Trash Panda (Bungus)

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Trash Panda (Bungus)
Sleaze Decker
"There are no useless programs in my grandpa's cyberdeck!"
"Parazoology class didn't prep me for this..."
MetatypeHuman (SURGE III)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.April 15, 2062
FolderTrash Panda
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - B
Resources - A
#Max IGs/Ascension0

Character Information


Karyme Bishara is a shadowrunner in the year 2084. She's new to the job as a Decker but is eager to learn from her betters.


  • Make enough money to set her and her grandpa up for life
  • Explore the parazoology world in the Seattle region and maybe beyond
  • Make as many new friends as possible. Whether in meatspace or on the Matrix!
  • Get recognition for her talents and not shamed for her looks


Kary is very much a fish out of water, or in Seattle’s case, a Fire Elemental submerged deep into the Marianas Trench (She’s very much out of her element.) Born (Human) on April 15, 2062 in Damascus, Syria and mostly raised in Melbourne, Australia, she was subject to several shocks in culture. She and her brother Kashif were raised by a family of Parazoologists funded by the likes of the Megacorporation known as Renraku. After four years in Damascus, the science team that her mother led was moved to the Australian Republic to cover and explore the bizarre situation that is Tanzania, the island that came to life during the Awakening. Her parents took the challenge with excitement, packing their bags and moving the family to Melbourne. This included her grandparents, which Kary loved dearly. During their time in the capital of Victoria, Kary took interest in her mother’s work and even joined her for a few expeditions into the wildlands on some occasions.

Though she was invested in her mother’s work, she found her true calling on the net - the Matrix. Her grandfather was a spider for a subsidiary company of Renraku during his time and shared many valuable lessons about the virtual world with her. He even helped her build her very first rudimentary commlink. As time went on, her grandfather began sharing more and more about his life as a spider, but her mother wouldn’t have any of it. She was dead set on having her daughter graduate as a fellow parazoologist and continue the family trade. Karyme resented her for this, only fueling the fires of passion for what she felt was her true calling.

Everything changed when a family excursion shattered her family. A mighty mana storm blew through the area where she and her family were camping. A storm that warped the very fabric of reality itself, making the laws of physics bend and shift. When everything was over, they found the scarred remains of her brother and grandmother, crackling with magic fire. Grieving, the family returned home and buried the dead.

Now unfortunately an only child, her mother became cold towards her. Distancing herself from what she felt was failure of a daughter, she continued on with her life’s work. Her father never really got over the deaths and began using BTLs. Her grandfather, though deeply saddened by the loss of his life long partner, never gave up hope on Karyme. The two bonded over the course of the next three years.

Whether from residual magic or from freak genetics, Kary’s body transformed overnight. The process was agonizing and her remaining family rushed her to the closest Doc Wagon clinic to monitor her condition. After a week in a coma, she woke up in what seemed like a completely different body. The experts working on her deemed it a case of SURGE, but all Kary’s mother knew was that her daughter was now a freak. After returning from the clinic and several days of bedrest, things reached a breaking point. Her mother was through with all of the stress and her father was too high to care. Kary was given an ultimatum. Get biosculpted or get out. She was given a week to decide. She thought long and hard, but ultimately believed that her new body was who she wanted to be, maybe who she was meant to be. In an odd sense, she felt more alive in the body of what some would call a “Freak” over her previous mundane human form. She chose to pack her bags.

All was not lost however. Her grandfather offered to join her in her new life. The two decided to move to Seattle, Washington where they’d start life anew together. Using hers and her grandpa’s savings, they booked a one way trip to Seattle, rented a studio apartment, and got her kitted out for the life her grandfather had been preparing her for. The life of a decker. Life might be tough, but she’s confident that she’ll find proper employment in no time - right?

The answer to that question was a resounding NO. Due to her appearance, most businesses and corps wanted nothing to do with her, so she found her final resort in the criminal underbelly of the city. The world of the Shadowrunner.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Changeling (Class III SURGE)
    • On the day of her 22nd Birthday, Karyme's body shifted and mutated into the form that she has now. She has Raccoon-like features like ears on the top of her head and a big bushy tail. Her sense of touch is also highly enhanced.
    • Keen-Eared - Her ears are much more sensative to noise thanks to her SURGE mutations
    • Low-Light Vision (Changeling) - Her eyes became naturally attuned to low light environments
    • Metagenic Improvement (Logic) - When her body morphed, her mind followed suit. She was intelligent before, but with her improved mind, she's truly a quick thinker.
    • Setae - Along with the hair on her hands, others formed that were naturally sticky. She can stick to walls with ease.
  • Exceptional Attribute (Logic) - Thanks to her parents, she was born in a highly educated environment.
  • Trust Data, Not Lore - She used to listen to her gut for most cases, but in her business, she learned to listen to hard facts over intuition.


  • Dependent (Inconvenience) - Kary lives in Seattle with her Grandfather. He is too old to find real, meaningful work and after years of working on the Matrix, his mind isn't what it used to be. He lives off of the support of his granddaughter.
  • Disheveled - The Raccoon looking girl isn't known for her well-tailored appearance or her snazzy clothes. She wakes up, gets out of bed and ruffles her hair - rarely worrying about her meatspace appearance.
  • Distinctive Style - Karyme is never seen without her trademark raccoon jacket given to her by her Grandpa. She wears it with pride.
  • SURGE III Negatives
    • Impaired Attribute (Strength) - Raccoons aren't known for their strength and unfortunately, that carried over to Kary's mutations. Her natural strength was greatly weakened.
    • Scent Glands - Unfortunately for Kary, she found out shortly after her transformation that her armpits exude a stench that is not to be believed. The smell of trash eminates from her in social situations when not masked by heavy duty deodorant.
    • Symbiosis - A strange phenomenon where the individual gets attuned to a certain area where they live. Kary is attuned to her new home in Tacoma. She feels the environment like it's a part of her being.
    • Unusual Hair - Kary's hair is that of a raccoon's. It's fluffy, dark gray and black. Very unusual.
    • Vestigial Tail - Though extremely adorable, Kary's raccoon tail is pretty useless in almost every situation. She can wag it and the hair sticks up in tense situations, but that's about it. She regularly steps on it by accident.
  • SINner (Corporate)
    • Karyme Bishara was born a corporate SINner under the wide umbrella of Renraku.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Twisting FateAsmodeusHigh29 May 2084



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Colten Wight 2 1 Fixer Stuffer Shack Owner. The Boss This is totally not Illegal, Been around the block, Ears to the public Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result


  • Talia Hammad (UCAS Citizen)
    • Conceal Carry Permit
    • Cyberdeck License
    • Driver's License
    • Firearms License
    • Matrix Software License
    • Restricted Armor License
    • Restricted Cyberware License
    • Occupation License (Host Spider)



Karyme Bishara is first and foremost notably a SURGE victim with the qualities and characteristics of a raccoon. From the ears on the top of her head to the big fluffy tail on her backside, she shares many of the enhanced senses of the common raccoon, such as: Superior tactile sensitivity, enhanced hearing, and superb low light eyesight capabilities. Her hair turned dark gray with black patterns. She has dark fur covering her hands and forearms and her feet and lower legs. SURGE also made her body innately weaker so she can never attain natural human peak fitness. It is very hard to miss her when she’s out in the open, much to her chagrin.

Speaking on her fashion choices, Kary chose to fully embrace her affliction, even running with the handle of Trash Panda - her clothes match her convictions. She wears a varsity jacket with a unique felt left arm sleeve completed by a cute raccoon on the left chest area. Over her jacket, she wears a white hoodie - a useful tool when needing to cover up her unusual hair patterns. Underneath all that and acting as pants is a chameleon suit, a coverall that is usually skin tight and meant for comfort and ease of use when diving in VR, hot or cold. On her feet are a pair of high-top converse skate shoes. Her backpack is an over the shoulder courier bag meant to store her cyberdeck and various other goodies.

Matrix Persona

Kary mostly keeps to her standard meatspace appearance when drifting the Matrix. She is proud of her SURGE appearance and is not afraid to show it.

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