Trash Panda (BridgePeddler)

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Trash Panda
Trash Panda face.png
Real Name: Wayland 'Panda' Wu
Runner Name: Trash Panda
Roles: Rigger, Demolitions
"All Aboard the Panda Express!"
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.December 06th 2055
Metatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - B
Resources - A

Character Information

Panda's Character Sheet


Nicknamed 'Panda' because of a birthmark on his face that resembled a Panda's spots, Wayland Wu adopted the monicker his first Runner crew gave him, even going far as fashioning a stylized helmet as well as a black and white jacket ensemble that resembles a Panda's natural coloration.

Wayland tends to keep to himself, often playing around with his drones or tuning his vehicle in his private moments. He also has an odd fascination for explosions, enjoying the use of his drones to deliver his lethal payloads from a safe distance.



Orphaned and left as gutter trash, Wayland was a street urchin who made a comfortable living in one of Seattle's abandoned dockhouses. His story as a young drone pilot began when he befriended a group of runners by offering his dockhouse as their temporary safehouse during one bad run with Knight's Errant, and in exchange, Wayland wanted to learn the life of a runner.

Growing up around guns, chromes and drones, Wayland's young mind quickly acclimatized and adapted. He started helping out with drone and vehicle repairs before learning how to operate one. By the time he was old enough to get a fake SIN, he became part of the same runner crew as their backup. Years later, with a few runs under his belt and some contacts and nuyen he's gained working for his old runner crew, whose old members are either dead or retired, Wayland goes independent.

Narrative Significant Qualities

  • Panda Helmet with Black/White Jacket (Distinctive Style)
  • Kid Shadowrunner (Antipathy & Thousand Yard Stare)
  • Not-Team-Leader Material (Designated Omega)

Run History






In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table


  • Fake SIN (Charles A. Tan - HK Free Enterprise Zone) Rating 4
    • Fake License rating 4(Pistol License)
    • Fake License rating 4(Concealed Carry Permit)
    • Fake License rating 4(Bodyguard License)
    • Fake License rating 4(Driver's License)
    • Fake License rating 4(Private Investigator License)
    • Fake License rating 4(Restricted Bioware License)
    • Fake License rating 4(Restricted Cyberware License)


Trash Panda.png


Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments