Ring of Dark
The popular cybercombat cage match trid show Ring of Light attracts many deckers looking to earn fame and fortune in e-sports. However, Ring of Light fighters are required to have specific, very expensive hardware and follow a strict set of rules both in and out of the arena. They are heavily monitored by the authorities, for obvious reasons. This has led to an underground version of the sport known as Ring of Dark (creative, I know). Ring of Dark functions similarly to Ring of Light in that it's a cage match cybercombat sport. However, far more things are permissible under the rules. For example, combatants may bring any hardware or cyberprograms they choose, with the short ban list mostly in place to prevent deaths. Technomancers were originally excluded from Ring of Dark due to a combination of prejudice and concerns over personal injury they may suffer. Ultimately, technomancers were allowed into the games via a set of rule changes.