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Revision as of 01:47, 11 September 2019 by Purkinje (talk | contribs) (Created GM Style Sheet)
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GM Style Sheet

Hello, my name is Gwendolyn and my pronouns are she/her. Generally, I like my runs to focus on character development and roleplay. Players who enjoy getting in character and making choices based on their interpretation of the fiction will be rewarded with Edge points and possibly more charitable treatment (charitable for whatever drek situation you end up in, maybe). On top of that, there are certain themes my runs may possess, which I'll indicate in the run post in addition to any content warnings if necessary.

You're On In 5

Everyone deserves a chance to be badass, so I try to give everyone's character a time in the spotlight. When someone's on fire, cheer them on! Try to be a fan of their characters just as you are of yours, because it'll be your turn soon enough.


There's a concept in linguistics known as backchanneling, which is when a listener speaks back to the speaker to indicate they are engaging with what is being said even though it's not their turn to talk yet. It's important to communicate your concerns as they arise, so please do! If you intended something to turn out a different way, I skipped your turn or there's something you'd really like to do, just bring it up.

High Highs & Low Lows

Life is full of ups and downs. The Sixth World may be a bloodthirsty beast ready to exploit you, but it has its moments, right? Not all my runs are serious, though some are gravely serious. Please pay attention to the run description before you apply.

Reap What You Sow

I don't want to trivialize violence or discrimination in my games. In general, I won't be as harsh with players who find nonlethal ways to accomplish their objectives or who make a good effort to avoid killing before they have to take a life. This won't take the form of fate deciding you need to get what's yours - rather, NPCs will respond to the level of harm you inflict on them and theirs. You don't have to be a pacifist, regardless. Sometimes it's better certain people die than go on allowed to harm others.

Black and Grey

No one has all the answers. Sometimes you have to choose between options that don't seem particularly good either way. Maybe you never thought about it that hard but you don't have time to enter a philosophical debate with your team before the HTR team arrives. Runs with this descriptor will blur the lines about what's good and right.

Putting the Punk in Cyberpunk

In my opinion, it's an unfortunately common thing that works under the "cyberpunk" label have strayed from the "punk" part of the genre. That is to say, they may keep the class-consciousness and dark themes in mind, but they forget that "punk" refers to people pushed to the margins of society getting angry and fighting back however they can. Sure, the world is full of terrible and complicated problems that hurt billions of people daily, but you have power in your hands - especially as a talented shadowrunner. Don't expect me to pull punches, though.

GMP Balance Sheet

  • Career GMP Total: 25
  • Current GMP Balance: 1

GMP Earned

GMP Spent

  • 6 GMP converted into karma for Purkinje. (9/7/19)
  • 18 GM converted into karma for Purkinje. (9/9/19)