ShadowHaven Reloaded:Chummer Setup
Chummer is a useful tool that comes with a bit of a learning curve. Because the Chummer developers cater to such a wide audience, the software itself is capable of handling a variety of different play styles, house rules, and options.
This page will help you set up Chummer to play nicely with ShadowHaven's rules.
The current amends file can be found | here
Global Options
It is recommended to select the box for 'Create backup characters when moving to career mode'.
Character Options
Enable the following books only:
- Assassin's Primer
- Better Than Bad
- Bloody Business
- Book Of The Lost
- Bullets And Bandages
- Chrome Flesh
- Cutting Aces
- Dark Terrors
- Data Trails
- Forbidden Arcana
- Gun Heaven 3
- Hard Targets
- Howling Shadows
- Kill Code
- Krime Kataloge
- Lockdown
- No Future
- Rigger 5.0
- Run and Gun
- Run Faster
- Sail Away, Sweet Sister
- Shadow Spells
- Shadowrun 5th edition
- Shadows in Focus: Butte
- Shadows in Focus: Metrópole
- Shadows in Focus: San Francisco
- Shadows In Focus: Sioux Nation: Counting Coup
- Splintered State
- Stolen Souls
- Street Grimoire
- Street Lethal
- The Complete Trog
- The Seattle Gambit
- The Vladivostok Gauntlet
In addition, select the following options:
- Limb Count for Cyberlimbs: 5 (2 arms, 2 legs, torso)
- Check the box labeled "Use Drone Modification rules (R5 122)"
- Check the box labeled "Print Notes"
Karma Costs
This one's easy: you don't need to change anything.
Optional Rules
Under Tools -> Options -> Optional Rules, do the following:
- Check the box labelled "Adapsin Applied As Multiplier, Not Grade"
- Check the box labelled "Rainforest Carbine Missions Errata"
- Check the box labelled "SR Missions Animal Prices"
- Download the Rules and unzip the folder into the 'customdata' folder in your Chummer folder.
- Select 'Add Directory' under optional rules and select the ShadowHaven Rules.
Note: ShadowHaven Rules are in beta and are being actively updated.
House Rules
Under Tools -> Options -> House Rules, ensure the following are checked:
- Use Cyberleg Stats for Movement
- Allow spending of free spells from Magic Priority as power points
- Allow skill points to be used to buy specializations for karma-bought skills
- Free Knowledge Skill Points are calculated with augmented LOG+INT
- Allow characters to exceed their Negative Quality limit
- Characters do not gain Karma from taking Negative Qualities in excess
- Allow Skills to be re-Grouped if all Ratings are the same
- Ignore 2*RES Complex Form limit in Career Mode