
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
Revision as of 09:54, 16 February 2020 by Teksura (talk | contribs)
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But... But that's just a normal fixer array. This isn't a custom fixer array what the heck are you even doing? What, do you think you're being clever? Do you think you can just ask the template for a normal fixer array just to mess with things? Why? Just why have you done this?

Look, just change the Archetype to Fixer. A normal Fixer, that's what you want. I don't even know what you're trying to do here but if you're gonna try and be a smartass about this then so will I. And I'm going to win because I thought of it first.


This template exists because someone is going to be a smartass and try this, but because I was a smartass first I already prepared for this eventuality. It should never be used anywhere by anything and to be perfectly honest if you're seeing this I'm already very confused how you ended up here.