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Kani (formerly Baobhan Sith)
Kani wiki.png
Ex-Wildcat Adept
I am the shadow and the smoke in your eyes. I am the ghost that hides in the night.
MetatypeBanshee (Elf)
Street Cred14
Public Awareness2
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.June 6th, 2048
FolderBaobhan Sith
Metatype - A
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - D
Skills - C
Resources - E

Character Information


Former Wildcat Sniper and bloodsucking Banshee


Clean up the streets while doing what she's forced to in order to survive


Once known by the callsign Raven, she had been the designated marksman for a squad of Sioux Wildcats, until one of their missions went to hell... She'd gotten ambushed while on overwatch, and the fallout from her failure to notice an enemy ended up with her being drummed out of the Wildcats. She ended up free falling until she landed in Seattle, where things didn't improve... A Banshee she'd thought killed (and who she'd taken the teeth of as trophies) turned out to not quite be dead yet, and visited her in the dead of night. Now, she suffers both from her failures, and the ever present hunger...

Narrative Significant Qualities

HMHVV Strain 1, Bad Rep, Family Curse, Phobia (Spiders)

Run History




Contact Connection Loyalty Archtype Chips
Marigold 4 2 Fixer Even
D'Auriel Peirson 4 2 Smuggler (Shadow Services) Even


Group Rep
Shotozumi-rengo +1
Seattle Punk +1
Ciarniello Family +1
Black Star +1
Ork Rights Commission +1
Aztechnology +1
Streets of Redmond +1
Aztechnology +4
Old Town Road Gangsters +3
Redmond Lowriders -1
Ex-Firewatch +3
Ares: Anti-Project Pyro +3
88 Triads +3
Mana +3
Patriots First Banks +2
The Order of the Delayed Calamity +3
Null Council -2



In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 hit Various vampire myths, Scottish folklore, and perhaps a Satanic Legend or two.
3 hits Apparently there's a rumor in a few of the ganger/low life circles about an Infected vigilante going by that name? Nobody's ever seen it's face and lived though...
5+ hits A runner in the Seattle area. Used to run under the name Raven, til shit hit the fan 6 months ago and she went to ground. Lots of rumors about her being dead, around that point...

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 hit New runner on the scene, stealthy sniper type
2 hits Known to work with Marigold and D'auriel Peirson.
3 hits She's been known to request alone time with wetwork marks 'To make sure the job is done right.'
5+ hits HMHVV Strain I infected.


Mica Wyler

  • Rating 4 - NAN
    • Firearms License
    • Adept License
    • Bounty Hunter License
    • Restricted Armor License
    • Driver's License
    • Pet License



When not on a mission, she typically wears dark grey or black slacks and blazers. When operating, she wears an Armored Jacket and Ballistic Mask to conceal her features, the mask emblazoned with a Punisher-esque Skull to intimidate her foes.

Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments

She's not actually as scary as first impressions may seem. Yes she's a banshee bluh bluh suck blood and all that. But she's also a lot of other things, and doesn't hurt fellow runners. Best not to be quick to judge. --Trash Panda (talk) 22:34, 21 November 2080 (PST)