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Mystical adept, combat/stealth
"I can feel this inner animal howling within me, screaming for some fresh blood, asking me to hurt other people, and I'm scared by the fact I don't know if I want it to stop"
RedditScranton Anchor
MetatypeDryad changeling
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - C
Skills - C
Resources - D

Character Information


Koschei is many things seemingly at odds with each other: she is an alchemist, and yet she refuses the comforts of a properly built lodge with all the necessary tools, She is a Vory assassin, and yet she is extremely strict on who she kills, preferring to destroy only those that really deserve it. She is a banshee, by definition a solitary hunter that lurks in the shadows, and yet she is on a quest to become one with the world around her, to be complete.


On a short term

  • Upgrade the gear (putting some mods on the bow, getting a steady supply of monotip heads and seeker shafts)
  • Get some proper magical stuff (enchanting gloves, some foci, some alchemical tools)
  • Survive until she finally gets to learn how to regenerate like older vampires do

On a long term

  • Becoming more and more attuned with the World, truly understanding if it has a will, and if so, what is the purpose she has in its vision
  • Kill the infected that turned her into a monster
  • Decide what to do about her position in the Vory, either by rising in the ranks or abandoning it
  • Working on smoothing her edges and become a better person despite her condition


Katerina's life started from the love Mikhail, a Vory avtoritet with magical powers, and Summer, an elf joygirl. For the Vory code, one cannot be part of the organization and have a family, so her father was forced to abandon her and her mother, quite literally, on the streets.

The mother's services were very requested, and thus the young daughter never went to bed hungry, but the squallor of that lifestyle marked her. Not being able to access education, she had a lot of free time, that she used to roam the streets.

Yes, a 5 y.o. left to just chill in the alleys of Everett is a disaster waiting to happen, but everyone there knew who her father was, and while he was not there for her, they wouldn't take the risk to anger "Mik the demon". So, she had a chance to feel the flow around her. The energy that spanned across those lowly barrens, from the diseased rats to the plants choking under layers of concrete, everything had a voice, and everything made sense for her. It is not uncommon for awakened to reveal their nature at an early age, but for her it was particularly staggering, given her complete lack of direct knowledge of magical theory.

She was clearly drawn to the chaos tradition, not relying to any set of rules or symbols to manifest her magic, just advancing her understanding through sheer trial and error. Her go to alchemical components are pigeon feathers, shards of glass and StufferShack brand bacon flavored soybars, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

At the age of 14, her mother passed away, leaving her completely alone and orphaned. She will never know if it was through her father's beggings, simple compassion or some sick twist of fate, but the same organization that left her in the streets offered a way out.

The deal was simple: let Svyeta, a boyevik, take her in under her wing and see if she had a useful skillset, and if she thought that Katerina was ready, at her 17th birthday, she would have her officialy become a Vory shestyorka. The young elf took the deal, and quickly realized how much of an harsh teacher Svyeta was. Every waking hour where she was not directly involved in some activity, she would make Katerina study, try out spirit summoning, casting spells, using fists, pistols, rifles and bows at the firing range, attempt to pick pockets or sneak.

In those 3 years, Katerina showed little aptitude towards the more astral bound practices, but proved herself a great fighter, to the point where her teacher asked help from former friends to make her learn some Kyujutsu techniques. At her birthday, she was sent to her first mission, simple stuff, sneak into an apartment, steal a betaware cyberarm stored in its original cache under this dude's bed, and get out. She did exactly that, and that was the first step taken towards becoming a true made woman.

In the following years, her superiors realized how much of a nightmare she could be on the field, and decided to let her loose way more often, resulting in more and more bloodshed on her hands, bloodshed that she for one welcomed, after all it was about protecting the interests of her family.

In one of those more gruesome jobs, she was supposed to be part of the support team that overlooked a particularly hot negotiation between the russians and some members of the Triads. It all happened so quickly, someone taking something out of his pocket, Katerina putting an arrow through his skull, and all hell breaking loose in a second. They were outnumbered in that firefight, but somehow, probably out of sheer survival instinct, the adept managed to kill much of the opposing force, as did one of theirs. Only a single person standing on each side of the room, her, and a man with an AK, paler then the others. He knows his mag is empty, so instead of reloading, starts to run towards her at breakneck speed, she has no time to react, and is quickly overwhelmed by the man, who, much to her surprise, sinks his teeth deep into her neck. She had no way of defending herself against the overwhelming strenght of the assailant, who maybe out of a twisted desire of vengeance for his dead comrades, maybe out of sheer hunger or as a pure act of evil, drained her empty and left her for dead.

Turns out, she survived, but, well, she was not the same.

The following days were the worst of her life, reduced to the state of a feral beast, hunting down anyone who dared to enter her hunting grounds. Innocent bystanders? KE officiers? Vory comrades? She doesn't know or remember (nor she wants to remember) who and how many people she killed in that time frame. When she was back at thinking straight, that experience deeply marked and traumatized her, to the point where she felt compelled to meditate on what her life meant now, and reconsider all her values and alliances.

