Carrot Cat

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About Me

Heya my name is Dexter. I'm not too experienced in SR5e but I did a lot of stuff in other TTRPGs. I'm probably gonna do mainly low-risk runs until I get a handle on things, and I'm mainly gonna do PBPs unless it's a combat focused mission cause speaking is hard. Despite my voice, I'm a guy. I'm a male. I'm a man. I don't get-

Social Stuff

My discord is Dexcaliber, and my Reddit is lobstersonskateboard.

What to Expect

Like I said, my stuff will mainly be casual right now until I feel confident enough on this server and on this game system. That being said, I won't tolerate a few things.

Rules lawyering.

I love if you help point out rules I don't have a good grasp on, but it becomes really obvious if you exploit the game system's vague vocabulary for the least amount of consequences for your character. If we get into a debate on mechanics, ultimately, my word is law. If you don't like it, you can leave the game.


Even if your characters are unhinged party animals, that doesn't mean we have to be rowdy on the table. I already struggle with speaking up, and I have a tendency to shut down if things get too loud or confusing. If I tell you things are getting too loud, please listen.

Evil for no Reason.

If your character might do something that will heavily impact the story, usually because of blackened morality, I'd like to know beforehand and I'd like to know why it's happening, even if it's just for more cash. I won't tolerate it if you randomly stomp on a baby or whatever, even if it's "what your character would do".

Player-to-Player Railroading.

It's one thing if someone asks for your help, but if you try to forcefully steer someone from doing something (even if you think it's stupid), I'll intervene. If you know your character will have a problem with it, or there's a good chance the run will go south, then we should take care of it with communication. I won't purposely punish other players in the game for something one player is doing.

Nonconsensual PVP.

Lastly, I need you to communicate with another player if your character decided to engage in combat with them. Stealing or otherwise sabotaging another player counts as PVP as well. If the other player declines, but the action itself is hard to waive in-character, we can figure another way out of it. If another player declines primarily because they want to do bad shit without consequences, that's another problem entirely that'll likely get mod intervention. Otherwise, we assume everyone will accept or decline in good faith based on preference or story relevance.

Basically, don't act like kids. I don't expect you to, but I put these rules here just in case.

Stuff I Made

Listed here for convenience.


Judy Paw (Judith B. Lawson) Rex

Non-Contact Recurring NPCs


Redmond Animal Rescue

Haunted Heirloom