Chayse Williams

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Chayse "Mute" Williams
Street Samurai
(Target Sighted)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.February 3rd 2051
Metatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - C
Resources - A

Character Information


A street samurai ex-AISE operative who uses her skills in long-range reconnaissance and combat in the shadows.


  • Earn enough good rep to outweigh her bad rep.
  • Discover the true nature behind operation "Pindrop" and find out why everyone involved is dead.
  • Reunite with her family in Australia, most of whom believe she is dead.


Background Summary
Chayse Williams was an AISE black ops operative before she was betrayed by her employer during a wetwork job for involvement in an operation named "Pindrop." Her involvement extended to providing sniper cover when needed, the exact details of the mission were kept from her. She was saved by a fellow agent, Harrison, who somehow learnt of her situation. Using his contacts he got her out of Australia and to Seattle where she began work as a Shadow Runner eventually using the name Mute as her alias. During one of her missions she eliminated a threat to her running teams identities and safety in the form of a shadowrunner by the name of Conny who was going to sell them out. However due to the lack of evidence, her fellow runners doubted her reasoning and she gained bad rep for killing another Shadowrunner.
Previous Employer Operative File

AISE (Australian Secret Intelligence Organisation)

  • Active Ops: Black Ops
    • Operative: Chayse ‘Kay’ Williams
      • 32 Successful Missions
        • 6 Individual Missions
        • 26 Multiple Operative Missions
      • Status: KIA
        • Killed during a wetwork operation, in which an unidentified shadowrunner shot Agent Chayse from her perch on the skyrise located at Durham Street, Melbourne Victoria. Agent Chase’s body fell into the Yarra river and was not recovered.
      • Specialisations:
        • Assassination/ Wetwork
        • Long Range Reconnaissance
        • Infiltration
        • Enforcement
      • Additional Notes:
        • A majority of the agents involved in the operation ‘Pindrop’ have been found terminated.
        • Family Members notified of agent Chayses death. The details of her death have been withheld.

OOC notes:

  • Chayses’ family consists of Five members. Her parents Darrel and Krystal Williams, her brother Mace Williams, her sister Light Williams, and herself.
  • Darrel Williams served in the ANZAC military, with Light and Chayse following in his footsteps. Light however moved on to more private enterprises.
  • The unidentified shadowrunner was in fact an agent of AISE
Personal Message to a secure disposable device
I was shot during my previous op. I only got a look at the shooter as I fell, but they were definitely ace. The shot didn't hit me but the debris from my cover got lodged into my throat. I fell a couple of stories onto my right hand, as a result it was destroyed. Apparently some time later I was found by H, who managed to pull his contacts and help me live through the whole thing. Then he told me to get out of Australia. You can’t tell anyone but I want you to know. I am alive. Goto the cache we discussed, if I ever need to contact you again, I’ll do so through that device. ~C

OOC notes:

  • This message is to her sister Light Williams
  • H is a fellow agent named Harrison, who potentially saw her as a love interest
  • For those unaware. AISE is pronounced ace, and she is using it as a way of communicating without being flagged.
  • Light goes on to inform Mace that their sister is still alive and makes him swear not to tell their parents.
  • ~C = Chayse ‘Mute’ Williams
Pre-Shadow Run Dialogue

-Positional audio indicates this recording was conducted by Shadowrunner 1- -Text data Merged with audio file after recording completion-
[Johnson]: That's all, now do all parties agree?
[Shadowrunner 1]: Not exactly the best deal but sure.
[Shadowrunner 2]: Sounds good to me.
[Shadowrunner 3]: It’ll have to do...
[Mute]: *Text based message* Accepted *Text based message ends*
[Johnson]: Good, I look forward to the results.
[Johnson leaves the booth]
[Shadowrunner 3]: So seeing as I’m gonna be working with everyone, introductions?
[Shadowrunner 1]: I’m *Censored* ‘Rigger’, ‘Decker’, all round hacker. This is *Censored* our ‘Muscle.’
[Shadowrunner 2]: We don’t know what her deal is.
[Shadowrunner 3]: You have a name though right?
[Mute]: *Text based message* Kay *Text based message ends*
[Shadowrunner 1]: Why are you using text? We are right here.
[Shadowrunner 2]: What kind of name is ‘Kay’ for a Shadowrunner anyway?
[Shadowrunner 3]: You’re one to talk...
[Mute]: *Text based message* Due to a prior injury, I am going through speech rehabilitation. *Text based message ends*
[Shadowrunner 2]: We’ll call you Mute.
[Mute]: *Text based message* I specialise in infiltration and long range combat. *Text based message*
[Shadowrunner 3]: And with that, I’m *Censored* our ‘Face’ if you hadn’t figured it out already.
OOC notes:

