Lemon's GM Style Sheet

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About Me

Username "Lemon" (bandit.of.dust) on Discord.

I am currently a new GM on the Shadowhaven community, with several years of hosting experience across many systems and genres. I know Shadowrun 5E quite well and I am able to handle and present a wide variety of challenges across the gamut of systems this roleplaying core represents—this said, I don't know every rule or feature, so do bear with me if necessary. Additionally, I like to think of myself as a very patient person who doesn't mind taking things slow and steady, so please, take your time.

My pronouns are he/him.

Game Style


The thematic mood of my games hovers at around the midway point of seriousness and silliness; the Sixth World is not a good world to live in, a place where the powerful exploit the weak and rampant disregard for one's fellow meta-human has created a society of marginalization and waste. But at the same time, it is a silly world where silly things happen, where pixies do drive-bys on slavic gangster rappers and people unload their machine pistols on the subway over a "trog" slur. In short, in the games I create, silly people do serious things, and sometimes serious people do silly things—and it is up to the players to figure out how to deal.


The runs I design follow a traditional schema, and players will need to cover the weaknesses that the traditional "roles" specialize in, to account for the full gamma of Shadowrun: Magical threats will always be present in some form, even if it is not a Run focused on the arcane, and the Matrix is an inescapable factor in the Sixth World that cannot be easily ignored. What's more, while wit and a silver tongue can carry one far, violence lurks behind every shadow, and even a Face would do well to know how to at least handle a pistol. This is not to say my Runs all require one Face, one Samurai, one Mage and one Decker, but every Run should at least come up with a convincing way to deal with Astral threats, Matrix threats, and meatspace threats.


In the Runs I create, challenge in some form or another is inevitable; sharp wit and dilligent planning will absolutely be helpful or sometimes necessary, but there will always be some manner of trepidation or obstacle in the character's way to victory. While certainly not every Run will be brutal, it is my belief that a character shines greatest when I test their mettle.


Hosting Style

My Runs will take place over Roll 20 for maps, dice rolls and text, and with Discord for voice chat. In-Character conversation from my end is going to be carried out through text, while I will be handling OOC and general communication through voice chat. I allow my players any method they wish that makes them comfortable, and I am used to having certain players who only communicate through text or only communicate through voice, though IC through text is preferable so as to keep a record.

Pick Policy

I will attempt to form a group with some manner of cohesion, but I do not have any hard rules or schema to pick certain people over others at this time.

Declining the Run

Hard-selling Mr. Johnson, haggling or otherwise doing negotiation maneuvers are allowed, but the Run will always take place. If any player wishes to completely deny partaking on the Run for whatever reason, then they are free to leave; this said, if the Run seems disagreeable from the very beginning, then I humbly but firmly ask to avoid participation in the first place.


It is my responsibility as Game Master to make victory attainable, but not to make it simple. However, failure is not final, and there is always a path to victory. If things go bad, and mistakes are made, center yourself and analyze the situation: things will almost never be truly hopeless. It is in the cusp of defeat that you can show me what you're made of. In general I try to avoid player fatalities, though there may be times where the player must choose to burn edge as a final line of defense... though if they choose to let go, that is also their right. Simply know that I am absolutely willing to discuss lasting consequences after the game in order to avoid out-and-out death.


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