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Revision as of 18:19, 8 July 2017 by Ryncewynde88 (talk | contribs)
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MetatypeFemale Gnome
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Comments on Shadowgrid ProfileNone yet
D.O.B.August 19th 2053
PriorityMetatype (Gnome) - C
Attributes - C
Magic - A
Skills - D
Resources - D

Character Information


Witch with a cottage in the woods, demolitions and shapeshifting, with a side of assassination.


Doing Stuff


Firebug was born into a lower-class family with wageslaves for parents. She was raised to work hard at dull and meaningless jobs, but her parents made sure to get out of town for at least a weekend every year, going camping in the woods. Firebug liked those weekends.

Firebug grew up to be a bit more than a normal, everyday wageslave, working in demolitions with a Saeder-Krupp subsidiary. One day, an inspector from Corporate came buy to evaluate her work. In her nervousness, and in the (at the time) unnoticed aura around the inspector (spoiler: it was Lofwyr doing his micromanagement thing) she Awakened and accidentally dropped an elemental grenade at his feet. Fortunately for her, Lofwyr was amused enough by the fact that this puny human was so stressed out by his mere presence that she Awakened to take offense at the small tickle that didn't even singe his clothes (Firebug was blown off her feet and had second degree burns). A little Assensing later, and it was determined that, actually, she's a pretty weak Awakened, barely capable of even that Elemental Grenade.

She was given a raise, of course; any Awakened is useful, after all, but it was determined that her limited abilities might actually be more suited in her current line of work. She took the weekend off, to clamp down on the stress of the Awakening, and nearly incinerating her boss, having been healed up by the medical mage on duty at the site. She went and camped, like she did with her parents, up in the woods.

There, the cleaner mana helped open her soul to her full potential as she calmed down. By Sunday, she knew she had much more potential than expected, and decided she'd rather live here, in the woods. She continued working until she had enough to buy a small cottage in the woods, and then she burnt her SIN and went off to live there. She then realised she has no idea how to survive without a paycheck, and had to resort to crime, over the course of which she picked up some new spells. Her new home in the woods helped her get in touch with her full power.

Narrative Significant Qualities

  • Records On File with Saeder-Krupp

Former demolitions technician from a subsidiary of the above

Tradition: Wicca (Gardnerian)

Run History


Stuff she's actively doing

  • Nothing



  • Juniper Jones - Wiccan Talismonger, fleshing out will happen if this character is approved.
  • Beatrix - Either A) A VW Bus Vehicle Spirit (Not Intangible, bound to the body of an actual vehicle) from the 60s on an eternal road trip who offers transcontinental transport (and possibly some drugs), or B) the driver of a VW Bus who provides the same. A or B depends on whether I'm allowed a free spirit as a contact.


  • None



In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

She likes being a raven, sometimes.

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table


  • Katarina Delaney - Rating 4 Fake SIN (UCAS) Mage.


Meat Space

Short, 5'4. Short (slightly singed) red hair, green eyes that light up with fire when she casts magics


She only has one dress, and that's a fancy one she wore to her graduation ball; her parents really splurged to get her a real Moonsilver dress. The rest of the time, it's jeans and a t-shirt.

Tastes and Style

Music: Old rock, from the late 20th and early 21st century.

Food: Whatever's cheap and not too unhealthy.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments


Drug Addiction Rating Addiction Threshold Addiction Type Date Last Taken Number Taken