Logan Sionndel

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Logan Sionndel
Il 340x270.3759305043 bjly.png
The Mage Assassin
The Crimson Alpine
Carrier of sniper 'Rose'
Has Incredible PTSD
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.November 14th, 2046
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - D
Resources - C
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


Logan Sionndel, also known as Scarlet Bloom, is an Ex-Soldier for an unknown unit, and after his retirement, his SIN was burned up, leaving him SINless. Stuck in the shadows with flashbacks and an intense desire for that combat that he had fallen in love with during his time as a soldier, he decided to take up a new life, one of an Assassin, and decided that one day, simply seeing the crimson shine of his rifle's scope would be able to strike fear into anyone he came across.


A damaged brain, and an awakened mind makes it pretty hard to sleep peacefully at night. As a part of his normal runs, he also searches for a way to undo this critical injury he had received... even if it means giving up the powers that he had become so accustomed to. Being able to finally close his eyes without seeing images of a bloody battlefield would be like heaven to him, so he keeps fighting on said battlefield until it needs him no more, and he can finally abandon it for good.


    I couldn’t think, there was a ringing in my ears from the destruction surrounding me. Bullets ricocheted off of concrete, bounced off of lead helmets, and pierced through my allies’ skulls and chests. I never looked back at them, I just kept pulling the trigger, then the chamber, and so on so forth. I rained bullet after bullet onto those invaders, ruthless and cunning with each tug of that lethal trigger. I know the pull strength by memory. Point-five pounds, the lightest there is. I continued this for… I can’t even tell, when something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention… a single blue-winged butterfly, fluttering in the war zone. It landed gently onto the scope of my rifle, and I couldn’t help but look at it, and that’s when a bullet zinged through my scope and into my- 

    My hand slapped the alarm clock on the side of my bed, and I groaned as I combed a hand through my hair. A strand of that azure fluff sprung out as always as I got up, stretching my body and feeling my bones all pop back into place. Another nightmare. The meds were working less and less every day. Not like it wasn’t expected, being awakened makes it harder for that stuff to help anything mentally. 

     “Busy night?” I turned my head to look at the scarlet red rifle on my wall, lines glowing on the barrel as it spoke to me. “How long was I out this time, Rose?”

“About twelve hours. Say what you want about it, but it’s making sure you get the rest you need.”
“Oh shut up, I would rather get four hours of sleep only if it meant I could sleep peacefully at all.” I sighed as I rubbed the last of the sleep out of my eyes, staring into my bedroom mirror at my messy face and rat’s nest I called hair. I opened up my closet to toss my usual cap on, followed by a long red trench coat I’ve become far too familiar with. I looked over to the rifle, Rose, and opened my mouth to speak. But she beat me to it.
“Who’s next on our list?”

Narrative Significant Qualities



Combat Junkie and Poor Self-Control (Thrill Seeker)
The desire for adrenaline is strong, like an addiction to a drug that you cannot control as it runs rampant in your own body. Having been at the top as an elite, he is used to the thrill that fighting brings, and can't help but rush in whenever he can, despite the usual limitations his rifle causes range-wise... but even the best of the best die like the rest...

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Tangerine DreamsDraknic27 February 2084



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result




Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

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