Mr. Schwien

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Art Critic
Flamethrower Sam
Likes: Painting, Mint, Novacoke (sometimes)
Dislikes: Small talk, pork, rich brats
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - c
Attributes - b
Magic/Resonance - e
Skills - c
Resources - b

Character Information


A serene soul, Mr. Schwein seeks inspiration and insight on the metahuman experience in the shadows.


  • Short term: Create fine art, observe the human experience
  • Long Term: Determine his place in the world, find love.


Reiter der Flusskrebs, AKA Mr. Schwein, is an Artist first and all else second. He was raised by middling corporate parents in Mannheim, Germany. From a young age, he was fascinated by pain and regularly sought to replicate it via painting. However, his means of deriving “inspiration” from other children forced his parents to send him away to boarding school in Seattle. This did little to stave of his artistic endeavors, as he remained in Seattle after graduating and delved deeper into the underbelly of the Emerald City for newer and better materiel for his paintings.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Drug Tolerant/Agile Defender


Designated Omega/ Driven- New art inspiration/ Faraday/ SINner SINS Legal: Reiter der Flusskrebs Illegal: Otto Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Casey "Shrimp" Mitchell 4 2 Fixer (N,K,G,A) Fixer, Restaurant Proprietor Shrimp's Fried Rice, Street Savant, Hungry People Talk, Counsel Counsel, My competition......., Neutral Ground, Runner Discount Even




In Character Information

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 hit An album from an obscure band from the 2010's
2 hits Schwein is the german word meaning "pig." An uncommon last name.
3 hits A simsense tour of a Seattle art gallery. At 32:09 the camera slows to observe an oil painting by a "Mr. Schwein" of what appears to be a bloody bathroom with a horribly stretched person vomiting into a bathtub. The painting, titled "Crunch," sold for 50k.
4+ hits The pseudonym of a moderately successful artist working in Seattle. Makes dark, disturbing art. No pictures can be found of the artist.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 hit "Is that german? Maybe works for SK? I dunno."
2 hits "Mr. Pig? Haha maybe he's a moonlighting cop."
3 hits "I heard of a guy that used to run with the 'weeners that had a pig head - probably surged or something."
4+ hits "Sat next to that guy a week ago. Had a German accent. I was gonna make conversation, but then I saw the flamethrower under his coat and thought better of it."



Mr. Schwein's most notable features are his porcine head and decidedly leathery skin. He has two beady cybereyes, with which he is fond of staring at people just a little bit too long.


Schwein wears a long brown leather coat over an armor jacket. He accessorises with a pale blue scarf and a wide-brimmed hat with holes for his ears.

Matrix Persona

Severed pig head with the spine attached. Quite realistic.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments