Ganger Technomancer

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Ganger Technomancer
Base MetatypeHuman
Threat Level2
Typical Faction
Thematics ApprovalNo
Mechanics ApprovalNo


This ganger is here to crush the matrix competition. They've got a bit of a drug problem, but that won't stop them from ruling the matrix

Standard Operating Procedure/Rules of Engagement

The ganger technomancer behaves differently depending on whether they are alone, or in a group. If they are alone, then they will attempt to Run Silent and pepper their enemies with Derezz and Resonance Spikes. Once they are detected, they'll attempt to compile a R3 Fault Sprite to help them fight their enemy. If the ganger technomancer is accompanied by allies, then they will try to compile a R3 Fault Sprite. From there, they'll use Infusion of Firewall or Infusion of Attack on their allies while they try to avoid getting taken out with Matrix Full Defense. Any extra initiative not spent defending should be used on performing teamwork actions with the other hackers.

If there are no enemy deckers, then the ganger technomancer will use "I am the Firewall" as well as compiling a R3 Fault sprite to attack a piece of enemy gear. In the event an ally of the ganger technomancer requires 1 point of initiative to gain another pass, then they will attempt to use Calibration.

Stat Block

Stat Block

B A R S W L I C Ess Special Att
2 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 5 2
Condition Monitor 10
Limits Physical 4, Mental 6, Social 6
  • AR:8+1d6
  • Cold-Sim VR:8+3d6
  • Hot-Sim VR: 8+4d6
Qualities Technomancer, Addiction(Severe, Psyche)
Skills Cybercombat 5, Electronic Warfare 3, Hacking 2, Computer 3, Software 5, Hardware 3 Automatics 1 Tasking 3, Influence 1
Knowledge Skills Local Language (N), Matrix 2, Gangs 1
Augmentations Narco, Datajack, Cyberears (Antennae*3), Damage Compensators R3 Stun, Smartlink *
Spells Infusion of Firewall, Infusion of Attack, Derezz, Resonance Spike, Diffusion of Attack, Diffusion of Firewall
Adept Powers N/A
Gear Psyche*17, Zen*16, 100 standard ammo, 100 Stick-n-Shock Ammo, Meta Link
Weapons Ares Alpha
Vehicles N/A