Sleeper Sleaze

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Sleeper Sleaze
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Sage Andalucia



The Meet

The team meet a giddy Sage Andalucia at his home office, and while their meet goes off without much of a hitch, the runners are off put by his lack of self preservation and understanding of running. They question how Sage got to be in the position they are, but none the less are willing to take his money after a deliberation, which seems to go well, so long as they nab some train paraphernalia from the underground, in some old train tunnels.

The Plan

PT decides to do something bold and drive their car onto the local tracks. Averting disaster and stopping their car from crashing, they decide to instead search for a spirit to help in order to locate the locomotive. Minx calls a contact, and Pinnacle remembers an old friend. With the combined searching, they find two places that could lead to a potential trainspotting; the railyard in Downtown, and the underground tunnels in Bellevue.

The Run

The team heads over the bridge to downtown, though they are stopped at the checkpoint. Minx turns into a cat and hides, while the other try to drive through. Without scanning her SIN, they're asked to be pulled over. The guard, trying to pull a fast one on them, is intimidated by phototaxis. Unfortunately, that doesn't work, and the guards start to beef up the checkpoint around the car. Not finding anything, the guard makes it a bit obvious he wants a bribe in order to get let the duo go. Leaving with a skip and a whistle, the guard opens the gate and the trio head into Seattle.

Finding a place to hide out, the team splits into Minx as a cat infiltrator, and a



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


"This was something of a curious run, I wasn't expecting something of this caliber but it was quite amusing, albeit exhausting. I met with two bug women, they were quite kind and I'm not quite sure why the stigma is there; although I don't quite enjoy normal bugs so that is understandable. Regardless, we were tasked by our Johnson Sage to retrieve old train paraphernalia, he was rather vague and required some convincing to pay us a decent amount by PT, it was rather unorthodox. We went on the job, heading toward our location but the car in question was not following the train tracks all that well, after talking to my infobroker 8Ball and having a beetle beast scout, we found the train yard in Downtown. I decided to hide in the trunk as a cat because I hate being cramped, we got stopped but I didn't quite hear what was happening until it was over and I was placed within PT's lap for the rest of the ride."

"Putting my clothing back on, we arrived and scouted the train yard which seemed to be covered in surveillance and spirits. PT conjured a spirit after many tries, it was being rather stubborn until she slapped it once(kinky). I shifted back into a cat and levitated myself over the fence and found the train in question, I attempted to communicate that to the rest of the crew but unfortunately, they don't speak cat(weak). But they heard me eventually, I snuck into the locked door and got a map and something of a laminated transit map; along with telling the spirit to punch at a logo after I commanded it(It understood cat). Then later I snuck into a warehouse, I opened a box filled with a bunch of strange train accessories and had to hide suddenly as a guard noticed and yapped to his fellow guards. He got called away to be reprimanded(they get paid to walk around not ask questions), which left me with the box but I couldn't go back the way I came. So instead, PT had her spirit break the window as Pinnacle had been attempting to distract the guards to no avail, I flew with the box to PT and we all ran into it and drove off."

"I cloaked the vehicle and we managed to escape with our pay, all and all, a good run. People should learn cat."