User:Terry Amburgey

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[[User:{{{Terry Amburgey}}}|{{{Terry Amburgey}}}]]'s Character Portal

GM Style

Declining at Meet

It seems that there are frequently more players applying for slots in a run than there are slots. If someone applies, is accepted, and then turns down the job they have denied someone else the chance to play and leaves the other players short-handed. I don't like that.

Sabotage a Job

You don’t want to do the job or want to sabotage it ? Go for it ! It is something that could lead to really good scene in my opinion. Just send me a little private message when you want to do so because I’ll need to figured it out. Also if the whole team is not okay with that but a runner want to really give it a try and that try could lead to PVP, all the players will need to agree because everyone live will be at risk.

I will sometimes except the runners to actually sabotage a job when it come to running for really bad people but well some like to get some dirty money.

Seriousness Level

Shadowrun is a serious universe and I like to play around that. Lighthearted moment would be a thing but most of the thing that I like to run involved professional and or pretty bad people that actually do bad thing. So I guess that the runner will become the main source of “non-serious” moment and I’m totally fine with that !

Fair warning grim stuff could happen on the run and I’ll usually mention the stuff that could happen on the run or as a consequence of the run.

Consequences and Failure

The bigger they are, the harder they fall, Who dares wins. Those kind of motto are a pretty good clue about how I play around consequences and failures. I will be more leniant when a well prepared action fail, than a daring one. Lack of common sense will be punished like everywhere but as much as I will punish a failed daring action, the good consequences will be equal.