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|Name= Dakota
|Name= Mrs. Frost
|Loyalty= 1
|Loyalty= 2

Revision as of 10:53, 21 August 2022

Erika Rawlings
Erika R 2.png
Attack Technomancer
Awakened or EmergedEmerged
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Wild Rep0
Career Karma0
GMP Karma35
Career Nuyen0
D.O.B.March 3, 2064

Character Information


"'Cause another and another coming up out of the gutter, 'Til I'm drowning in an ocean of entitled motherfuckers"

Erika is an attack Technomancer through and through. All her life has been spent beating up Matrix bullies and Corpo goons that go after her. This has earned her online fame as someone who stands up to the G Men, and sticks up for her kind thought the world.

Erika doesn't want to cause chaos and anarchy for the Matrix at large. She stands against the Corpo control, and GOD's iron hand that controls the Matrix. Her Paragon guides her on this path. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, and while Erika is not beyond causing damage to her enemies she rarely wants to see anyone severely injured or dead. She'll brick decks all day and cause a little biofeedback here and there but usually stops when the other guy can't fight back.


Erika's biggest glaring fault is experience. Growing up she had no real education as a Technomancer. Her hacking skills are on point, but the other aspects, including dealing with sprites, needs some work.


Erika is the orphaned daughter of SEAL Third Class Daniel Rawlings of the CASN, and Lieutenant Patricia Rawlings of the CASAF. Her mother died in an incident involving undercover MCT shock troops off the coast of England, who were there to assassinate a high ranking Royal Navy Officer. They failed, but casualties on both sides were large. Erika was 4 at the time.

She was 9 when her father died. It was an incident on a cargo ship in the Atlantic. His team was sent to investigate a suspicious vessel that had gone dark. The vessel turned out to be crawling with Strain III infected. The whole team was KIA except for the lead SEAL and their Commander. This lead SEAL, we know as Katherine Tyler. Coincidence...?

Turns out not. Kate is an old family friend. Erika doesn't hold her responsible for what happened. She knew the last thing Kate would ever want was for someone to get hurt. It was a colossal fuck up, and Kate wears it still to this day. In fact, Erika's desire to stick up for others came from Kate's values.

Growing up she bounced from gang to gang, learning the tricks of the trade that kept her alive. Ready to move into the adult world, she seeks to tread her own path into the Shadows.

Erika moved out to Seattle for the thrills. She heard it was the Wild West, and she wanted a piece of it.

She spends most of his time browsing the stacks at the Seattle Public Library. She spends her off time cutting a (virtual) rug at Dante's. She spends her time in the Shadows investigating leads, and finding Corporate Deckers to beat up.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Better on the Net(Firewall) - A fiery cloak to shield her and her friends.

Common Sense - Good to have, especially when evading G Men.

Instinctive Hack - Easy to act fast when moving at the speed of thought.

Online Fame - As an elf Erika is pretty unassuming. But on the Trix? People know her. Her friends know she is there to help, and her enemies best stay out the way.

Paragon (The Shooter) - Her sword, to strike down her enemies.

Shoot First Don't Ask - Even in the meat you have to be quick. Reacting fast has saved her life more than once.

Unique Avatar - A fiery spirit in the Matrix. Her avatar has elements from her Paragon in it.


Code of Honor: Avenging Angel - Erika stands up for others, and no matter what, can't bring herself to cause deathly harm to others. Every so often you get in a situation where it's kill or be killed, and she isn't afraid to make the hard choices. But she tries to avoid it.

Did You Just Call Me Dumb? - Because if you did, she'll show you she's more than just a pretty face.

Distinctive Style - The downside of having so much Matrix fame. In meatspace she is not so unique, but on the Matrix she stands out in a crowd.

PSC Thrill Seeker - Of course an offensively oriented person such as her would be a thrill seeker. The bigger the challenge, the better!

SINner(CAS) - Erika was born and raised in Charleston, SC

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Mrs. Frost 5 2 Fixer(N,K,A,G) Head Librarian Hard to Impress, Take a look, it's in a book, Friends in high places., "You're as cold as ice", "I heard from a little bird..." : Info Broker, "Knowledge is Power" : Blackmail, "Another fine addition for my collection." Even
Angela 4 3 Fixer(K,N,G,A) Library Organizer and Teacher A Bird in a Cage, Techno Teacher, It's In a Book, Hidden Knowledge, Under the Belly of the Beast, Host Dweller Even
Ameline Laurent 4 3 Custom(A,N,K,G) Docwagon HTR Pilot HTR, Solid Reputation, Mercenary Connections, Angel of Mercy, Flight Clearance Even
Katsura 4 1 Custom(A,K,N,G) Wandering Mercenary Spirit Whisperer, The Astral Walker, Awakened Socialite, Ear to the (Astral) Ground, Esoteric Knowledge Even



Organization Reputation
Placeholder +0


In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Basic searches reveal her name, and the obituaries of her parents.
3 Further searching reveals ties to multiple hacker groups.
6 A thorough search ties the name to the famous Wildfire, hacker extraordinaire.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 A newcomer. Comes out of the CAS, unproven hacking skills.
3 A young elf. She can do very sus things in the Matrix. A practiced eye might tie these things to possible Technomancer abilities.
5 The name and face are tied to the famous Wildfire. A hacker with a heart of gold for her friends, and a nightmare for her enemies. Further events might prove that whole Technomancer theory.


Real - CAS

Fake R4 - UCAS - Juliette Masters


Physical Description

Erika stands 6' tall and has a slim build. She has some inherited natural agility and grace, owing to her elven blood. She has violet eyes and dyed blue hair. Her facial features are very similar to her Matrix persona, but it is obscured by her fiery form.

Tattoos and Scars

No scars, but she has a memorial tattoo consisting of a SEAL Trident, and the 160th SOAR emblem on her left shoulder with the names of her parents and the dates of their deaths.


Typical college girl stuff. Loose jeans and hoodies, scarves, basic accessories. Stuff to blend in. Typically wears her hair up in a ponytail

Matrix Persona

As nondescript as her physical presence is, her matrix persona is quite the opposite. Few who meet the famous Wildfire ever forget her. A literal fiery spirit on the Matrix. She carries a staff to represent the weapon The Soldier gives her to fight her battles.


Wildfire Persona.jpg