Little Frog

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Little Frog
  • Makes Motorcycle Noises*
MetatypeElf (Nocturna)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.July 20th, 2050
Folder.PDF Chummer
Metatype - D
Attributes - C
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - B
Resources - A

Character Information


'Little Frog' was born in the year 2050 in Japan. Her parents worked for Shiawase Corporation in Osaka. After the Matrix Crash 2.0 of 2064, her parents transfered to Honda Engineering, based out of Seattle, Washington, developing new prototype motorcycles. In 2066 she began to race motorcycles professionaly at just age 16. In 2068 while studying for Computer Science and Engineering at age 18 she was recruited into the CIA as a civilian-contractor.

In present day 2078. 'Little Frog' works side-jobs as a Shadowrunner. Her Shadowrunner alias is 'Harley Quinn'. Using fake SINs & disguises to live two seperate lives; Motorcycle Grand Prix winner of 2067, ex-CIA opperative, and night time Shadowrunner with multiple 100,000¥ bounties on her head. Her real indentity, nor face has been revealed because of her constant use of a motohelmet, and blinding fast speeds. The only warrant pictures of her are on a black, heavily armored and weaponized motorcycle that she stole from the CIA.


  • Acquire More Motorcycles!
  • Find and help Stray Animals.
  • Compete in Motorcycle Races.


  • Technically born on a motorcycle. Trained with the special forces as a concept vehicle pilot. Wanted for stealing military concept motorcycle.

Narrative Significant Qualities

  • Keen-Eared: Little Frog has enormous, pointy ears.
  • Low-Light Vision and Allergy (Common, Mild, Sunlight): Loves being out under the stars, doesn't really have a choice.
  • Nocturnal: Hoot, hoot.
  • Unusual Hair: Little Frogs entire head is bald and slick as frogs forehead.
  • Day Job (10 hrs): Works at a chop-shop at night.
  • Gearhead: Becoming a professional takes a lot of practice. Oily hands and a partial cyberskull.. or leg.. or hand.
  • Sensei: Little Frogs dad taught her to ride motorcycles. They try ride together when they can.
  • Agile Defender: Someone watched cult-classic, 'The Matrix', a little too much.
  • Sharpshooter: 1 Tracer bullet - 4¥, 30 Galleons of gasoline - 60¥, Watching the explosion - Priceless
  • Bad Rep: Tends to blow important things up with minigrenades, *pins on please only sell me flashes sticker*.
  • Wanted: Stole a concept military vehicle from the CIA while under the SIN, "Harley Quinn". Still uses that SIN for 'fun'.

Run History

  • Classified.



  • Frog's Dad - Connection 3, Loyalty 4 - Decker (Corporate Manager)
  • Frog's Mom - Connection 1, Loyalty 4 - Rigger (Corporate Scientist)
  • N/A - Connection 0, Loyalty 0 - N/A




  • Military - CIA

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table


  • Sin - (Rating 4) (Little Frog)
  • Fake SIN - (Rating 4) (Harley Quinn)


  • Because of her allergy to light (and people) she constantly wears Bike Racing Armor and Helmet... even indoors.


  • Bike Racing Helmet (Red and White)
  • Bike Racing Armor (Red and White)

Matrix Persona

  • Blue Heeler. (Farm Dog - Black with white toesies)

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments