Apprentice's Mistake

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Apprentice's Mistake
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Yakuza


Sang and St. George Action Flick their way into a Yakuza highout to rescue someone on their most wanted lists.


Akiri was a shadowrunner who either was, or doubled, as one of the Renraku Red Samurai and also killed a number of Yakuza. They took that personally, and captured her. Her boss hires two green-as-grass shadowrunners to rescue her.

The Meet

The two puppies meet the Red Samurai in the Barrens, ask some questions, and get the job.

The Plan

Find Akiri by talking to the Kabuki Go Gangers. Go to the Yakuza and politely ask for her back. Failing that, fight in their fighting pits for her. Failing that, kick the door down.

The Run

More or less according to plan - the team finds the Kabuku go gangers, bribes them for a grand to get Yakuza intel, and then heads to the Yakuza club. George tries to politely ask them to turn over Akiri if they win a staged 2v2, but the fight organizer is having none of it. Sang and George look at each other, shrug, and opt for Plan C: Fuck it, we ball.

EPIC Sword Battles commence and the gang rescues Akiri, her sword, and her armor, and then head back to the Johnson.


-10 Shotozumi Gumi Rep for George and Sang


  • 20k Nuyens (10 RVP Nuyens)
  • 6 Karma (6 RVP)
  • 2 CDP
  • Optionnal Quality :
  • Ronin for Sang (10RVP)
  • -10 Shotozumi-Gumi Rep (Knocked down a bunch of numbers and freed someone that they had on their wanted list.)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)