Chunko Pops, Fuck Yeag

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Chunko Pops, Fuck Yeag
Date2085-MM-DD"2085-MM-DD" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.
Status Threat Level: Low
Factions Involved
Cpt. Lem Springthunder
Major Corp
Casualties and losses
Hound was played by @S0u0p on discord


The Hound is tasked with finding a missing shiphand. Through his time in seattle, he uses his connections to find where this missing man could potentially be. Once found, he is returned to Cpt. Lem Springthunder, but not before stealing the missing shiphand's favorite CHunko Pop.


Chunk pops are a big deal, and when you're a sailor at sea, you take any chance you get to show off your fancy new special eddition Spiglor man with limited edition Sprungal shlingers. Of course, its also a hot commodity. So, showing it off at a bar causes a scene no doubt. That's exactly what happens! So, a ship captain calls in for local help...

The Meet

Hound is given a call from his fixer, told to call Lem Springthunder. Refusing to do so, he chooses to instead get to work. He calls an old friend, Goldgrippers "Grippi" George, or just Grippi, to figure out if anyone was at the Smiling Serpent. Indeed, it seems, someone was there, so Hound went to check it out.

The Plan

The plan is simple; figure out if the man at the bar is the right guy or not. The Hound waltzes into the bar unworried by the ruckus created by an ongoing brawl.

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)