
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
Revision as of 04:25, 22 August 2019 by DiceMage (talk | contribs)
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Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.May 4th 2052
Metatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - B
Resources - A

Character Information


Former Australian spy and hacker, forced to flee his country and seek refuge overseas.


  • Delete his records from the Renraku corporate databases.
  • Remove his file from the GOD Most Wanted; either through deletion from the database or by misleading them to think that he is dead.
  • Obtain a Fairlight Caliban, or similar high end cyberdeck.
  • Obtain a Rating 6 fake SIN (or a legal one) to eventually use for his post-shadowrunning retirement.
  • Make enough money to retire comfortably.


Matthew Bennett grew up in a middle-class family on the Australian east coast. His childhood wasn't luxurious, but it was better than most. From the earliest age, it was clear that his intelligence was greater than any of his peers, and he eventually ended up graduating University with his undergraduate degree aged only 15.

When he turned 18 years old, Matt broke into the Matrix Host for the Australian Intelligence and Security Enforcement agency and left his job application file inside the system, flagged for the attention of the head of recruiting. He was caught by AISE Spiders immediately afterwards, and could have very easily gone away to serve a heavy sentence in prison, were it not for the impressed head of the Cyber Intelligence division who proceeded to offer Matt a job.

Matt spent the next few years hunting threats to his country in the matrix; terrorists, AI, technomancers and foreign operatives. After distinguishing himself through doing so, he found himself selected to join a covert group called Task Force Amber Field, created to monitor and (if necessary) act against megacorporations that might constitute a threat to national interests & security. Key corporations that Amber Field was interested in were Aztechnology, Wuxing Incorporated & Renraku Computer Systems.

Amber Field made several important discoveries during its operational history, but the biggest and most troubling was the revelation that Renraku was running an off-the-books research project with Emerged test subjects; a pet project of Noriko Sakai, head of the corp's Australasia division. The project involved using a group of kidnapped technomancers to attempt to gather up a vast archive of classified intelligence through the digital footprints left in the Resonance realms. As soon as AISE learned of this development, they acted; Australian Air Force drones were deployed to destroy the research site with air-to-surface missiles. AISE congratulated themselves on a successful mission.

Unfortunately, Renraku managed to trace the intrusions in their system to the hackers in of Amber Field, and took their findings to the corporate court. Their 'kidnapped' technomancers were revealed to be legal corporate citizens, and the consequences for their murder were far greater than the Australian government was willing to face. The deckers and operators of Amber Field were disavowed; their details were turned over to Renraku Computer Systems.

Noriko Sakai, who apparently had taken the damage Amber Field caused rather personally, deployed her own Blue Samurai security force to eliminate the hackers responsible. Matt managed to narrowly escape, getting out of the country using a burner SIN reserved for AISE case officers and taking as much of his gear as he could carry with him.

Having relocated to Seattle, somewhere he hopes to be beyond the reach of his corporate enemies, the Australian decker is currently trying to earn a living as a Shadowrunner while lying low. He intends eventually to try and scrub his biometric details from the Renraku records (possible) and the Grid Overwatch Division (less so) if he can find an opportunity to do so; he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder for G-men and corporate HTR teams.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Prejudiced (Specific, Biased) (Technomancers):
  • Records on File (Renraku Computer Systems):
  • Wanted by GOD:

Run History







In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 hit Cipher n. 1. a secret or disguised way of writing; a code. 2. a zero; a figure 0.