After two months of pondering, she decided that the Vory wasn't responsible for what happened, and were the only family she had left, and thus remained in their ranks, however, she cut the number of works she would partake in, favoring a solo career. And as for how to live as a banshee, she decided to return to the roots, to her lifestyle from when she was still naive and hopeful. So she left her house behind, and came back to the streets, hoping for the World to show her the way. After some months, she is still looking for purpose, but has a name, "Koschei", The Undying King of Russian floklore, and a code to prevent her from descending into a beast, to only drink for those she kills for the jobs, and only kill those who deserve it.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Infected: Banshee
  • Despite her struggling with accepting her new reality, the HMHVV has undeniably improved her capabilities, sharpening her already great senses and reaction times, and providing her with the blessings of being dual natured.
Dual Natured Defender
  • For how much it pains her to sever her connection with the World for even a minute, it is sometimes a necessity in the day to day life of the Sixth World.
Made (Wo)man (Vory)
  • If a bit far from the stereotype associated with the organization, Koschei is about as Vory as it gets: she respects the codes, she obeys her orders, and she is merciless when needed
Perfect Time
  • Maybe it is the magic, maybe it is just natural talent, but Koschei can really make every millisecond count


Code of Honor: Avenging Angel
  • If you hurt her or her family, she will absolutely, positevily, annihilate you. But she still has a hard time killing those who don't deserve it
Combat Junkie
  • Despite her spiritualist demeanor, Koschei is a fighter at heart, and would never dream to leave a good chance to prove herself
Hobo With A Shotgun
  • Koschei swears that being one with the streets is a way towards enlightenment, but most of her friends would really appreciate if she showered every once in a while

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.




Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Boozeman 1 1 Networking Barkeep Paranoid, A quiet place, Spelunker, I know where you can find him Even
Our Lady of the Perpetual Saturday 2 1 Networking Influencer, Not A Cult Leader It's Always Friday Night Somewhere, A Rare Medium (Who Does Well), Good Vibes Only, Life of the Party Even
Svyeta 4 3 Fixer(G,K,A,N) Fixer Magic Tradition (Chaos), Foci (Qi), Yakuza Pariah, Common Sense, Vory Boyevik, Kyujutsu Enthusiast, Magical Threats Even
Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location
Vory Shestyorka 3 1 Organised Crime Syndicate Maintaining Worldwide




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

The most important symbolism for Koschei is, of course, the one associated with the Vory. She bears many of their tattoos:

  • A St Mary holding Jesus on the back, because she is a criminal since she was a child
  • A skull fitted with a cybereye and a small dragon circling around it, because she is an assassin and has killed both augmented and awakened targets
  • A pair of small blue eyes on the ribs, in the left side of her chest, signaling her homosexuality. It used to be a mark of shame in soviet times, but she chose to make it herself and bears it with pride
  • Two sets of letters on the fingers, "ОМУТ" on the right (acronym of от меня уйти трудно, or it is hard to escape from me) and "МИР" on the left (меня исправит расстрел, "only execution will correct me", it means that she will never stop being a criminal)

But, after the infection, and her consequential newfound spirituality, she also plans on marking her body with the symbols of traditional alchemy, which as been a certainty in the chaos that is now her life:

  • The "air" symbol, on the back of her right hand, acting as a Qi Focus (Improved Skill: Archery)

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 An elf mysad
3 An elf mysad with Vory ties, that likes to be sneaky and uses a bow
6 Same as above, but with mentions about her being actually a banshee, and pictures of gruesome scenes of murders, with lots of corpses reduced to ashes and, invariably, a single individual left without even the tiniest amount of blood in their veins, and an arrow that pierces their skull, to avoid them rising up as infected.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 A sneaky bastard that shoots enchanted arrows
3 A mysad infiltrator and fighter that despite having lots of moral codes is quick and efficient
5 An idealist mysad banshee that when is not begging some poor talislegger for some free reagents or picking pointless fights with drunk wageslaves is actually a reliable ninja and alchemist

Assensing Table

Threshold Description
1 Awakened, almost perfect health. Moodwise it's either incredibly cheerful or a rage fueled murder machine, no inbetweens.
2 No cyberware. Her aura is shifting between pink and green hues, and carrying some power.
3 No alpha cyberware. Infected with HMHVV strain I. Her aura has some slight darker regions that fade into small black dots
4 No beta cyberware nor bioware. Essence and magic both at a clean 6
5 No genemods, nor anything, she is completely implat free! HMHVV is still taking hold, and as of now it is tempting to put her anabolism in overclock (regeneration?)


SIN Issuer Rating Licenses
Lena Tolsoj UCAS 4 Adept, Magician, Weapons


Koschei is a 1,93 ('6'5) elf woman, with pale skin and two eerily golden eyes. She sports a bob cut of clearly dyed pink hair, and most usually black nail polish


Very punk but unkept. Given her lifestyle, frequent washings and changes are not an option, so she mostly uses a piece of clothing for as long as it lasts. The lone exception is her ballistic mask, a gift from a friend of hers that inscribed it with runes that evoke luck and strenght.

Matrix Persona

Whatever is the default setting on her commlink

Media Mentions
