."
  • Narco will reduce the total damage suffered during a dose of Buffout due to it's effects by two. It is not a reduction for each instance of damage, however. Instead of taking 3 damage, you would take 1, but instead of taking 9 damage, you would take 7.
  • Nonmechanical impact of drugs such as anti-depressants and etc. do not need to be represented on the sheet. You can assume that they are a part of your lifestyle, though that might be a little tricky if you're a squatter.
  • Narco will not affect situational or specific bonuses to attributes, such as bonuses to logic-linked skills, or bonuses to strength for lift and carry or grappling damage.
  • BTLs do not stack with drugs, but cause drug interactions like drugs, and overdose like drugs and are affected by narco like drugs.
  • The same drug does not stack, it overlap.
  • Contact vector drugs and toxins may not be injected for effect. As a result, DMSO does not allow things to become injectable.
  • We will ignore the speedballing sidebar on p. 176 of "Chrome Flesh".
  • Neostigmine counters toxin-induced paralysis. It does nothing against Nerve Strike.
  • Psyche does not reduce the sustaining penalty of complex forms.
  • BTLs do not stack with, but do overdose and interact with drugs.
  • Assume Slab to possess all benefits of Reaper at no additional cost or availability.
  • A medkit (p. 450, CRB) operating autonomously through its wireless bonus is not capable of leading a teamwork test.
  • Only permanent bonuses to attributes apply to addiction tests. Bonuses from spells, spirit possession or channeling, Essence Drain, drugs, BTLs, temporary bonuses such as from Adrenaline Gland or anything else that is not permanently altering your attributes, do not apply.
  • As a general rule Drugs that are intended to counteract toxins should apply before the toxins if both take effect on the same turn end. The order of the interractions are left to the desicion of the GM.
  • Magical compounds maybe used by mundanes.


  • It is not possible to buy multiple instances of the same quality, unless specifically stated. This also applies to Sensei and Codeslinger.

Hobo with a Shotgun

  • Hobo With A Shotgun does not permit you to stay in a Bolt Hole willingly


  • A nartaki, or anyone else with Shiva Arms, requires an instance of Ambidextrous for each additional arm in order to avoid penalties with said arm.

Allergy (Sunlight)

  • Chemical Seal does not have any particular effect on sunlight. However, most armor that is capable of providing chemical seal will by it's nature reduce sunlight allergies by two steps when worn fully. Radiation protection has nothing to do with it, referring to alpha and beta radiation, not electromagnetic radiation.

Gear Discounts

  • Made Man and Black Market Pipeline will not stack with each other, however, both will stack individually with Dealer Connection. The stacking is calculated Additively - thus, when both apply, you recieve a 20% discount.
  • Black Market Pipeline may be attached to public contacts. Only people possessing the quality may benefit from the quality.


Due to negative gameplay interactions, biocompatibility is not going to be restricted to at-gen only. However, one must still go through the normal approval process for it.

Practice Practice Practice

  • The Practice Practice Practice quality will only apply to inherent and gear limits, per recent Council ruling.


  • In order to make the first test to change attunement location, a character with Symbiosis must have lived in a single place for a season - that is to say, 3 months, for simplicity's sake. Thereafter, each test is after 1 month, as stated.

Prototype Transhuman

  • While you can replace the 'ware provided by Prototype Transhuman, you cannot upgrade it, and the essence is not refunded. In your example, you would have to buy Rating 4 Muscle augmentation. Prototype transhuman does not alter how 'ware stacks.
  • Prototype Transhuman Bioware is not special. It is still detected by Assensing, and it is still rejected by those things that push out other 'ware. If this affects an active character, please reach out to Council immediately.
  • No geneware.

Free Qualities

  • In order to utilize a "free" quality, one must still meet all requirements of the quality. This does not apply if the source of the free quality explicitly states that you do not have to meet the requirements.

Hawk Eye

  • The quality "Hawk Eye" does not stack with electronic enhancements, cyberware, or bioware. The Adept Power "Improved Sense" mimics certain of the prior, and thus does not stack with the Hawk Eye quality.

Brand Loyalty

  • Generic gear(not branded) is considered "not made by their preferred manufacturer" and is sunject to a penalty. When determining if a penalty or bonus is expected the gear that is limiting test should be used. If a runner has brand loyalty Ares and is firing a gun from an Ares Roadmaster with a Shiawase Arms Monsoon mounted to it when driving the vehicle perform the actions at +1 but when firing the gun perform the gunnery checks at -1.


Striking skin pigmentation quality is incompatible with the Dermal Alteration quality. Bioluminescence with either hair modifications or skin modifications but not both.



  • A character may only receive Leadership bonuses from a single individual making tests at any given time. They should also not view the individual as an inferior or a subordinate, though viewing them as a ""sole superior"" or themselves as entirely subordinate is not necessary to receive benefits. A person providing Keadership bonuses to other individuals may not receive them themselves, even from another source.
  • Rally shall stack with itself to provide multiple increases to initiative if successfully used multiple times. Note that it requires 2 full hits in order to receive 1 bonus initiative, and that individuals making Rally tests do not benefit from their own Rally tests. In general, if one stumbles upon a situation where one would be able to receive infinite initiative without infinite hits on a single test, that situation is not rules-legal.


  • Unarmed: Touch


  • In a case where you have infinite leisure, and you are free to take your time ascending to a significant degree, and you go slower than is at all necessary, you may ignore the diving table results. They are for ascending promptly, at the maximum safe speed.
  • If you make a diving test and you fail, you do suffer all missed threshold results. Penalties to actions stack. Damage suffered is soaked seperately. Ignore any results that call for a kraken attack.


  • Mele attacks while jumped in: A rigger making melee attacks while jumped into a drone uses the relevant melee skill.
  • Control Rigs do not provide bonus dice to vehicle defense tests. Hotsim bonuses, control rig boosters, and any other modifiers to "Vehicle Tests" but not "Vehicle Skill Tests" will apply. This includes penalties for, say, flat tires.
  • However, the Lockheed Optic-X2, when folded up, will fit into a Large Smuggling Compartment cyberware unit.
  • Anthrodrones may wield metahuman weapons. They utilize the weapon targetting autosoft as normal when on autopilot, and the weapon skill itself when controlled remotely or by being jumped in, rather than gunnery.
  • Anthrodrones may wear metahuman armor, but may not benefit from it's armor score.
  • Increased Seating may not be taken multiple times, as hilarious as the 296 seat Omnibus is. Or the even scarier 2052 seat Omnibus is.
  • Riggers in VR - whether jumped in or using remote control - make use of their choice of their agility or logic in tests that call for either, and their choice of their intuition or reaction in tests that call for either.
  • The Virtual Machine Program does not increase the number of autosofts that an RCC can run. The RCC can run any common or hacking program, though many of them will not be useful. The sole exception is that they cannot run programs that alter an attribute they do not possess already. This means they cannot run, for example, Smoke and Mirrors to gain a sleaze score unless they somehow already have one.
  • You cannot put a commlink dongle on an RCC.
  • A weapon is mounted when it is on a weapon mount. A tripod is not a weapon mount. A smart firing platform is a weapon mount, but it is only usable remotely. The only other source of weapon mounts by RAW are on Vehicles and Drones, though a GM is free to use manual mounts on fixed locations if they deem fit.
  • Flamethrowers will fit on a "Heavy" weapon mount for drones.
  • You can not jump into medical gear.
  • RCC noise reduction and sharing are out of a pool of Device Rating. They also slots for cyberprograms equal to their device rating. Note that in order for a program to modify an attribute, the device must possess that attribute in the first place.
  • The acceleration of the Avibras-Nissan AN 822 from SIF:Metropole will be 3.
  • Confuse Pilot on page 30 of Rigger 5 will use the Data Processing limit found in some 1st printing books, rather than the Attack limit found in some 1st printing book.
  • The (Mechanics skill) + Logic extended test to install vehicle mods shall have a limit of [Mental] rather than [Logic.]
  • Smoke Projectors shall be assumed to be expended after one use. This use can be refilled with a combat turn's effort and a smoke grenade of the appropriate type, or is automatically filled at your next downtime for no cost. At GM's discretion, this downtime may occur mid-run, particularly if you have an opportunity to work on your car.
  • The rigger houserule permitted attribute choices applies in VR, even if not using a Rigger Interface. It does not apply in AR or in the meat.
  • The GMC Armadillo comes with a single ""pod"" of your choice. Purchasing a new ""pod"" has no availability and costs 6000¥. Removing a pod takes a single complex action, and causes it to slide gently off the back. Attaching a new ""pod"" takes approximately 1 hour if untrained, or 15 minutes with ranks in Automotive Mechanic. It is largely assisted and requires only normal exertion. Off-road transportation is assumed to be ""off-road suspension"", is not a pod option, and is already factored into the statline.
  • The price for repairs of vehicles shall key off of the base price of the vehicle, rather than the modified price
  • The Holo-Conference Drone shall use Pilot Groundcraft skill and the Hovercraft specialization. It can move over land and water equally well, up to a foot off the ground.
  • Vehicles or Drones with built in components may be upgraded via the normal upgrade rules. Simply pay the difference between the built in version and the new version.

Dice Pool Bonuses

  • The hotsim bonus of +1 for Vehicle Actions and the Control Rig (Booster/Optimisation) boni will apply to all Pilot, Stunt (and other specifically called out Vehicle Actions) and Gunnery. They do not apply to any other tests made through a vehicle.
  • Threshold reductions do not apply to opposed tests unless specifically stated.
  • Only weapons mounted on a drone or vehicle may benefit from Active Targeting, and they can only benefit from Active Targeting done through their own vehicle.


  • Per Thematics Division consensus, it is acceptable to utilize the Family rules for contacts listed in "Run Faster", paying appropriate karma costs. It is additionally permissible to do so at chargen. Note the downsides of these rules carefully.