
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
Revision as of 02:14, 24 August 2024 by Bulldogc (talk | contribs)
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This template helps create a standard display format for custom drugs.

  • Name The name of the compound.
  • Type Physical or Mana.
  • Duration Duration of the compound.
  • Range The rage of the effect
  • Price The price if available
  • Availability The availability if exists.
  • Description The text associated with the drug.

So, if you enter this:

|Name=Test Drug
|ExoticIngredient=Text Ingreed
|Description=Some Text

The template will return the characters current essence/total essence.

Test Drug
Type: M Range: 100M
Duration: 10H Availability: 10F
Exotic Ingredient: Text Ingreed Cost per dose: 100
Some Text