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Playing Hamlet. Off-Broadway.


Revision as of 20:14, 13 April 2023

Thurston Howell Jr.jpg
Social Adept.
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - B
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information



Playing Hamlet. Off-Broadway.


The youngest scion of the Howell family, Thurston Jr. has lived off the family trust his entire life. This has allowed Thurston to pursue his artistic interests in the Seattle cultural scene. As a patron of the arts Thurston could both hone his acting & verbal skills as well as mingling with the more elevated members of society. For some people running the shadows is a matter of survival; for Thurston it's all about the thrills...mingling with the less elevated also has its benefits. At the theatre or the ballet he is Thurston Howell Jr. When he switches to his fake id for a trip to the barrens he is Thespis.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Mentor Spirit: Raven - Raven is a trickster. So is Thespis. He relies heavily on his adept powers as a social adept.

Social Chameleon - Thespis is comfortable in a wide variety of social situations [+2 etiquette].

Cool Resolve - Thespis is at his best in competitive social interactions [+2 opposed social tests].

Trust Fund - Thespis is a trust fund baby oriented towards the upper crust of society in knowledge and contacts.


Poor Self Control (Thrill Seeker) - Thespis tends to make risky choices. When he keeps his cool things are ok [succeed at a Composure (2) Test].

Creature of Comfort (Middle) - Thespis is accustomed to middle class amenities as a minimum. He becomes increasingly [and vocally] grumpy with anything less. For every day that he must spend “slumming” it in a lower Lifestyle category, he suffers a –1 penalty to all Social and Healing tests per Lifestyle category below medium.

Night Blindness - Thespis’ natural vision does not adjust well to poor lighting conditions. All Light/Glare Environmental modifiers are one category worse for him, with the exception of Full Light/No Glare, which still has no modifier. Thespis compensates with optical gear.

UCAS SINner - Thespis is very protective of his "civilian" identity.

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Alessa P 4 3 Fixer Owner of The Daze The Daze, Shadow Connections, Ear to the Ground, Punk Rocker, Bootleggers Even
Charles Daley 2 2 Legwork Office Manager Reliable, The mother's milk of politics, Institutional Loyalist Even
Mrs. Winslow 2 2 Legwork Administrative Assistant Backstage Maven, No Business like Show Business, Reliable Even
Connie Swail 2 2 Legwork Accountant Number Nerd, Reliable Even
Blair Allen 1 1 Service Forger Fake Credentials, Former Corporate Paper-pusher Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result


UCAS SIN - Thurston Howell Jr. Fake UCAS SIN-4 - Grant Foster


Thespis prefers a clean shaven look with short hair and moustache but when in disguise anything goes.


Thespis is a clothes hound with a preference for Vashon Island designs. In formal or business settings he wears his Ace of Coins suit, in casual settings he prefers tres chic casual designs...blue chamois shirt, black denim jeans, synthleather armor jacket & boots.

Matrix Persona

Meta Link default avatar

In Play

Legwork & Knowledge Skills

Thespis' knowledge skills are skewed towards the "upper crust"; Theatre, Classical music, Business, Politics, Fashion. Thespis spends much of his time as a patron of the arts...mingling with other patrons of the arts. His contacts are split between the upper crust and the shadows. He has 2 contacts in the arts scene and 1 contact in local politics. In the shadows he has a well connected fixer and a forger.

Social & Technical Infiltration

Thespis is an expert at getting into and out of various places. His motto is use your words. If Con & fast talking augmented by voice control fails then the Commanding Voice power is a plan B. Thespis is always in disguise when on a run. Sometimes it may be to impersonate someone but it protects his civilian identity in any case. Thespis has a chameleon suit and excellent sneaking skills, especially in an urban environment. His Traceless Walk power allows him to ignore pressure pressure pads. The Locksmith skill & tool kit can be used to neutralize locks. Thespis is an accomplished pickpocket and relishes snagging keycards and other items and then sticking them in a Faraday Pocket.


Do not underestimate the value of a good disguise. Thespis' augments his disguises with his Facial Sculpt power [+2]. Blair Allen is very good at helping to enable social infiltration, as he can produce the paperwork to back up that you are who you claim to be. This can be a good way to get yourself and the team into places to put yourself in a good position, or gain access to your objective.

  • You can find more about using Disguise on page 136 of the core rulebook.

Combat Options

When plan A and plan B don't work there's plan C. Plan C has two choices depending on the tactical situation. At short range Thespis uses Unarmed Combat to apply his nerve strike power. At medium range he uses his dart pistol to apply narcojet.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments