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! style="color: Red;" |Ganger
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| style="color: Red;" | -2 to Networking tests outside of the Seattle Spiders
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==Dice Pools==
==Dice Pools==
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Revision as of 22:24, 30 December 2019

Contact Owner[1]
Public Contact?Yes
ArchetypeShadow Services
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen or easy to sell items
Hobbies/ViceHeavy smoker
Personal LifeNone of your Damn Business


Bad with people, usually focuses in on small details and easy to distract. Cold and business minded, hates Wasps and Damselflies.

Renowned Burglar,definitely involved in the organ smuggling business.

Does not do surgery on willing participants unless pushed to do so.

Refugees from ruined france her family was never logged and born without a SIN she was led down the road of a life of crime,always in between jobs and traveling the dark sidestreets she ended up in the Americas,performing petty theft and developing a dire kill or be killed outlook on life.

A former Shadowrunner and thief she managed to aquire a reputation as someone who could get a lot of payware out of any building.

She was doing well for herself as well.

One fateful night after dumping her goods on the black market she developes a grim fascination with an extraordinary individual , a strangely dressed shadowy figure moving unnaturally through the crowd.

She never again met this man but through obsessive compulsion she discovered all she wanted and needed to know about the Seattle Spiders, a magically inclined gang of Spider totem Obsessed Parkour artists, and shortly thereafter found herself forcing her way into an initiation where she took on the Mantle of Orbweaver.

Her real name lost to time

She voluntarily immersed herself into the more despicable aspects of the gang filling a rare and particularly unfilled position amongst it's roster

Where she used to cut glass and burglarize valuables now she cuts skin and extracts vitals

Over the years of service her true nature was revealed and with the addition of more and more arms jacked into her nervous system, in order to perform complex surgery without the need for assistants, her humanity slowly seeped away revealing her true dark nature.

She's also great at parties

Now she works as a senior member,responsible for a small part of the Seattle Spiders' income department,willing to initiate trade and facilitate missions to aid in the eradication of any and all insect spirits "plaguing" the city.


Aspect Description
Ganger -2 to Networking tests outside of the Seattle Spiders
Burglar Orbweaver is a Burglar
Surgeon Orbweaver has a capability to perform surgery on others
Organ Thief +2 to procurement of Bioware and Cyberware from the Black Market

Dice Pools

Shadow Services Pools Collapse
Service Value
Knowledge -2
Active 0
Gear 8
Networking 4

Stat Block

B A R S C I L W Edge Essence
4 7 4 4 3 6 5 6 1 0.20
Condition Monitor 14 (Physical), 10 (Stun)
Limits Physical (4), Mental (7), Social (5), Astral (7)
Initiative 9+1d6
Skills Gymnastics 12 (Climbing +2), Locksmithing 9 (Maglock +2), Stealth 12 (+2 Urban +2 Chameleon Suit) Medicine 9 (+2 implant surgery)
Knowledge Skills French:N, English: 8, Medicine 10 (Field Medicine +2) ,Black Markets 9 (+2 Seattle),Law enforcement Procedures 6, Disease 6, Awakened hangouts 6
Ware Modular Connector (Shoulder,left,right) , Obvious Full Arm (2 Left 2 Right)
Gear and Property Lifestyle (Street), integrated toolkit (Miniwelder, locksmith tools),Climbing tools, Carry in freezer, Surgery kit,combat knife, defiance EX shocker
Armor Chameleon Suit 9 , Form fitting Half-suit +2


Player Characters with this Contact

Name Chips Owed/Owned
Bad Rep Even

NPC who know this contact