Boiling blood

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Boiling blood
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Humanis and the Troll Killers
The Incredible Behemoth
Various Goons
Casualties and losses
Various Goons


The troll killers are out there ripping apart families and cutting down innocents. One such effected troll took the last of savings and hired shadowrunners to bring down one set of the troll killers, bringing them to a fiery end.


The Troll Killer are a gang dedicated to metahuman racism and violence. They've organized into small groups across Seattle, with weapons funded by Humanis and have killed many orcs and trolls throughout their history. One troll wants revenge.

The Meet

The meet was in a dingy parking lot in Redmond. The runners arrived at varying speeds and found the J, a haggard troll worker with docked horns who promised a meager fee for a simple mission. There were a group of gangers camped out in a clubhouse and he wanted them dead. While Pell and Gerisa responded simply, Behemoth told the man he shouldn't dock his horns and Sanjuro told the J she had similar experiences. Both trolls took the job for free.

The Plan

After reaching out to contacts, the runners tracked down the gangers hideout to a small building in a run-down neighborhood. The runners approached and began a scouting mission, spotting several entrances, several guards and a machine gun nest. The runners settled on a plan, the would lock the doors, fire an incendiary arrow through the window and lock the doors, burning the gangers inside. As they runners began to sneak around the building, getting ready to bar the doors, things began to go wrong.

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)