Elite Ninja

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Elite Ninja
Base MetatypeGrunt Metatype
Threat Level6
Typical FactionGeneric Unit
Thematics ApprovalNo
Mechanics ApprovalNo


A short blurb describing the NPC grunt, what they do, and goals.

Standard Operating Procedure/Rules of Engagement

The elite ninja is a pretty simple enemy to run. They can either spend multiple passes whiffing throwing knife attacks in order to take advantage of their smart link bonus of +1 DP for each knife thrown that combat turn to build up to 1 deadly pre-edged knife. The +1 DP applies before you split your pools, so it won't become too overwhelming for the players.

In the event that they need to close into melee, then they have 2 options. If they've been caught in the middle of throwing knives, then they may choose to eat the intercept and continue throwing them or use Iaijutsu to draw and strike with their Nodachi. If their Nodachi doesn't have a high enough accuracy, then they will drop it and use Iaijutsu to draw and strike with their Katana.

In the event that the ninja is knocked prone, then they will use kip-up in order to return to the standing position as well as attack their opponent.

In the event that the ninja is disarmed, then they will use Iaijutsu to draw and strike with their Katana, if they are disarmed again, then they should rethink their life choices as they use Iaijutsu to draw and strike with their combat knives.

Stat Block

Stat Block

B A R S W L I C Ess Special Att
6 6(8)"(8)" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 6. 6(11)"(11)" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 6. 6(8)"(8)" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 6. 3 3 5 4 .8
Condition Monitor
Limits Physical 11, Mental 5, Social 6
  • AR:17+3d6
  • Cold-Sim VR:
  • Hot-Sim VR:
Qualities Parkour(Kip-up, Shadow Block) Kenjutsu(Iaijutsu, Multiple Opponent Combat, Defense(Friends in Melee), Opposing Force(Parry))
Skills Throwing Weapons 9, Ettiquette 5 (Gangs), Perception 6, Athletics 6, Stealth 6, Close Combat 8
Knowledge Skills Fill as necessary
Augmentations Reflex Recorder(Throwing Weapons), Muscle Toner R2, Muscle Augmentation R2, Wired Reflexes R2, Reaction Enhancers R3, Smart Link, Reaction Optimization, Wired Reflex Optimization*
Adept Powers N/A
Gear Throwing Knives * 80, Zoe: Executive Suite, Kamikaze*4, Hermes Ikon * 5, Transys Avalon, 9000 Nuyen budget
  • Throwing Knivesx80 9P AP: -1 Acc: 11 DP: 18
  • Combat Knifex5 9P AP: -3 Acc: 7 Reach: - DP: 17+Reach-Opponent's Reach
  • Katana 11P AP -3 Acc: 7 Reach: 1 DP 17+Reach-Opponent's Reach
  • Nodachi 13P AP -5 Acc: 5 Reach: 2 DP:17 +Reach-Opponent's Reach
Vehicles N/A