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:Deoendant (Inconvenience)
;Working full time with your family can be a bit tricky. Almost all of her time is spent with Concrete and Gravel. Most of her money goes there, too.
;Working 24/7, she's always been a bit lacking in the grooming department. Nothing matters when all you do is fight.
:Distinctive Style
;Always wearing heavy armor, never taking it off, always fighting and deleting people with her hammer... she's garnered a bit of a name for herself from her style alone.
:Poor Self Control (Thrill seeker)
;The only time she really feels alive is in battle, and for that fact she's grown addicted to it.
:Superhuman Psychosis
;Mudrock believes that her strength and ability to persist makes her a god on the battlefield. Weather or not that's true has yet to be seen...
:Thousand-Yard Stare
;When not fighting or working, she mentally checks out.

==Run History==
==Run History==

Revision as of 20:17, 22 August 2023

Mudrock 01.PNG
Cocnrete Compatriot
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.Character's Date of Birth
PriorityMetatype -B
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - E
Resources - A
#Max IGs/Ascension0

Character Information


Mudrock and her sisters were raised by fellow orks in the underground. Through that community they learned to protect those you care about and stick up for your family. Family to her doesn't mean just blood, either. She grew up lifting the responsibilities that her parents would have, with her sister Petra. That is, until Petra passed away. Her family almost split up, due to the actions of Concrete. They managed to stick together and worked harder than ever before, cutting out a place for them to live together. Concrete, Gravel, and Mudrock founded a group to watch out for each other, as a runner-fixer-networker trio. That's concrete baby!

That being said, not all is sugar coated and free from sorrow. Mudrock consistently took the brunt of the work and risk when it came to survival, and over time it wore down her personality. Disheveled, poor self control, a thousand yard stare, and superhuman psychosis. She's not the sanest person to have around, but she's a rock when it comes to combat. She's learned time and time again how to take a beating, Mudrock don't stop. With the non stop pop pop and stainless steel, with the concrete, mudrock, gravel its real. That's Concrete Baby!



Four daughters lived together without parents, raised by the Black Rains. When the Black Rains went defunct, the sisters stuck together. Through trial and tribulation did they survive, but not unscathed. Their hardship solidified their bonds, and together they press forward. They've since taken to calling themselves the Concrete Compatriots. Thats concrete baby!

The Evergarden Family

The evergarden family consists of the following
Suletta Evergarden - Mother ✝
David Mad-Thane - Father ✝
Stainless - Petra Evergarden - Oldest sister ✝
Mudrock - Viktoria Evergarden - Oldest surviving sister
Gravel - Tetra Evergarden - Middle sister
Concrete - Anya Evergarden - Youngest sister

Narrative Significant Qualities


Biocompatibility (Cyberware)
Through sheer will alone, she's always been ready to roll when it came to cyberware. She had no option in the matter, she needed to be able to be strong to support her sisters.
Her compatibility with her cyberware also brought an ability to push herself to the limits and and beyond.
Fighting is almost the only thing that Mudrock knows. She's always been fighting. She's never stopped. As such, she's developed her own way, own rules for fighting.


Deoendant (Inconvenience)
Working full time with your family can be a bit tricky. Almost all of her time is spent with Concrete and Gravel. Most of her money goes there, too.
Working 24/7, she's always been a bit lacking in the grooming department. Nothing matters when all you do is fight.
Distinctive Style
Always wearing heavy armor, never taking it off, always fighting and deleting people with her hammer... she's garnered a bit of a name for herself from her style alone.
Poor Self Control (Thrill seeker)
The only time she really feels alive is in battle, and for that fact she's grown addicted to it.
Superhuman Psychosis
Mudrock believes that her strength and ability to persist makes her a god on the battlefield. Weather or not that's true has yet to be seen...
Thousand-Yard Stare
When not fighting or working, she mentally checks out.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Falling Dusk, Part 2 (Midnight)Açai.0Low15 October 2084



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Gravel 3 2 Fixer CONCRETE COMPATRIOT Born Ork, Puyallup, Concrete Compatriots, Police Forces, Prejudice: Law Enforcement, The Night Throne Even
Concrete 3 2 Networking CONCRETE COMPATRIOT Street Docs, Forbidden Gear, Law Enforcement, Concrete Compatriot, Horeshoe Theory, Sometimes Maybe Always Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result




Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments