Vexing Vtuber Vexperience

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Vexing Vtuber Vexperience
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Lady Argentum



The Meet

The team, knowing where SAPI was located, and they head to the location from various locations such as Tacoma, Downtown, or their car.

  • Hotdog offers to buy a kidney from Minerva
  • Casey Coates is standing on top of the table posing in a Shakespearian way
  • The runners try to take her with them
  • Trades and Hotdog do a performance that puts Case's to shame, and she gets dejected, but is able to be talked to for the meet.
  • she also asks the runners for a stage name
  • * Argentum says "none" and gets annoyed
  • * Trades suggests "Jack"
  • Casey Coates pulls out a gun and calls it an "acting aid" and the team flips out, Argentum disarms her. Trades empties the gun, shaking her head as she finds it fully loaded. Trades mentions that Casey should stay in character, as gangsters always practice gun safety. Argentum shakes her head, saying under her breath that "I can't believe I have to spend a day with her."
  • Casey says that she wants to rob a convenience store to get into characters, but the team is quick to say "NO", offering different suggestions for crimes to commit.
  • Argentum says if she wants to commit a crime, Casey can use her knife to harm ARgentum, and Casey says "No! Crimes are about the friends you made along the way!"
  • trades has a plan...

The Plan

  • Trades suggests they have a clinic they could fake rob
  • Hotdog suggests she has a friend who could benefit from stolen medical supplies
  • Lady Argentum languishes the idea

The team settles on various small FAKE crimes to commit, no person or civilian getting hurt in any way shape or form. Casey was very clear she does not want civilians or innocents hurt.

The Run

Casey is given a vial of Novacoke to sell to "tall dark and spooky." Casey does so, rolling 0 on two dice for acting to sell novacoke. This frustrates "tall dark and spooky" who just gives her 5 nuyen to go away. She immediately pours out the novacoke. With leadership from the trio, including words of encouragement from Trades, it seems that she's clearly inspired to do more. Through magic, luck, and charisma, Casey proves in an obscene performance, that she has the chops, just needs a push in the right direction.

After the dust settles, hotdog suggests they get a motel to plan their adventures further, and Casey agrees. The gang decides to load up Trades' truck with fake gear to be robbed, fooling Casey into committing a fake crime. Hotdog calls uh Edrahil Starflower In order to buy some gear to convincingly fill up the back of Trades' truck.

  • Lardy Argentum decides to stick close to Casey in order to protect them, acting on the lookout
  • Trades acts as the decker to steal the truck back from the driver
  • Hotdog pretends to be the truck driver, driving the convoy

The team starts a display of acting to play and make it look like the robbery was real; that is, until a REAL team of thieves show up to rob the truck full of medical supplies. That being said, the crew is easily dissuaded by Argentum chopping one of them in half and then forcing them to flee in terror.

After leaving, the enemy gangers do not return, allowing the team to finish their robbery in peace.



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


This was a nice relaxing bit. Casey was pretty fun to be around and I'm really glad that we got to put together that show for her. Hopefully her career goes well and she doesn't try pulling off one of these on her own.