Ignorant to the Flame

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Ignorant to the Flame
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
No Significant Harassment


The trio of runners are called to a Cafe in Redmond. The man inside offers them a simple job: Return a book to a library and make sure nobody knows that is what you're doing.


  • they meet the J
  • he's totally offline
  • Get the book delivered please
  • the drone stays with the J
  • team goes to the place, and figures out a plan of attack:
  1. matrix the area
  2. figure out defenses
  3. find matrix host or PAN and edit the logs, make it easy to be snuck into
  • They find the decker protecting the tech in the location is a technomancer.
  • They knock him out.
  • Sneak in with the help of Cascade
  • The matrix actions go too hard and alert the guards subtly
  • guards investigate and put opreasure on Denarii
  • Denarii and the hackers manage to get enough distractions for the job to go off with most hitches.
  • Cascade crashes her car, and Denarii almost dies.
  • Hearing the run went well, the J drops 3 credsticks and leaves
  • NSH drone cant take them, so a cafe worker took one and ran
  • they followed their commlink but it was discarded on a truck
  • they vow to get the credstick back

Outcome: Run went without a hitch, distractions obfuscated the book placement and Teruhori Nonohori is pleased.

Notes: The mage never spotted them, somehow The signatures were removed technomancer not killed, zero deaths the steal was obfucscated by stealing other medical supplies


Terunori Nonohori is a mysterious man who never exits his armor. Some people have said that he's got an eight pack, others are saying he isn't a human at all, and has no head! But either way, he's here now, and he has a mission: Deliver this mysterious and dangerous book to a local library for... some reason.

The Meet

The Plan

The Run



Run Rewards for "Ignorant to the Flame" 16 RVP For Funk and Denarii

  • 12,ooo Nuyen 6 RVP
  • 8 Karma 8 RVP
  • 4+2 CDP 2 RVP

For No Significant Harassment

  • 10 Karma
  • 12+2 CDP

Optional for everyone:

  • Focused Concentration at gen rates, 4 RVP a level
  • Story hook: Did I just work for the Black Lodge????

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)