  • Chayse at this point has registered a fake SIN under the name Kay Winread. As this is one of her first jobs she hasn’t yet gotten a running Alias.
  • Chayse introduces herself as Kay, seeing as its a broad enough name. The runners didn’t seem to notice it was tied to her SIN.
  • Chayse goes by the name Mute from this mission onwards.
  • In reality all of the names are not censored, I just don't want to come up with three more names.
Intercepted Shadow Run Dialogue

[Distant Shots approaching]
[Mute]: I’m in position above you. Take the alleyway and I’ll lay covering fire.
[Shots from alleyway]
[Shadowrunner A]: Got it, let’s get outta here.
[Shadowrunner B]: Vans ready, just run!
[Several shots presumably from a longarm, accompanied by quieter shots from the alley below.]
[Conny]: Shit they got my leg!
[Shadowrunner A]: Fuck! ‘ight I’m commin- Fuck! They’ve got us pinned.
[Suppressing fire, continues until specified]
[Shadowrunner B]: Shit! Shit!
[Shadowrunner A]: Mute can you see ‘im?
[Mute]: He’s directly below me, I need to relocate.
[Shadowrunner A]: Conny, Mute’s on ‘er way! You hear?
[Brief silence, interrupted by more suppressing fire.]
[Shadowrunner B]: *unintelligible*
[Shadowrunner A]: Conny?!
[Mute]: He’s off comms but speaking. I’m close...
[Shadowrunner A]: Can you take ‘em ou-?
[Long arm shot]
[Shadowrunner A]: Mute?
[Mute]: Conny was trying to sell us out.
[Shadowrunner B]: What the fuck did she just say?
[Mute]: He’s no longer a problem, get to the van.
[Shadowrunner A]: You bitch! You shot ‘im!
[Mute]: Get. To. The. Van!
[Comms go silent aside from grunts, occasional sobs and gunfire from here until the shadowrunning team leaves the area]
[Addendum]: Shadowrunners A & B later found to be J4cK h4MM3r & W3zzy_Grl respectively
OOC notes:

  • By this point Mute has recovered from the debris in her throat and speech rehabilitation.
  • This conversation was tapped and leaked, which gave her the Bad Rep quality

Narrative Significant Qualities


Mute has a moderate allergy to bees which are uncommon in the urban sprawls. This was discovered early in her childhood when her family lived on the border towns.

Bad Rep:

A character with a Bad Rep quality has a dark and lasting stain on her reputation. In this case two factors, one people wouldn't know about and the other which is leaked. She was once a member of AISE which can earn some bad rep with some shadowrunners if they ever found out. She has killed a fellow shadowrunner in a run. See the Intercepted Shadow Run Dialogue. If mute encounters the shadowrunners present for that event it may cause problems. Otherwise she has to break the ice with new runners who have heard of her notoriety.

Run History



  • Light Williams - Connection 2, Loyalty 3 - Infobroker (Support)
  • Joe Smith - Connection 3, Loyalty 3 - Fixer (Networking)




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

No outstanding Symbols or Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Pre-Shadow Run Dialogue
A conversation with text overlay during which members of a shadowrunning team introduce themselves.
Intercepted Shadow Run Dialogue
A dialogue that occurred during a gunfight, in which one of the members is behind enemy lines when a runner called Mute shoots him.

Shadow Community Table

Warning Flags
Mute has been flagged as a Shadowrunner who has gunned down a fellow runner on a mission. As a result she is suspected of killing other members in order to increase her own profits.


fakeSIN: Kay Winread


Mute is an Elf with black hair, brown eyes and tan-olive skin. As an elf she has Long ears of around 15cm length.


She often wears a structural leather coat, in the style of Gareth Pugh of the early 21st century, over a hooded t-shirt with jeans.

Matrix Persona

In the Matrix, Mute appears as a female biker wearing a one piece leather suit with a motorcycle helmet. There is no face beneath the visor.

Media Mentions

No outstanding Media Mentions.

ShadowGrid Profile Comments

Various insults regarding her Bad rep